curriculum vitae

Vlad Alexandru Ionescu, MD, PhD
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth:
Marital status:
Home Address:
Work Address:
6th of March 1982
married; one child.
Str. Narcisei 8, Giroc 307220, Jud. Timis, Romania.
Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare, Str. Gheorghe Adam, nr.13A,
Timisoara, Jud. Timis, Romania.
Phone numbers: +4 0722221802 (mobile)
+4 0256498328 (home)
+4 0256207355 (work)
 29th of October 2012: graduated the PhD School of University of Medicine and
Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania, with the thesis « Vascular
compliance and cardio-metabolic risk », under the supervision of prof. dr.
Stefan I. Dragulescu
15th of November 2009 : admission as a cardiovascular surgery resident,
National Competition held in Bucharest, Romania
3rd of December 2007: graduated the Faculty of General Medicine, University
of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania.
Professional activity:
From 4th of October 2011 until present: universitary assistant at Cardiovascular
Surgery Department, The University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”
Timisoara, Romania: teaching activity with 4th year medical students
From 1st of January 2010 until present: resident of cardiovascular surgery at
The Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timisoara, Romania
25th of February 2008 – 3rd of October 2011: universitary assistant in The
Preventive Cardiology and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department, The
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Romania:
teaching activity with 6th year medical students.
 1st July 2011-31 August 2013: training stage in Cardiac Surgery and
Echocardiography, at Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology Department, San
Gaudenzio Clinic, Novara, Italy.
 1st July 2010-30 June 2011: one year of training stage in General Surgery, at IInd
General Surgery Clinic, Emergencies County Hospital Timisoara, Romania.
 1st January 2010-30 June 2010: six months of training stage in Cardiac Surgery,
at Cardiac Surgery Clinic, Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timisoara,
 1st October-31 December 2006: participant at courses and lessons (Erasmus
program) of the first semester from the sixth year of Medical School, at
“Universita degli studi di Bari “, Italy; all exams passed with the maximum score
 1-31 August 2006: participant in an IFMSA scholarship (International
Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) at the Department of Internal
Medicine of the Semmelweis Egyetem Hospital, Budapest, Hungary.
 1-31 August 2003: participant at the project “Human Body Composition”
(IFMSA scholarship), at the Anatomy Department of the Faculty of Medicine
NoviSad, Serbia.
Professional Experience:
 June 2012: attended the course “La Cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva: dalla
valutazione ecocardiografica alla terapia chirurgica”, held at Clinica San
Gaudenzio, Novara, Italy.
 May 2012: attended the course “Dall’ecocardiografia delle complicanze
dell’infarto, alla terapia chirurgica”, held at Casa di Cura San Gaudenzio, Novara,
 March 2012: attended the course “Dalla diagnostica della valvola mitrale alla
chirurgia conservativa”, held at Casa di Cura San Gaudenzio, Novara, Italy
 January 2012: attended the course “Dalla diagnostica della valvola aortica alla
chirurgia conservativa”, held at Casa di Cura San Gaudenzio, Novara, Italy
 April 2011: attended the 12th symposium of IASGO and 2nd Congress of EuroAsian Transplantation Society, held in Bucharest, Romania.
 November 2010: attended the 5th Romanian-Serbian Surgical Conference held in
Timisoara, Romania
 May 2010: attended the 7th International Congress of Central European Vascular
Forum, in Timisoara, Romania
 August 2009: participated in the 4th European Atherosclerosis Society Summer
School on Risk Factors and Atherosclerosis in Hamburg, Germany
April 2009: attended the First Conference “Bilateral Cooperation of Doctoral
Schools Timisoara-Szeged, an European Model for Setting up a Doctoral Program
in The Medical Field”, held in Timisoara Romania.
 September 2008: attended the courses: “How to Improve: Advanced Training
Program in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Training” and “How to set up and
run a Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Training Program”, organized by
European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, held in
Bern, Switzerland.
 May 2008: attended at the National Conference of the Study Groups for
Atherothrombosis, Preventive Cardiology organized by The Romanian Society of
Cardiology, held in Brasov, Romania.
 May 2006: attended the Romanian-German Symposium of Endocrinology, held
in Timisoara, Romania.
 July 2005: Winner of The Young Investigator Award, for the scientific paper :
“Metabolic Syndrome in CABG Patients and its Vascular Consequences” at the
Second International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL: Role in
Cardiovascular Disease and The Metabolic Syndrome, held in New York, U.S.A.
 May 2005: participant with the scientific paper “HDL Cholesterol Behavior in
Diabetes Women and the individualized exercise training in the secondary
prevention of coronary artery disease”, at the International Congress for
Students and Young Doctors”, held in Timisoara, Romania.
Published Scientific Papers:
 “New Vascular Markers for Approaching Cardiovascular Risk Stratification”.
Abstract Book of 80th EAS Congress. Milan, Italy. 2012.
 “Reinforced primary care improved the adherence to lifestyle change
recommendations in EuroAspire III Romania follow-up”. European Heart Journal.
Vol 32. Supplement 1. August 2011.
 “Giant left ventricular aneurysm. Contrast echocardiographic study”. Timisoara
Medical Journal. Vol 60. Numbers 2-3. 2010.
 “Surgical Approach of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms”. Journal of Experimental
Medical Surgical Research. Year XVII. Suppl. 1/2010
 “Bilateral Kinking of Carotid arteries and vertebral arteries”. Journal of
Experimental Medical Surgical Research. Year XVII. Suppl. 1/2010
 “Surgical Approach of the Carotid Lesions at the Multi-Vessel Diseased Patients”.
Journal of Experimental Medical Surgical Research. Year XVII. Suppl. 1/2010
 “Vascular compliance and left ventricle diastolic dysfunction in metabolic
syndrome patients”. Abstract Book of Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.
Edmonton, Canada. October 24-28, 2009.
“Pulse Wave Velocity - Its Implications in Stratifying Cardiovascular Disease
Prevention Measures in Patients with Coronary Angioplasty”. Timisoara Medical
Journal. Vol 59. Number 1. 2009.
“After PTCA: is there justified the initiation of a comprehensive cardiovascular
rehabilitation program?”. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. Suppl. to vol.2/number
5S/October 2008.
“Pulse Wave Velocity after Exercise Test and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment”.
Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vol.3/No.4/2008.
“Environmental Factors and Cardiovascular Risk in Young Individuals”. Romanian
Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol.46/No.1/2008.
“Physical Training Efficiency on Life Quality Evaluation by Duke Activity Status
Index Questionnaire in Patients after Aortic Valve Replacement”. Romanian
Journal of Cardiology. Vol XXIII. Suppl. A. 2008.
“Physical Training Efficiency on Life Quality Evaluation by Short Form 36
Questionnaire in Patients after Aortic Valve Replacement”. Romanian Journal of
Cardiology. Vol XXIII. Suppl. A. 2008.
“Pulse Wave Velocity-criteria for the Individualization of Preventive Measures in
Coronary Stented Patients”. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and
Rehabilitation. Suppl. Euro Prevent Congress. Paris, France. May 1-3, 2008.
“Metabolic Syndrome Patients with CABG and its Vascular Consequences”.
Abstract Book of Second International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL: Role
in Cardiovascular Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome. New York, U.S.A. July 14
-17, 2005.
“The Effects of Phase II of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation on Lipids and
Lipoproteins in Diabetic Patients with and without Symptomatic Coronary Artery
Disease”. Abstract Book of Second International Symposium on Triglycerides and
HDL: Role in Cardiovascular Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome. New York,
U.S.A. July 14-17, 2005.
“Diabetic Women HDL Cholesterol Behavior and Exercise Training
Individualization in Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease”. Abstract
Book of Second International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL: Role in
Cardiovascular Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome. New York, U.S.A. July 1417, 2005; Timisoara Medical Journal. Vol.55. Suppl.4. 2005.
Foreign languages:
 English: speaking, writing, reading (advanced)
 Italian: speaking, writing, reading (advanced)
 French: speaking, reading (low intermediate).
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