* non-HDHP = indicates any coverage that is not an IRS qualified benefit set. ** HDHP = indicates an IRS qualified CDHP. At Willmar School only the $3125 deductible plan is a qualified CDHP Husband: No Husband: Self- Husband: Self- Husband: Husband: coverage of any only non-HDHP only HDHP Family nonFamily HDHP kind coverage * coverage HDHP coverage* coverage* Wife: No No HSA! No HSA! H is eligible to No HSA! H is eligible to coverage of any Neither H nor W Neither H nor W contribute to an Neither H nor W contribute to an kind is eligible to is eligible to HSA up to is eligible to HSA up to contribute to an contribute to an single contribute to an family HSA HSA contribution HSA contribution maximum. W is maximum. W is not eligible to not eligible to contribute to an contribute to an HSA. HSA. Wife: Self-only No HSA! No HSA! H is eligible to No HSA! H is eligible to non-HDHP Neither H nor W Neither H nor W contribute to an Neither H nor W contribute to an coverage is eligible to is eligible to HSA up to is eligible to HSA up to contribute to an contribute to an single contribute to an family HSA HSA contribution HSA contribution maximum. W is maximum. W is not eligible to not eligible to contribute to an contribute to an HSA. HSA. Wife:Self-only W is eligible to W is eligible to Both H and W Neither H nor W Both H and W HDHP coverage contribute to an contribute to an are eligible to is eligible to are eligible and HSA up to HSA up to contribute to an contribute to an treated as single single HSA up to the HSA, unlessW having only contribution contribution single is not covered family maximum. H is maximum. H is maximum by H's family coverage. Their not eligible to not eligible to contribution non-HDHP. In maximum contribution to contribution to limit for each. that case, W is contribution is an HSA. an HSA. eligible to the family limit contribute to an to be divided HSA up to the between them. single contribution maximum. Wife:Family No HSA! No HSA! Neither H nor W No HSA! Neither H nor W non-HDHP Neither H nor W Neither H nor W is eligible to Neither H nor W is eligible to coverage* is eligible to is eligible to contribute to an is eligible to contribute to an contribute to an contribute to an HSA, unless H contribute to an HSA, unless H HSA HSA is not covered HSA is not covered by W's family by W's family non-HDHP. In non-HDHP. In that case, H is that case, H is eligible to eligible to contribute to an contribute to an HSA up to the HSA up to the single family contribution contribution Wife:Family HDHP coverage* maximum. W is eligible to W is eligible to Both H and W contribute to an contribute to an are eligible and HSA up to HSA up to treated as family family having only contribution contribution family maximum. H is maximum. H is coverage. Their not eligible to not eligible to maximum contribution to contribution to contribution is an HSA. an HSA. the family limit to be divided between them. maximum. Neither H nor W Both H and W is eligible to are eligible. contribute to an Their maximum HSA, unless W contribution is is not covered the family limit by H's family to be divided non-HDHP. In between them. that case, W is eligible to contribute to an HSA up to the family contribution maximum.