Union College Winter 2014 Physics 120: Lab 7 The Ballistic Pendulum 1 Introduction In this experiment you will determine the muzzle speed of a gun using a setup called a ballistic pendulum. The ball will be fired into the ballistic pendulum (shown in Figure 1) and by measuring the angle that the pendulum rises and applying conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to analyze the collision and the pendulum swing, you will determine “the muzzle speed.” Figure 1: The ballistic pendulum apparatus Figure 2: A ball of mass, m, and speed, v, is caught by the pendulum, which swings up to an angle . 2 Derivation of Muzzle Speed from the Ballistic Pendulum A ball fired with a certain speed will get caught by the ballistic pendulum, which will then swing upward to some maximum angle, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Apply the proper conservation principles in the two events—the collision between ball and pendulum and the swing upward of the pendulum with ball--to derive an expression for v in terms of: the mass of the ball, m, the combined mass of the pendulum and ball, M, the length of the pendulum pivot point to the center of mass, Rcm, the strength of the gravitational field, g, and the maximum angle of the pendulum’s swing, θ. 3 The Experiment 1. Load and cock the launcher to medium range (2 clicks) 2. Let the pendulum hang at its vertical position and move the angle indicator to zero degrees. 3. Fire the launcher and note and record the angle reached. 4. Load the launcher, then set the angle indicator to an angle of 5o less than that reached in step 3. This will nearly eliminate the drag on the pendulum caused by the indicator, since the pendulum will only move the indicator the last few degrees. 5. Fire the launcher and record the angle reached by the pendulum. Try to estimate the angle to the nearest 1/2 degree. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, recording the angle each time, to get ten angle measurements. 7. Determine the average angle, the standard deviation of the angles, and the standard error (the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of points). Record the result as θ +Δθ. 8. Remove the pendulum from the base by unscrewing and removing the pivot axle. 9. Measure the mass of the pendulum and ball together, estimate the uncertainty, and record the result as M+ΔM. 10. Measure the mass of the ball, estimate the uncertainty, and record the result as m +Δm. 11. Determine the center of mass of the pendulum with the ball in it by balancing it on the edge of a ruler. Measure the distance from the pivot point to this balance point, estimate the uncertainty, and record it as Rcm +ΔRcm. 12. Perform the calculations discussed on the next page. 4. The Muzzle Speed and its Uncertainty Using the expression you derived in Section 2 and the data you obtained in 3, calculate the muzzle speed of the launcher. (Hints are provided in WebAssign). Also, determine the uncertainty in v from the uncertainties of your measurements and record the result as v+ Δv.