Grade Descriptors - Number Grade 1 Integers, Decimals, Powers

Grade Descriptors - Number
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Read, write and order integers up to and including 4 digit numbers
Order, add and substract positive and negative integers within context
Round whole numbers to the nearest 1000
Use the symbols < and >
Be able to use mental methods to find remainders after division
Be able to use mental methods to add and subtract integers
Use written methods to multiply and divide upto three-digit numbers by a single-digit
Grade 1
Multiply and divide whole numbers by powers of 10
Be aware of using the orders of operation
Understand and use inverse operations
Identify square numbers up to 102
By inspection, recognise odd and even numbers
Know the definition of a prime number and be able to list the first 10 prime numbers
Know the definition of multiples and be able to recognise multiples
Identify factors of 2-digit numbers
Fractions and Decimals
Use vocabulary associated with fractions such as numerator and denominator
Recognise simple fractions when illustrated on a shape
Write fractions to describe shaded parts of a shape or diagram
Use diagrams to find equivalent fractions
Use diagrams to compare fractions
Convert simple fractions into decimals (such as tengths and hundredths)
Recognise when fractions are equivalent
Be able to recognise descriptions of fractions and write down the corresponding fractions
(eg. write down the fraction "three quarters")
Grade 2
Find equivalent fractions through simplification
Find equivalent decimals
Calculate simple fractions of quantities
Be able to use written methods to add and subtract decimals with common denominators
Be able to convert simple metric units into imperial units
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Grade Descriptors - Number
Understand positive and negative numbers as positions on a number line
Be able to order, add and subtract positive and negative integers within context
Round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Round decimal numbers to one decimal place or nearest whole number
Multiply and divide 3-digit numbers by 2-digit integers
Be aware of and use the order of operators including simple brackets
Use inverse operations in the context of integers
Multiply any integer or decimal by powers of 10
Understand use decimal notation and place value
Identify square numbers up to 122
Identify square roots up to 122
Be able to proficiently use a calculator to find square roots
Be able to calculate and identify highest commfon factors and lowest common multiples in
simple scenarios
Fractions and Decimals
Multiply and divide decimals with up to two places by single-digit whole numbers
Understand the concepts of place value
Add and subtract simple fractions (up to those where there is an obvious calculation to
make the denominators the same)
Express one number as a fraction of another, including having to give their answer in it's
simplest form
Multiply fractions by integers
Convert between metric units (eg. grams to kilograms)
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Be able to round to 2 decimal places when required
Round positive numbers to the power of 10 and decimals to the nearest integer
Add and subtract integers of any size using simple written notation
Use and apply the order of operations to more complex situations (including the use of
multiple brackets)
Grade 3
Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 0.1 and 0.01
Be able to use positive and negative square roots, cube and cube roots
Use index notation for small positive integer powers
Be able to find prime factors of a number (prime factor decomposition)
Fractions and Decimals
Grade Descriptors - Number
Be able to add and subtract any decimal numbers (including those with differing amounts
of decimal places)
Be able to recognise and convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions
Comfortably multiply integers by fractions (including those where they must convert from
a mixed number prior)
Be able to use a calculate the enter fractions and use it to carry out simple calculations
involving fractions
Use written division methods to convert a fraction to a decimal
Recognise recurring decimals can be illustrated as fractions (not required to be able to
convert from recurring decimals to fractions at this point)
Order fractions in ascending and descending order, including those which have different
Order decimals in ascending and descending order, including those which have a differing
number of decimal places
Use inequality signs to show comparisons between two fractions, two decimals, and one
fraction and one decimal
Convert a fraction to a decimal to make calculations easier
Convert recurring decimals to fractions
Be aware that rounding during intermediate calculations can significantly affect the
accuracy of an answer
Know that division is multiplicative inverse
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Use and understand the order of operations including powers
Use rounding to provide estimates to an answer
Use rounding to give solutions to an appropriate degree of accuracy, even if not
specifically requested
Grade 4
Be able to round decimals to any given accuracy
Recognise equivalences between 0.1, 1/10 and 10-1
Recall from memory the cubes of 1,2,3,4,5 and 10.
Use index notation for integer powers
Know and use the simple index laws for multiplication and division of positive integer
Recognise the index law when numbers are raised to the power of zero
As well as being able to prime factors of a number, be able to write answers using index
Be able to find the lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest common factor (HCF) using
Grade Descriptors - Number
Venn Diagrams and Prime Factors
Convert any numbers in standard form
Convert out of standard form
Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers that are written in standard form
Be able to enter and use a calculator when working with standard form
Fractions and Decimals
Be able to divide by decimals by converting to division by an integer (eg. 6 ÷ 0.2 is the
equivalent to 60 ÷ 2)
Add and subtract any mixed fractions
Divide mixed numbers by whole numbers
Multiply mixed number fractions
Understand the term reciprocal and be able to find reciprocals of any integer, decimal or
Know that any (non-zero) number multiplied by it's reciprocal with give an answer of 1
Multiply mixed number fractions
Apply the concepts of pie charts and knowing that each sector on a pie chart is equivalent
to a fraction of an amount
Divide a fraction by a fraction
Be able to convert simple recurring fractions into decimals using the division method
(such as 1/3 or 3/7)
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Use index notation including the use of negative powers
Be able to estimate the answer to square roots and cube roots (for example, the square
root of 70 must lie between 8 and 9)
Grade 5
Be confident simplifying fractional and negative powers by referring to relevant index laws
Find the LCM and HCF of a number when given the prime factorisation of each number
Fractions and Decimals
Be able to write down the upper and lower bounds of a number to a given degree of
Use upper and lower bounds in calculations
Comfortably be able to round to given decimal places or significant figures, including
applying bounds
Grade 6
Estimate answers to one and two step calculations with the use of rounding numbers
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Grade Descriptors - Number
Recall index factors such as n0, fractional powers (integers to the power of a half and a
Understand the definition of a surd
Be able to work with surd notation and be able to simplify surds into their simplest form
Decompose surds into their simplest form, for example √12 = 2√3
Be able to multiply simple surds, for example √16 × √4 = 8
Fractions and Decimals
Convert a fraction to a recurring decimal
Convert a recurring decimal to a fraction
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Solve complex problems using index laws
Without the use of a calculator, find the value of problems involving positive, fractional
and negative indices
Grade 7
Rationalise simple fractions with a surd in the denominator (eg. 3 / √3)
Fractions and Decimals
Be able to write the denominator in terms of its prime factors, figure out if a fraction can
be converted to a recurring or absolute decimal.
Use upper and lower bounds in calculations such as area, perimeter and within fractions
where the a combination of bounds may be required
Integers, Decimals, Powers, Indices and Surds
Grade 8-9
Understand the definition of a rational and irrational number
Use rational and irrational numbers in context
Use surds in complex calculations, including
Simplifying large surds
Rationalise more complex denominators eg. 1/(2 + √3)