OBSERVATION TOOLS Academic Oral Output Student Observation Tool Symbol Oral output should have or be Notes Clear, original, & whole messages focused on lesson objective and disciplinary thinking Ideas are organized and sentences are logically linked Uses target language (e.g., language of text(s)) Uses appropriate intonation, stress, emphasis, pauses, and nonverbal cues (eyes/body) Constructive Conversation Student Observation Tool Symbol Interactions should have or be Notes Focused on learning objectives (language, thinking, content) Shared building on and building up of idea{s) (using: Creation, Clarification, Fortification, Negotiation) Original turns with two or more linked sentences, when needed Nonverbals (eyes/body) and Norms (back-and-forth, etc.) © From Zwiers, O’Hara, & Pritchard (2014). Common Core Standards in diverse classrooms: Essential practices for developing academic language and disciplinary literacy. Stenhouse. | ALDNetwork.org | May be copied for classroom use. Math Reasoning & Argumentation Analysis Tool Symbol Students should Notes Uses representations (symbols, drawings, tables, graphs, equations, etc.) to describe the mathematical situation Keeps track of the meanings of the representations and their units (zooms out) (contextualizes) Argues and justifies claims with the reasoning features below. Effectively organize and link multiple sentences to clarify idea(s) © From Zwiers, O’Hara, & Pritchard (2014). Common Core Standards in diverse classrooms: Essential practices for developing academic language and disciplinary literacy. Stenhouse. | ALDNetwork.org | May be copied for classroom use.