Facial peels – different types and what they can do for you

Facial peels – different types and what they can do for you.
Recommended in series of 6 – 12 depending on skin type.
Services performed 7 – 14 days apart from each service for best results that you’ll love.
Call for consultation – 207-373-0751
Glycolic - Helps to modify wrinkles, dislodges comedones (clogged pores) and prevents further
formation. The impact from a facial peel on the dermis can lead to changes including synthesis
of new collagen.
Lactic – gives a greater level of hydration to the skin. Lactic acid is a tyrosinase inhibitor to
enhance skin whitening one of the best treatments for hyper pigmentation. Also speeds the
development of skin cells.
Salicylic – Dissolves keratinocytes topically (thick skin), resulting in more even skin texture.
Great for oily skin, dissolves comedones.