Agricultural Genetics Notesheet Name: Hour Date Assignment is due: C. Kohn, Waterford WI Date: Score: + ✓ - Why late? Day of Week Date If your project was late, describe why Wrap-up Score: + ✓ - 1. Do you think Locker’s traits and characteristics were more the result of genetics or of how he was raised? Explain: 2. What is a chromosome? 3. What percentage of chromosomes come from the mother? From the father? 4. Humans receive from their father. chromosomes from their mother and 5. Each chromosome has a a. All of all the in the body. together carry all the of the body. 6. Where are chromosomes found? 7. How many copies of each gene do you have? 8. Summarize the contributions of each of the following to our understanding of genetics: a. Darwin: b. Mendel: c. Watson & Crick: 9. Define breed: 10. Why were wild cattle originally domesticated and tamed? 11. Early cattle breeding occurred in places. Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited. 12. Why did specific breeds of cattle arise? What conditions caused one uniform species to become many different breeds? 13. Describe the kind of breed of cattle that would arise in the following circumstances: a. Cold harsh weather: b. Lush pastures: c. Scarce feed: 14. Describe the following breeds: a. Holstein: b. Jersey: c. Brown Swiss: d. Shorthorn: 15. What is natural selection? 16. What is artificial selection? 17. If you wanted to create a breed of cattle with a really long lifespan, how would you select for this trait? 18. Why did breed associations form? Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited. 19. What did Stephen Babcock create at UW-Madison? a. How did this affect genetics in dairy? 20. What is artificial insemination? a. How did AI change genetics? 21. What is heritability? 22. What does it mean that “milk yield” has a heritability of 0.30? 23. How can heritability be used by a producer to improve their herd’s genetics? 24. Describe the four factors that affect the genetic change of a herd: 25. What is Galton’s Law? 26. How does Galton’s Law make genetic change more difficult? Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited. Unit Wrap-up C. Kohn, Agricultural Sciences - Waterford WI Name: Hour Date Assignment is due: Thursday Day of Week Date: Score: + ✓ - Why late? Date If your project was late, describe why 1. Write the 3 topics that you found least easy to understand in this unit: 1_ 2_ 3_ 2. What are the 5 things you most need to review before taking your next quiz? 1_ 2_ 3 4_ 5_ 3. Create 3 high-level questions related to this material: 1_ 2_ 3_ 4. List 6 vocabulary words that you did not know before or have almost never used before: 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 5. What is a specific strategy that you have for remembering a specific item from this unit? _ A strategy is a pneumonic, rhyme, analogy, or other brain-based strategy. It is not an activity such as reviewing your notes, making cards, studying hard, etc. Copyright 2011 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.