Titolo del progetto Science and Technology in Italy for the upgraded ALMA Observatory - iALMA Ambito di intervento Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente Fabbrica del futuro e Made in Italy ICT e dispositivi sensoriali Physical science and engineering Struttura di riferimento del coordinatore INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Largo E. Fermi 5, 50125, Firenze Coordinatore di progetto Leonardo Testi ltesti@eso.org 00498932006541/00491704771742 INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica di Bologna Via P. Gobetti, 101, 40129 - Bologna INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S.Sofia 78, 95123 Catania INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia Via P. Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna INAF-Sede Centrale Viale del Parco Mellini 84, 00136 ROMA Altri EPR coinvolti Altri soggetti coinvolti Alma Mater Universita’ di Bologna Viale Berti-Pichat 6/2 – 40127 Bologna Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze Largo E. Fermi 2, 50125 Firenze Universita’ degli Studi di Catania Viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania Descrizione breve del progetto viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it The goal of iALMA is to consolidate the scientific, technological and industrial involvement in Italy, as a member state of ESO, in the largest ground based infrastructure for the observation of the Universe currently in operation: the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA). With iALMA we will enhance the successful collaboration between research in astronomy, chemistry and microwave technology with the final goal of enhancing the scientific and technology return for Italy from ALMA. iALMA will develop a prototype ALMA Band 2 receiver using mainly Italian technology and components; will develop a new Obiettivi del progetto Linea di intervento experimental setup in the Catania laboratory to study the process of complex organic molecules formation in astrophysical ices and compare with the ALMA observations. iALMA will also develop the Italian ARC node capabilities to support the scientific use of ALMA by the Italian astronomical community. A minor, but with potentially important industrial, strategic and “branding” impact, is the production of a feasibility study for green energy production for the AMA observatory. The main goals of iALMA are: 1. Develop the scientific use of ALMA via: the development of science programs and Science Case for ALMA upgrade; execute an integrated advanced training plan for the scientific and technical areas of the project; develop the expertise and capacity of the ARC node in Bologna to support the scientific use of ALMA. 2. Develop components, production, assembly and test of an ALMA Band 2 cartridge prototype. 3. Develop an innovative experimental setup in the Catania laboratory in order to execute experiments for the production of very rare complex organic molecules in astrophysical ices. 4. Develop a study on the possible options for substituting part of the energy production at the ALMA site based on fossil fuel consumption with green energy. iALMA also has the important objective to produce and distribute outreach proposal to promote the scopes and results to the public, funding agencies and the international partners. N.3. Programmi e/o progetti legati al potenziamento delle infrastrutture di ricerca esistenti che abbiano una valenza europea ed internazionale, anche in termini di impatto e che permettano di consentire la migliore partecipazione italiana ai programmi europei congiunti. Sono pertanto favorite quelle infrastrutture che: si autofinanziano almeno in parte attraverso servizi o altri progetti di ricerca; fanno parte di una rete europea; fanno parte di un ERIC o sono in procinto di divenirlo; coinvolgono altre organizzazioni pubbliche o private distribuite sul territorio nazionale; non hanno già altre fonti di finanziamento in corso del MIUR per la stessa annualità e tipologia di spesa o siano ad esse complementari. Criteri di valutazione: Sviluppo delle competenze viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it iALMA aims at developing in Italy expertise in the Grado di partecipazione di altri soggetti Attrazione investimenti e sostenibilità millimeter VLBI and polarimetric and observational techniques for ALMA, especially in the Band 2 (67-90 GHz), to develop microwave technologies and laboratory experiments on complex organic molecules. We expect that the expertise developed in the Italian ARC node, and more generally in the Italian scientific and technological community, will be an essential resource for the scientific exploitation of the participation in the ALMA project and to prepare the future upgrade projects. The expertise developed in the Italian industry in the development of components for microwave receivers will be a milestone for the innovation of the Italian enterprises in the strategic area of microwave devices. iALMA has as a main goal the involvement of the Italian industry in the production of components for ALMA, with the goal of improving future possible industrial return for the country, possibly also in the field of renewable energy production. We will implement a plan for advanced training to grow a group of young students and fellows that will be able to find jobs both in research institutes and in the industries nationally and internationally. We will award three PhD studentships (PhD in Astronomy, Physics or Chemistry) and six postdoctoral fellowships in the scientific and technical areas of iALMA during the first year. To develop the required expertise it is necessary to have a strong connection between scientific and technical research and training. iALMA achieves this building on the long standing collaboration between INAF institutes in Arcetri, Bologna and Catania and the local Universities. The participation in the project of professors from the three Universities allow us to develop an integrated education and training plan that is tightly connected and complementary to the curricula already available at the Universities at the various levels of education. The scientific and technological groups involved in iALMA are very closed connected with international partners. The iALMA project is the necessary step to keep and enhance the Italian involvement in the ALMA science and instrument development. The development of a Band 2 prototype cartridge will allow us to be ready for the full construction step in 2018 when the European ALMA Development budget at ESO will allow to viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it advance to the full production phase of the 73 receiver cartridges. This will eventually open an important opportunity for the Italian industries to be involved in the series production of the components and keep the Italian scientific and technical community engaged with the transformational science perspectives of the upgraded ALMA. The groups involved in iALMA have a proven track record in attracting external funding from both national and European sources. A significant fraction of the costs are guaranteed by INAF and other sources, especially for years 2,3 and 4 of the project. The preliminary design study of components for Band 2 has been partially financed by a contract with ESO. Team di progetto e governance The iALMA work plan is structured in 8 workpackages plus one management workpackage and uses effort and expertise from INAF and University personnel with international recognition, expertise and key roles in observational astrophysics, laboratory astrophysics and technology development for astronomical microwave observatories. The coordinator (Dr. L. Testi) is supported by two deputy coordinators, one with direct responsibility for receiver development (Dr. F. Villa) and one for direct responsibility for laboratory astrophysics (Dr. M.E. Palumbo). iALMA will have an oversight committee (External Advisory Board, EAB) advising INAF and the management team on the progress of the project. The proposed members of the EAB are four internationally reknown people with strong scientific, technical and managerial expertise in the areas covered by the iALMA project. The EAB will meet and review the status and viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it progress of the project annually, starting from the kickoff meeting of iALMA. The EAB will receive reports and presentations on the project at each meeting and will write a report for INAF and the management team. The iALMA project will use the administration, human resource management and IT support infrastructures of INAF. Women play a key role in iALMA, not only at the working level, but also in the management structure: one of the deputy coordinators and four out of eight workpackage leaders are women. Valore economico stimato e The total cost for the full four years of iALMA is 9.4ME, dimostrazione dei costi futuri di gestione of which approximately 30% is guaranteed by INAF and e manutenzione occorrenti per la vita the University partners. The largest investment is utile del progetto. Evidenziazione della concentrated in the first year of the project, with a cost of previsione di copertura e 4.8ME. The contribution that we request from the MIUR autofinanziamento. for the first year is 3.85ME and is primarily intended to acquire laboratory instrumentation and to produce prototype components using primarily Italian enterprises. The completion of the project will require to procure an additional 2.7ME distributed in the three remaining years. We plan to procure these funding through competitive grants applications like: future MIUR calls, ALMA Development Plan Studies supported by ESO, financing opportunities through European Community Framework Programmes (in collaboration with the international partners of the ALMA Band 2 consortium). Potenziali ulteriori coperture finanziarie A fraction of the future costs of the project (beyond the first year) could be obtained from external sources, like ESO support for ALMA Development Studies on the ALMA Band 2 receiver, European and Italian initiatives for the support of some specific areas (data analysis, viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it training, meetings organization, trips). The proponents have a long track record of success in obtaining resources through these channels. Status del progetto (nuovo, avviato, fasi New conclusive,..) Parole chiave proposte viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it 1. Astrophysics 2. Microwave technology 3. Laboratory astrophysics Stima dei costi di progetto Ammontare previsto Personale strutturato Formazione Consulenze scientifiche Altre prestazioni di terzi Attrezzature, strumentazioni e prodotti software Materiali Infrastrutture Spese generali Stages e missioni in Italia e all’estero Spese di pubblicizzazione Altri costi funzionali al progetto TOTALE viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it 828266 382750 5000 237000 Fonte FOE 7% COFIN Incidenza % Altre fonti di copertura 140000 688266 17.4% 355000 27750 8.0% 5000 0.1% 237000 5.0% 2670500 2503000 167500 56.2% 30000 60000 265000 25000 50000 265000 5000 10000 0.6% 1.3% 5.6% 95500 92500 3000 2.0% 1000 180000 4755016 1000 178000 3851500 2000 903516 <1% 3.8% 100% Organizzazione team di progetto In t er n at i on al ALMA Ban d 2 Con sor t i u m INAF Ext er n al Advi sor y Boar d Management Team Coor di n at or e L. Test i (INAF-OAAr cet r i ) Vi ce-Coor di n at or f or Recei ver Devel opmen t F. Vi l l a (INAF-IASFBol ogn a) Sci en ce Tr ai n i n g an d Su ppor t Man agemen t WP0 WP1 WP2 Man agemen t L. Test i (INAF-OAAr cet r i ) Sci en ce Wor ki n g Gr ou p M.E. Bel t r an (INAF-OAAr cet r i ) Advan ced Tr ai n i n g Pr of . L. Gr egor i n i (UNIBO) viale del Parco Mellini, 84 I – 00136 Roma tel. +39.06.335331 fax +39.06.35343154 e-mail: inaf@inaf.it www.inaf.it Vi ce-Coor di n at or f or Labor at or y Ast r oph ysi cs M.E. Pal u mbo (INAF-OACat an i a) Labor at or y Ast r oph ysi cs Recei ver Devel opmen t WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 ARC n ode devel opmen t M. Massar di (INAF-IRA) Ban d 2 Passi ve Compon en t s R. Nest i (INAF-OAAr cet r i ) Ban d 2 Car t r i dge Pr ot ot ypi n g F. Vi l l a (INAF-IASFBol ogn a) Labor at or y Ast r oph ysi cs M.E. Pal u mbo (INAF-OACat an i a) Gr een En er gy f or ALMA Ou t r each WP7 WP8 Gr een ALMA L. Test i (INAF-OAAr cet r i ) Ou t r each F. Rea (INAF-Mon t eMar i o)