World Meteorological Organization CAeM-MG/2015/Doc. 6 COMMISSION FOR AERONAUTICAL METEOROLOGY 8.V.2015 MANAGEMENT GROUP ITEM 6 Cape Town, South Africa 12-14 May 2015 English only CAeM OPERATING PLAN (Submitted by Secretariat) Summary and Purpose of Document This document discusses the tasks related to the preparation of the CAeM Operating Plan (2016-2019) as part of the WMO Organizationwide Strategic and Operating Plan. ACTION PROPOSED The Management Group (MG) is invited to formulate appropriate action for the preparation of the CAeM Operating Plan (2016-2019). _______________ References: 1. Cg-17 Doc 10.1 Rev.1 2. Cg-17 Doc 10.1(2) CAeM-MG/2015/Doc. 6, p. 2 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CAeM Operating Plan 2012-2015 1.1 The meeting reviewed its current Operating Plan which had been published in the WMO organization-wide Operating Plan: 1.2 MG agreed that the task included in the OP 2012-2015 were … [insert text based on the discussion]. WMO Strategic Plan 2016-2019 1.3 MG appreciated the fact that the draft WMO Strategic Plan for the next financial period 2016-2019, presented in Cg-17 Doc 10.1, maintained a strategic priority on aviation. The proposed new strategic priorities are as follows: (a) Disaster risk reduction: Improve the accuracy and effectiveness of impact-based forecasts and multi-hazard early warnings of high impact meteorological, hydrological and related environmental hazards, thereby contributing to international efforts on disaster risk reduction, resilience and prevention, in particular in response to the risks associated with increased urbanization; (b) Global Framework for Climate Services: Implement climate services under the GFCS particularly for countries that lack them by: (a) establishing regional climate centres; (b) identifying user requirements for climate products; (c) developing the Climate Services Information System (CSIS); and (d) advancing the Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Project; (c) WMO Integrated Global Observing system: Achieve full implementation of the WIGOS/WIS for robust, standardized, integrated, accurate and quality assured relevant observations of the Earth System to support all WMO priorities and expected results; (d) Aviation meteorological services: Improve the ability of Members to provide sustainable high quality services in support of safety, efficiency and regularity of the air transport worldwide, with due account to environmental factors by: (a) accelerating the implementation of ICAO / WMO competency and qualification standards and Quality Management Systems (QMS); (b) addressing the emerging institutional and technological challenges associated with the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan; and (c) strengthening the sustainability and competitiveness of aeronautical meteorological service provision through improved cost recovery mechanisms and suitable business models for service delivery frameworks; (e) Polar and high mountain regions: Improve operational meteorological and hydrological monitoring, prediction and services in polar and high mountain regions and beyond by: (a) operationalizing the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW); (b) better understanding the implications of changes in these regions on the global weather and climate patters; and (c) advancing the polar prediction under the Global Integrated Polar Prediction System (GIPPS); (f) Capacity Development: Enhance the capacity of NMHSs to deliver on their mission by developing and improving competent human resource, technical and institutional capacities and infrastructure, particularly in developing, least developed and small island developing states; and CAeM/MG-2015/Doc. 6, p. 3 (g) WMO Governance: Continue to conduct a strategic review of WMO structures, operating arrangements and budgeting practices focusing on the effectiveness of constituent body activities. 1.4 The meeting further noted the revised Expected Results (ER) and agreed that the activities of the CAeM under the AEM programme will contribute mainly to ER 1 – Improved service quality and service delivery. Preparation of the CAeM Operating Plan (2016-2019) 1.5 MG agreed that the preparation of the CAeM OP 2016-2019 should be given a priority in order to complete the task by the end of 2015. The planning should follow the general outline of the WMO Strategic Planning process as shown below: SP OP KOn1 1 GSN Priorities KOn1 ERn1 2 KOn1 3 De l De l De l Act Act Budget Budget Act Budget Act Budget RBB M&E 1.6 The OP should start from the ERs and Key Outcomes (KO) defined in the WMO SP and provide further detail on each KO with concrete deliverables, actions and related budget. The MG agreed that the CAeM should be composed as a compilation of the work programmes of the Expert Teams with appropriate grouping of the tasks according to the KOs. MG decided that the ET-GOV should act as coordinator of this task. (Action) 1.7 MG considered further the need for a consistent approach to the OPs of all constituent bodies – technical commissions and regional associations and requested the EC WG-SOP to provide appropriate templates and guidance on the WMO organization-wide integrated strategic/operating planning process.