PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL LIBRARIANS ASSSOCATION LEADERSHIP SUMMIT ADVISORY COUNCIL GENERAL SESSION Nittany Lion Inn State College, PA July 27, 2011 Minutes Members Present: Doug Francis, President Eileen Kern, Vice President Nancy Latanision, Past President Natalie Hawley, Treasurer Lindsey Long, Secretary Stephanie Brame, Director Jennifer Bates, Director Bob McConnell, Director Susan Pannebaker, Office of Commonwealth Libraries Donna Howe, Act 48 Co-Chair Erika Miller, Archives Chair Christine Poirier-Hartman, Awards Chair Connie Burlingame, Executive Director of Conference LaVerne Motley, Curriculum Co-Chair Shannon Resh, Curriculum Co-Chair Michael Nailor, Learning & Media Kim Brosan, Learning & Media Deb Kachel, Legislation Co-Chair Deb Hoover, Legislation Co-Chair Elizabeth Henry, Library Promotions Chair Jean Bellevance, Media Selection & Review Co-Chair Marg Foster, Nominating Chair Beth Sahd, Professional Development Co-Chair Carolyn VanEtten, Professional Development Co-Chair Celeste Nalwasky, Professional Standards Chair Connie Roupp, Conference Treasurer Carol Heinsdorf, PSLA Affiliate President Heather Lister, Leadership Award winner Brenda Blackburn Foster Laurren Kresge Lynn Moses Judy Speedy Marge Tassia I. Call to Order A. Meeting is called to order by President Francis at 8:31 AM. II. Welcome (Doug Francis) A. President Francis welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. B. It was an up and down year for Pennsylvania librarians. 1. Many reassignments, furloughs, program eliminations, etc. 2. Also success stories, such as State College School District 3. Budget problems will likely continue PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 C. Introductions III. Minutes (Lindsey Long) A. The minutes were posted to the PSLA wiki prior to the meeting. B. Marg Foster made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 29, 2011 meeting; Nancy Latanision seconded. Motion carried. IV. Treasurer’s Report (Natalie Hawley) A. Fiscal report 1. Beginning fiscal year balance is ____________ B. Audit 1. PSLA just finished an IRS audit 2. Have not received final report from IRS auditor 3. With that in mind, please be mindful of real needs when determining committee budgets 4. Treasurer’s report will be filed subject to audit. (Exhibit A) V. Old Business (include Eileen’s stuff) A. Communications Task Force 1. Board created the Task Force (Electronic Communications co-chairs, Learning &Media editor, board liaison, Eileen Kern, Susan Hefley) 2. Board is concerned about dissemination of information in a timely manner 3. Communications Task Force is trying to determine what information should go on PSLA website, wiki, and in Learning & Media (both print and electronic) 4. Wikis a. Page for each committee on wiki b. Committee procedures in PDF format to be added c. Some committee have separate wikis, should be linked from PSLA wiki d. Standardized banner needs to be on all PSLA wikis, including committee wikis e. Committee report forms are found on PSLA wiki 5. Newsletter format for electronic version of Learning & Media a. Will try out different formats and get feedback to find the best version b. All newsletters will have PSLA board updates 6. All information for today’s meeting is found on the PSLA wiki a. Includes charges, Board liaisons, etc. b. Candy Blessing (Constitution & Bylaws chair) has electronic version of all committee charges so please e-mail her if you need a copy 7. Branding a. Want to ensure that official PSLA logo is the 3D version b. Communications Task Force will be providing templates for fliers, brochures, etc. c. Any publications will need to follow these templates and include the 3D logo d. All RegOnline communications will have PSLA logo PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 B. C. HR 987 (Eileen Kern) 1. Over 2,700 responses from schools; some multiple entries need cleared 2. Ad Hoc Committee has been developed and subcontracted with the University of Pittsburgh to analyze the data and create a report with recommendations by September 6, 2011 3. Three roundtables will be held (September 13 in Allentown, September 15 in Harrisburg, and September 20 in Erie) 4. PSLA’s contact with Department of Education asked Eileen Kern for her opinion on meeting in school libraries; Eileen talked over the issues of transportation, parking, elementary school furniture, etc. 5. Committee would like to use various types of districts for meetings a. Inner city elementary school in Harrisburg b. Suburban school in Allentown c. Setup to be determined by Department of Education in Erie 6. Final report has been postponed from June 30 to August 30 to November 15-16 7. One drawback of current survey is that data on survey is outdated because of drastic cuts from last year to present 8. Eileen would like to include an updated addition to the survey because of changes; Legislative Committee came up with ten questions to send out, waiting for Board approval 9. Survey will go out via Survey Monkey 10. Please spread the word because it’s the summer, a. We don’t have a choice about the poor timing; data needs to be in by September deadline 11. Only needs completed by districts where positions were cut or reduced; no change means nothing needs done 12. Link to survey will be sent out to PSLA and Schools listservs Reminders (Eileen Kern) 1. PSLA listserv and policy 2. Membership a. As of July 1 we are on rolling membership b. We will now receive e-mail reminders to renew membership; will receive several reminders c. PSLA Directory is now online; the link will not be on PSLA website due to privacy d. Board is investigating members-only page on PSLA webpage e. If you are a returning member, September 30 will be final date of membership as usual f. Only members can renew their membership, not business offices g. If you use school district e-mail, please remember to check your spam box 3. PSLA Facebook page a. Please “like” if you are on Facebook 4. Eileen discussed changes in conference schedule PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 VI. Bureau of Library Development (Susan Pannebaker) A. Susan Pannebaker is working with Deb Kachel and Joyce Valenza on Train the Trainers workshop for digital collection development 1. If anyone is interested in being a trainer please see Susan or Deb today B. Please remember IMLS grants; please write to legislators to keep IMLS grants and staff funding C. Last week, waiver letter was submitted for October 2012 and on because over half of funds could be lost if waiver is not worthy D. Waiver requests are being audited E. LSTA collection development grants status 1. Grants are posted but we are still not sure if money is available 2. If waiver is approved money should be available VII. Leadership Award (Heather Lister) A. Project developed from need for copyright-friendly resources B. Diigo is social bookmarking site; can be uploaded to De.lic.ious account C. Copyright friendly images, sounds, videos, etc. 1. Difference between this and wiki is that all sites are tagged 2. Can set limiters for searching 3. Just for schools D. Education group set-up for Diigo 1. Other people’s tags will add to your site and share your own 2. Tags are consistent (pictures v. photos) so that searching is easier E. Must be a Diigo member to use the project VIII. AASL Report (Marg Foster) A. Affiliate Assembly is divided into nine regions in the country; we are in Region 2 1. To get ready for ALA Annual, region meets in the spring 2. All states bring concerns and commendations 3. Each region sends them on to AASL Executive Board a. Some are approved, some are cut 4. Six concerns and all commendations were approved a. Commendations: Childrens Literature Festival, Ohio Book Festival, Maryland study on libraries, library mentoring program in Virginia, Texas PTA partnership, etc. b. HR 987 study commendation was approved Meeting was recessed at 10:01 AM by President Francis. Meeting was reconvened at 2:30 PM by President Francis. IX. Committee Reports A. Act 48 (Jennifer Bates and Donna Howe) 1. IU 16 will now be our provider for conference Act 48 credits PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 2. At conference, Act 48 cards will be turned in by participants 3. Donna Howe will continue to keep record of hours 4. Act 48 certificates from 2011 Conference will be sent out soon Archives (Erika Miller) 1. Archives are still at Erika Miller’s house and should be at Pennsylvania State Archives by end of July 2. Erika will be adding oral histories in the near future Awards (Christine Poirier) 1. Christine Poirier is looking for nominations 2. Nomination forms will soon be in proper places on the web but Christine can always be e-mailed Budget and Finance (Natalie Hawley) 1. Conference books were audited 2. Board approved the hiring of a tax accountant to prepare our taxes Conference (Eileen Kern) 1. Thursday: No preconference sessions or exhibits; 1 3-hour session in evening 2. Friday: Exhibits will be open, General Session, several mini sessions, and dinner banquet 3. Saturday: Business breakfast, two 1-hour workshops plus Lunch and Learn 4. Room rate is the same as last year and please stay if you can 5. Theme is Librarians: The Indispensible Guides Curriculum (LaVerne Motley) 1. LaVerne Motley is planning to call other members of committee for participation 2. Planning to write blurbs for the eJournal about curriculum websites 3. Will look at curriculum standards and work with other committees to prepare for Common Core Learning & Media (Michael Nailor) 1. Two print issues will come out this year; deadlines are November 15 and May 15 a. November 15: The Courage to Collaborate b. May 15: Happy 40th Birthday, PSLA! 2. Online edition is yet unnamed; deadlines are October 1 and April 1 a. Will have President’s Message, board updates, AASL updates, obituaries, etc. b. Send all information to Legislation (Deb Hoover and Deb Kachel) 1. Inform and communicate better with parents and families a. Workshop will train librarians on how to talk to families about the importance of qualified library programs b. Will be rolled out in October c. Possibly the information can be disseminated on WebJunction for flexible needs 2. Contest for ways to advocate will be “Get V.O.C.A.L” campaign a. Five types of advocacy will be five points on a star for V.O.C.A.L b. Will be entered to win prizes at 2012 Conference 3. Committee will work with Board on PSLA’s aims after results of HR 987 are announced PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 4. 5. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. X. Hoping to prepare handouts for distribution at roundtables Conference sessions for 2012 a. Speeches and Presentations b. How to Advocate with Parent Groups 6. Deb Kachel hopes that IMLS grant, National Leadership Research grant, will be approved and funded Library Promotions (Beth Henry) 1. Will be updating PSLA website with links and information on how to promote your library 2. Will be active at conference Media Selection and Review (Jean Bellevance) 1. Looking at committee members, budget, and web presence 2. Committee will update their wiki and web presence 3. Working on collaboration with PaLA to promote PAYRC at public libraries a. Information will be presented to youth librarians at conference in October Nominating (Marg Foster) 1. Marg Foster needed 10 people to have a full slate and she has seven so far Professional Development (Carolyn VanEtten) 1. Will be working on Common Core information for presentation at Conference Professional Standards (Celeste Nalwasky) 1. Committee met with Legislation committee about PRAXIS-only librarians and the issue is still present 2. PSLA has a position paper on staffing 3. Will write articles for Pennsylvania professional journals for administrators 4. Seeking librarians who are National Board certified or seeking it 5. Promoting importance of libraries in new teacher trainings Special Needs (Connie Roupp) 1. Most of work is done just before conference 2. Committee updated a publication and is now board approved a. Document is on wiki and tri-fold brochure will be available in the future to present information Technology (Bob McConnell) 1. Committee will have a presence in the e-journal 2. Bob McConnell will be updating software and hardware for the Board computers 3. Looking at ways to explore disseminating conference sessions through technology 4. Technology workshops for the conference (e-readers, e-books, Web 2.0, Google Docs, etc.) Closing Remarks A. Please encourage non-members to be members, members to be active B. Conference proposal forms are due to Connie Burlingame by October 1 C. Natalie Hawley needs budget request forms by end of the day PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011 XI. Future Dates A. SLJ Summit—September 22-23, 2011—Arlington, VA B. National Book Festival—September 24-25, 2011—Washington, DC C. PSLA Board Meeting—October 1, 2011—Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA D. AASL Conference—October 22-27, 2011—Minneapolis, MN E. ALA Midwinter Meeting—January 20-24, 2012—Dallas, TX F. PSLA Board Meeting—January 28, 2012—Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA G. PSLA Board Meeting—possibly via Skype for winter weather H. PSLA 39th Annual Conference—April 12-14, 2012—Hershey, PA I. PSLA Board Meeting—June 9, 2012—State College, PA J. AASL Conference—November 14-17, 2012—Hartford, CT XII. Adjournment A. Natalie Hawley moves for adjournment. Marg Foster seconds. Motion carries. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm. PSLA Advisory Council Minutes July 27, 2011