Titel: Zuweisen mit [Alt]+[1] - Comparative Cognition Society

A joint professorship in the field of psychology to research the
human-animal relationship is announced at the Messerli
Research Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine,
Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna and the University of
Vienna. This joint professorship between the University of
Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (50%) and the Faculty of
Psychology at the University of Vienna (50%) is supported by
and assigned to the Messerli Research Institute.
University Professor of
Psychology of the Human-Animal Relationship
according to § 98 UG 2002
It is expected for this professorship to result in contributions (in
both the basic and applied areas) to a nuanced understanding
of the psychology of human-animal interactions. The research
methodology used should be empirical. The research profile of
the candidate should be based in any area of psychology, and
the candidate should possess an interest in developing an
orientation towards the juncture of psychology with other
disciplines such as neuro-cognitive science, cultural and social
science, or medicine.
In particular, the successful candidate for this professorship
should cultivate promising alliances: on the one hand, to
Messerli Research Institute professorships in the areas of
Comparative Cognition, Comparative Medicine and Ethics and
Human-Animal Studies (see http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/messerli/);
on the other hand, to professorships at the Faculty of
Psychology at the University of Vienna, including to the
http://psychologie.univie.ac.at), and to other research initiatives and
research focal points at both universities.
The interdisciplinary orientation of the Messerli Research
Institute requires the successful candidate to bring a significant
readiness to work together with the humanities and the natural
and social science fields, to carry out interdisciplinary projects
and to gear teaching at the Messerli Research Institute towards
the multidisciplinary orientation of the master’s programme.
Further information:
www.vetmeduni.ac.at/professuren or
Applications by 31 July 2015 to:
Buero des Senates der
Veterinaermedizinischen Universitaet Wien,
Veterinaerplatz 1, 1210 Wien, Austria or