H13 Clickable Annotated Resource List

What's in your UDL Toolkit?
Introduction to UDL
Main UDL page
o Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age
Essential book by David Rose and Anne Meyer introducing UDL and made
available on the web.
o UDL Theory and Practice
New online book by UDL co-founder David Rose and others at CAST on UDL.
Requires creating a free account to log in. This book replaces the former book
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age. If you're going to learn more about
UDL I would recommend learning it from the people who originally developed
the idea rather than from second-hand sources who tend to see UDL through the
lens of their own preferred practices.
o Home | National Center On Universal Design for Learning
o From Bach to Lady Gaga David Rose talks about UDL
Recommended if you're just learning about UDL. Great one-hour presentation by
UDL master of metaphor David Rose. In this presentation, David uses music to
introduce principles of UDL. Get your Kleenex ready because the ending is a real
o BC UDL Project Main Page
BC UDL Project 2007-2010.
o SET-BC UDL Resource
SET-BC's UDL resource. Great video section. There are also online modules on
getting to know more about your students, goals, etc. Includes a section on UDLcompatible practices such as inquiry learning and backwards design.
o Universal Design for Learning - YouTube
Great new 5 minute video created by Kirsten Wiens in Sooke School district
introduces UDL. Uses metaphor of planning a dinner party.
UDL Guidelines
o UDL Guidelines 2.0
This is the second version of the UDL Guidelines. Click on each to learn more
and link to large lists of supporting research.
o YouTube- Super Awesome Spectacular Similes
Have you ever wondered what a simile was or how to create one? Watch our
video to learn all about them. Created by students in a Grade 6/7 class. Created by
a group of students in Comox Valley in Jaki Braidwood's class.
o Rubrics
Good description of rubrics and links to some rubric generators and ready-made
collections of rubrics.
o Patin's project link to TicTacToe resouces
Patin's UDL site has link to Dave Edyburn's Tic Tac Toe page and Maureen's
TKAM wiki.
Planning for All Students
o Clearing a Path for Students with Special Needs Cartoon
Great UDL cartoon about benefits of planning for students "in the margins" and
how the supports for those students benefit all.
o The Myth of Average
Fantastic 17 minute video by Tod Rose at Harvard describing how designing for
average designs for no one. Uses an example from the Air Force and applies it to
education. I usually play the first 6 minutes of this video in a UDL presentation.
o CAST Profile Maker
UDL tool for describing students' strengths, weakness, and interests in terms of
the 3 brain networks. Can be used with individual students and then combined
into class profile. Since these are the original CAST tools, we used them in the
UDL project. However, since then, I have kept an eye out for other ways of doing
class and student profiles.
o Karen Hume's Learner Profile Tools on CD
Start Where They Are contains a CD with useful Learner Profile tools that can be
printed as Black Line Masters.
o Building on Success: Helping Students Make Transitions from Year to Year
Alberta Learning
Alberta resource for creating and building on a detailed learner profile which
transitions from elementary through high school. Includes questionnaires/graphic
organizers for a variety of students, parents, teachers.
o Teaching to Diversity: 3 Block Model of UDL Implementation
Great book by Jennifer Katz is based on 16 years of teaching experience. She
describes her 3 block model of UDL implementation using many concrete
examples from her own teaching experience. Jennifer uses Gardiner's
Intelligences for student profiles and there is an example of a report card done
with Gardiner's intelligences on p. 154-155. Not sure if this is UDL in a
traditional sense but certainly many aspects would fit.
o Fairview Community School Poetry Unit
Nice poetry unit by Fairview UDL team organized by Gardner's intelligences. On
an NID the staff got together and brainstormed these ideas for a school-wide
poetry unit. This school uses Gardner's Multiple Intelligences for student profiles.
I like to use this example in conjunction with the Judith Katz example of an
assessment done using Gardner's Inteligences.
o SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
Great analysis of tools and several great quotes: he tools they know are gone,
chucked to the curb with the card catalogues and 8-track players. The tools which
are essential now - the tools which are essential everywhere outside of a school
building - are outside of their realm of knowledge. This is why school today is so
divorced from any reality. And on top of this, the tools most schools are devoted
to are antiques which serve few functions anywhere outside of school. It is as if
you were learning to build homes but were allowed to use only tools invented
before 1940. You'd be close to unemployable when you finished that training.
o Student Technology Toolbelts Wiki
Wiki I created to document what's happening as I work with a group of grade 8
teachers who want to help students acquire more tools and skills (both high and
low tech) for use in high school. Based on Ira Socol's Toolbelt Theory.
o Mary: A Self-Directed Success Story
SET-BC success story features one of my students who participated in a selfdirected IEP pilot project in Prince Rupert. The Choice Maker materials were
used in formulating the self-directed learning plans.
o Learning in Safe Schools
Faye Brownlie's new book about the Learner Support Model. UDL philosophies
definitely underlie her thinking although the three main principles of UDL she
outlines are not the 3 main principles usually cited by CAST. Many great practical
examples. Includes a Class Review template that many teachers find useful.
o Shelley Moore's blog
Shelley Moore from Richmond School District is currently working with Bulkley
Valley teachers on class profiles and co-teaching. She's a strong advocate of UDL
and inclusion.
Writing UDL Goals
o UDL Goal Setter: Activities: Teaching Every Student
o Curriculum - Ministry of Education - Province of B.C.
o BC Draft Curriculum
o Backwards Designed Grade 8 Optics Unit
Prince Rupert teachers collaborated on a backwards-designed unit on optics
around the question How do you see a rainbow? This wiki housed some of heir
o Anita Strang blogpost What are we really teaching?
Great post by Anita Strang during UDL project about declaring your learning
Flexible Teaching Methods and Technologies
o Sask Instructional Strategies Online
Great information about popular instructional strategies.
o UDL Unplugged: Can You Do UDL Without Technology
A long-awaited opinion by David Rose et. al. on whether technology is necessary
for the implementation of UDL. Describes a primary hands-on science license that
meets UDL guidelines but does not use any technology.
o Joe's Non-Netbook
A screenager accustomed to digital supports discovers the limitations of a printed
textbook in this hilarious video.
o BCTF Teacher Inquiry Projects
Great .pdf lists all the types of inquiry.
o Your Rubric Is a Hot Mess; Here’s How to Fix It. - Brilliant or Insane
Instead of listing all the different ways a task deviates from the target, the singlepoint rubric simply describes the target in a single column of traits.