SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Todd, Black and Gemmell. The power and promise of RNA-seq in ecology and evolution. Appendix S1 References reviewed Details of references reviewed in order to evaluate trends in biological replicate usage by ecoevolutionary studies utilising RNA-seq data for differential expression analysis (2008-2014) (Box 1). For each of 158 studies reporting statistical differential expression analysis from RNA-seq data, the table below gives the focal organism, sequencing platform, and details of the experimental design, including the number of treatment groups, whether or not multiple samples were pooled for library preparation, and the number of biological replicates used (as the number of replicate library preparations per treatment group). 3 Pooled/separate library preparation Pooled Biological replicates 2 Illumina 2 Pooled 1 454 Illumina Illumina 2 4 4 Pooled Separate Separate 1 4, 5 or 6 4 to 6 Illumina 9 Separate 1 Illumina 54 Separate 2 Acyrthosiphon pisum Illumina 2 Pooled 2 Microplitis demolitor Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Saccharomyces spp. Ceratitis capitata Aphis glycines Illumina Illumina Illumina 4 6 6 Separate Pooled Pooled 2 3 4 Polygonia c-album Illumina 4 Pooled 2 Illumina Illumina 454 2 12 2 Separate Pooled Pooled 10 1 1 SOLiD 2 Separate 1 Illumina 6 Separate 6 to 10 Illumina 8 Pooled 1 or 2 Illumina 3 Separate 2, 3 or 4 Paper Year Subject Platform Conditions Arfi et al. 2013 2013 Pycnoporus coccineus Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii Hyriopsis cumingii Acropora hyacinthus Symbiodinium spp. Symbiodinium microadriaticum multiple Illumina Avarre et al. 2014 Bai et al. 2013 Barshis et al. 2013 Barshis et al. 2014 Baumgarten et al. 2013 Brawand et al. 2011 Burke and Moran 2011 Burke and Strand 2014 Busby et al. 2011 Calla et al. 2014 Cassone et al. 2014 Celorio-Mancera et al. 2013 Chapman et al. 2013 Chen et al. 2010 Chen et al. 2011 2014 2013 2013 2014 2013 2011 2011 2014 2011 2014 2014 2013 2013 2010 Chu et al. 2014 2014 Senecio spp. Locusta migratoria Balanus amphitrite Methanolobus psychrophilus R15 Peromyscus maniculatus Brugia malayi, Aedes aegypti Nucella lapillus Coate et al. 2013 2013 Glycine dolichocarpa Illumina 12 Pooled 3 2013 multiple Amphimedon queenslandica Illumina 4 Pooled 1 SOLiD 4 Pooled 1 Trichoderma harzianum Illumina 3 Separate 1 Separate 3 Chen et al. 2012 Cheviron et al. 2014 Choi et al. 2014 Colombo et al. 2013 Conaco et al. 2012 2011 2012 2014 2014 2012 Crivelente Horta et al. 2014 Czesny et al. 2012 2014 2012 Alosa pseudoharengus 454 2 Daniels et al. 2014 2014 Junonia coenia Illumina 8 Pooled 2 Darby et al. 2014 2014 Wolbachia Illumina 2 Separate 3 de Groot et al. 2014 Denekamp et al. 2011 Dion-Cote et al. 2014 Dirks et al. 2014 2014 Deinococcus deserti Illumina 2 Separate 1 Brachionus plicatilis Illumina 13 Pooled 1 lake whitefish Illumina 5 Pooled 4 or 5 Anguilla anguilla Illumina 4 Separate 3 or 4 2011 2014 2014 Dong et al. 2014 2014 Bactrocera minax Illumina 4 Dou et al. 2013 Separate 1 2013 Liposcelis bostrychophila Illumina 3 Pooled 1 Dowen et al. 2012 2012 Arabidopsis thaliana Illumina 4 Separate 2 Duncan et al. 2014 2014 multiple Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Dunning et al. 2013 2013 Micrarchus nov. sp. 2 454 2 Separate 2 Dunning et al. 2014 2014 Micrarchus spp. Illumina 6 Separate 3 or 6 Ekblom et al. 2012 2012 Philomachus pugnax 454 6 Separate 3 to 6 Ekblom et al. 2014 2014 Passer domesticus Illumina 3 separate 1 Elran et al. 2014 Esponosa et al. 2014 Etebari et al. 2011 Eves-van den Akker et al. 2014 Fan et al. 2013 2014 Nematostella vectensis Illumina 5 Pooled 3 or 4 Perkinsus marinus Illumina 2 Separate 3 Plutella xylostella Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Nacobbus aberrans Illumina 3 Pooled 3 2013 Salicornia europaea Illumina 12 Pooled 1 Fang et al. 2013 Feldmeyer et al. 2014 Ferreira et al. 2013 2013 Caulobacter crescentus Temnothorax longispinosus Polistes canadensis SOLiD 5 Separate 3 Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Forconi et al. 2014 Franssen et al. 2014 2014 2011 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 Fraser et al. 2014 Garcia-Vedrenne et al. 2013 Gerdol et al. 2014 2014 Grumaz et al. 2013 2013 2014 illumina 4 Separate 2 to 6 Latimeria spp. Zostera marina, Nanozostera noltii Poecilia latipinna Illumina 3 separate 1 Illumina 8 Pooled 1 Illumina 4 Separate 2 or 3 Quahog Parasite Unknown Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Mytilus galloprovincialis Illumina 4 Pooled 1 2013 Candida spp. Illumina 4 Separate 1 or 3 Gunter et al. 2013 2013 Astatoreochromis alluaudi Illumina 2 Separate 5 Hanson et al. 2013 2013 Brachionus calyciflorus Illumina 2 Pooled 2 Harr et al. 2010 2010 Mus spp. Illumina 4 Separate 2 Henning et al. 2013 Hershkovitz et al. 2013 Hook et al. 2014a 2013 Amphilophus citrinellus illumina 3 Separate 6 Metschnikowia fructicola Illumina 4 Pooled 1 2014 Ceratoneis closterium 454 4 Pooled 1 Hook et al. 2014b 2014 Melita plumulosa 454 4 Pooled 1 Huth and Place 2013 Ibarra-Laclette et al. 2011 Ignatov et al. 2010 2013 Trematomus bernacchii 454 6 Pooled 1 Utricularia gibba 454 4 Pooled 1 2010 Mycobacterium avium 454 2 Pooled 1 Jeukens et al. 2010 2013 2011 2010 Coregonus clupeaformis 454 2 Pooled 1 Kanter et al. 2013 2013 Ambrosia artemisiifolia 454 2 Pooled 1 Kao et al. 2013 2013 Schmidtea mediterranea SOLiD 12 Pooled 2 Kelley et al. 2012 2012 Poecilia mexicana Illumina 2 Separate 3 Kersten et al. 2013 2013 Quercus rober L. Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Kim et al. 2013 2013 Pseudomonas putida Illumina 4 Separate 1 Kimura et al. 2011 Kobayashi et al. 2013 Kodama et al. 2014 2011 Dokdonia sp. MED134 454 3 Separate 1 Shorea beccariana 454 4 Separate 1 Paramecium bursaria Illumina 2 Separate 3 Kumaran et al. 2014 2013 2014 2014 Bactrocera tryoni Illumina 2 Separate 1 Lee et al. 2013 2013 Laodelphax striatellus 454 2 Pooled 1 Lei, Y. et al. 2014 2014 Plutella xylostella Illumina 3 Separate 1 Lei, B. et al. 2014 2014 Nicotiana tabacum Illumina 10 Pooled 1 Li et al. 2013 2013 Chrysopa pallens Illumina 10 Pooled 1 Li et al. 2012 2012 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Illumina 5 Pooled 1 Liu et al. 2014 2014 Ostrinia furnacalis Illumina 2 Pooled 1 2013 Vicia sativa Illumina 8 Pooled 1 Fagopyrum spp. 454 2 Pooled 1 Oxyrrhis marina Pyganodon grandis, Uniomerus tetralasmus Portunus trituberculatus 454 2 Pooled 1 Illumina 4 Pooled 3 Illumina 3 Pooled 1 Amphilophus citrinellus Illumina 6 Separate 4, 5 or 6 Liu et al. 2013 Logacheva et al. 2011 Lowe et al. 2011 Luo et al. 2014 2011 2011 2014 Lv et al. 2013 Manousaki et al. 2013 Marra et al. 2014 2013 2014 multiple Illumina 3 Separate 4 Mayfield et al. 2014 McDonnell et al. 2013 Meng et al. 2013 2014 Pocillopora damicornis Illumina 4 Separate 3 Apis mellifera Illumina 3 Pooled 2 2013 Sinocyclocheilus spp. Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Meyer et al. 2011 Moyers and Rieseberg 2013 Newton et al. 2013 2011 Acropora millepora 454 6 Pooled 1 Helianthus annuus Illumina 2 Separate 6 2013 Lates calcarifer Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Ng et al. 2014 2014 Illumina 5 Pooled 1 Illumina 2 Pooled 4 2013 2013 2013 2014 Gallus gallus Nothobranchius furzeri, N. kadleci Salvelinus alpinus Illumina 4 Separate 3 Novo et al. 2013 2013 multiple Illumina 3 Separate 1 Nowack et al. 2011 2011 Paulinella chomatophora Illumina 2 Separate 1 2012 multiple 454 4 Pooled 1 Palumbi et al. 2014 2014 Acropora hyacinthus Illumina 2 Separate 6 Parikh et al. 2010 Pereira Lima Teixeria et al. 2014 Perry et al. 2014 2010 Dictyostelium spp. Illumina 2 Separate 2 Theobroma cacao Illumina 2 Separate 5 Ng'oma et al. 2014 Norman et al. 2014 Ozawa et al. 2012 2014 2014 2014 Drosophila melanogaster Illumina 6 Pooled 3 Pinosio et al. 2014 2014 Pinus halepensis Illumina 2 Separate 1 Poelchau et al. 2011 2011 Aedes albopictus 454 2 Pooled 1 Poelchau et al. 2013 2013 Aedes albopictus Illumina 6 Pooled 2 or 3 Poelchau et al. 2014 Prasopdee et al. 2014 Pravosudov et al. 2013 Reinhardt et al. 2014 Rendón-Anaya et al. 2012 Rinker et al. 2013 Sarropoulou et al. 2014 Schoville et al. 2012 2014 Aedes albopictus Bithynia siamensis goniomphalos Illumina 4 Pooled 3 Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Poecile atricapillus Illumina 2 Pooled 5 Teleopsis dalmanni Centruroides noxius Hoffmann Anopheles spp. Illumina 2 Pooled 2 454 2 Pooled 1 Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Sarda sarda Illumina 5 Pooled 1 2014 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 Tigriopus californicus Illumina 4 Pooled 1 Schunter et al. 2014 Schwarzenberger et al. 2014 Seto and Tamura 2013 Shelomi et al. 2014 2014 Tripterygion delaisi Illumina 3 Separate 5 Daphnia Illumina 3 Pooled 3 Drosophila spp. 454 4 Pooled 1 2014 Peruphasma schultei Illumina 2 Pooled 3 Shiao et al. 2012 2014 2013 2012 Mus musculus Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Sikhakolli et al. 2012 2012 Fusarium spp. Illumina 12 Separate 1 Sloan et al. 2014a 2014 Pachypsylla venusta Illumina 2 Pooled 3 Small et al. 2013 2013 Smith, G. et al. 2014 Syngnathus spp. 454 4 Pooled 1 2014 Manduca sexta Illumina 2 Pooled 4 Smith, G. et al. 2013 2013 Drosophila mojavensis SOLiD 4 Pooled 4 Smith, S. et al. 2013 Somervou et al. 2014 Szoevenyi et al. 2011 Szoevenyi et al. 2013 Traeger et al. 2013 2013 Melanotaenia duboulayi Illumina 2 Separate 6 Melitaea cinxia Illumina 4 Separate 15 Funaria hygrometrica 454 2 Separate 1 Funaria hygrometrica Illumina 6 Pooled 1 2013 multiple Illumina 3 Pooled 2 2013 Ficedula albicollis Illumina 16 Separate 5 Artemia franciscana 454 2 Pooled 1 Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Illumina 8 Pooled 1 Gryllus firmus Illumina 3 Pooled 3 Pocillopora damicornis Illumina 4 Pooled 1 2014 soybean SOLiD 11 Pooled 1 Illumina Uebbing et al. 2013 Valenzuela-Miranda et al. 2014 Vargas et al. 2014 Vellichirammal et al. 2014 Vidal-Dupiol et al. 2013 Wang, L. et al. 2014 Wang, X. et al. 2014 2014 2011 2013 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 Locusta migratoria 10 Pooled 1 Wang, Z. et al. 2014 2014 Lupinus albus Illumina 3 Pooled 1 Wei et al. 2013 2013 Barbarea vulgaris Illumina 7 Pooled 1 2013 Acropora millepora Illumina 3 Separate 4 Scaptomyza flava Illumina 4 Pooled 2 454 2 Separate 6 Illumina 7 Pooled 3 Weiss et al. 2013 Whiteman et al. 2012 Wolf et al. 2010 2012 Xiang et al. 2010 2010 Corvus corone Heliocidaris erythrogramma Lateolabrax japonicus Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Xie et al. 2014 2014 Bemisia tabaci Illumina 8 Pooled 1 Xu et al. 2012 2012 Sogatella furcifera Illumina 2 Pooled 1 Xu et al. 2013 2013 Leuciscus waleckii Illumina 6 Pooled 1 Xu et al. 2014 2014 Oryza sativa Illumina 5 Pooled 1 Xue et al. 2010 2010 Nilaparvata lugens Illumina 6 Pooled 1 Wygoda et al. 2014 2010 2014 Yang et al. 2014 2014 Phalaenopsis Illumina 2 Separate 1 Yeaman et al. 2014 2014 multiple 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Simulations were performed using the R/Bioconductor package PROPER (Wu et al. 2015), with dispersion and baseline expression estimated from pilot data via the DSS package (Wu et al. 2013). Pilot data consisted of two separate experiments examining sex-biased gene expression in the gonad and forebrain of bluehead wrasse, each experiment consisting of three biological replicates per sex (3 female, 3 male). Gonad and forebrain experiments were analysed separately using identical simulation parameters, except for the proportion of simulated differential expression. This was 25% for gonad, and 1% for brain, chosen to reflect observations in real 3x3 comparisons for these tissues (Liu et al. in review). Using the same value for this parameter did not alter the interpretation. ##Load counts table and define treatment groups. wrasse<-read.table('rawcounts_table.tsv',header=T) groups = c(rep("F",3), rep("M",3)) ##Filter transcripts with fewer than 10 counts across all samples. ##Use DSS package to estimate dispersion and baseline expression. library(DSS) library(edgeR) counts = as.matrix(wrasse) counts<-counts[apply(counts,1,sum)>9,] design = data.frame(gender=groups) X = model.matrix(~gender, data=design) rownames(X)<-colnames(counts) seqData = newSeqCountSet(counts, seqData = estNormFactors(seqData) seqData = estDispersion(seqData) dispersion = dispersion(seqData) fit.edgeR<-glmFit(counts, X, lib.size=normalizationFactor(seqData), dispersion=dispersion(seqData)) lrt.edgeR<-glmLRT(fit.edgeR, coef=2) ##Simulate counts using PROPER package: 50,000 transcripts (‘ngenes’), 25% DE in gonad OR 1% DE in brain (‘p.DE’). ##Simulate for 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 replicates per condition (‘Nreps’), test DE with DESeq (‘DEmethod’), over 100 iterations (‘nsims’). library(PROPER) library(DESeq) sz = 50000 zz = sample(1:nrow(counts),sz) sim.opts.wrasse = RNAseq.SimOptions.2grp( ngenes = sz, p.DE=0.01, lOD = log(dispersion(seqData))[zz], lBaselineExpr = apply(log(counts+0.5),1,mean)[zz], lfc = lrt.edgeR$table$logFC[zz], sim.seed = 11111) simres = runSims(Nreps = c(2, 3, 5, 7, 10), sim.opts=sim.opts.wrasse, DEmethod="DESeq", nsims=100) ##From simulated data, calculate power at FDR 0.05, for a 1.5 fold-change (equiv. 0.585 log2 fold-change) (‘delta’). powers = comparePower(simres, alpha.type="fdr", alpha.nominal=0.05,"expr", delta=0.585) summaryPower(powers) ##Plot result plotPower(powers, main="Forebrain", lty=1,1:ncol(powers$power))