Faculty Development Committee St. Francis Xavier University FACULTY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: TEACHING SUPPORT Application for Scholarly Teaching Grant 2015 The mandate of the Faculty Development Committee is to advance the quality of teaching on campus and to promote scholarly discussion. In an effort to encourage teaching development and innovation in teaching at StFX, the committee is offering Scholarly Teaching Grants. There are two main stipulations for grant recipients: (1) Grant recipients must share their discoveries/findings /process with colleagues at a future Faculty Development Committee Workshop. (2) Grant recipients must provide a final report to the Faculty Development Committee outlining how the funds were used. Possible uses for the grant include: development of classroom learning activities, development of web/powerpoint/Moodle materials, and development of course projects and evaluations. Applicants are asked to submit ONE (1) original, two (2) print copies, and an electronic copy of their application and ONE (1) print copy and an electronic copy of their CV to Faculty Development Committee RE: Faculty Development Teaching Support Scholarly Teaching Grant Room 142B, Oland Centre mdunbar@stfx.ca Applications consist of the following three parts: Section A: PROJECT SUMMARY Section B: PROPOSAL STATEMENT Section C: BUDGET Application deadline for 2014: Monday, March 23rd, 12 noon, for awards granted by March 31st, 2015 For further information, contact: Millie Dunbar Faculty Development Committee mdunbar@stfx.ca phone: (902) 867-2185 Teaching Grant Application Form Page 1 of 5 Faculty Development Committee St. Francis Xavier University SECTION A: PROJECT SUMMARY APPLICANT AND COURSE INFORMATION Primary Applicant: Department: Contact information: Co-applicant: Contact Information: Courses Expected to Benefit From Project: Approximate number of students in the courses listed above: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: Brief description of project: Objectives: Brief timetable of project phases: Project completion date: Will this project require REB approval? Yes No Date of Application to REB: Total funds requested: Scholarly Teaching Grant Application Form 2 Faculty Development Committee St. Francis Xavier University Signature of Primary I understand that, if awarded a Scholarly Teaching Grant, I must present my Applicant discoveries/findings/process to my colleagues at a future Faculty Development Workshop. I am also aware that I must submit a final report. _______________________________________________________ Signature of Co- I understand that, if awarded a Scholarly Teaching Grant, I must present my Applicant discoveries/findings/process to my colleagues at a future Faculty Development Workshop. I am also aware that I must submit a final report. _______________________________________________________ Signature of Department Chair or Program Coordinator _______________________________________________________ In the case of limited-term or parttime faculty, please confirm the appointment for the coming year. _______________________________________________________ (Chair/Coordinator signature) SECTION B: PROPOSAL STATEMENT Please elaborate on the project objectives and activities in the spaces provided. This proposal should be written in clear, plain language so as to be understood by scholars with varied areas of expertise. Any questions about the project or about the application process should be addressed to Danielle MacDonald, Faculty Development Committee (damacdon@stfx.ca or call 867-3966). 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide a description of the project. Indicate how this grant will be used to develop your teaching or how it will contribute to your teaching innovation. The length of this description should not exceed one (1) typed page. Scholarly Teaching Grant Application Form 3 Faculty Development Committee St. Francis Xavier University 2. FULFILLMENT OF OBJECTIVES OF GRANT Please indicate which of the following statements best describes this project. This project is Discipline specific Interdisciplinary This project fulfills the objectives of the Scholarly Teaching Grant in the following way(s). (Please check as many as apply): The project will contribute to the development of innovative teaching ideas. This project will improve the quality of my teaching. This project will contribute to my discussions with colleagues about the scholarship of teaching. This project will help to better engage students in their learning. This project will foster teaching collaborations with my colleagues. This project focuses on first-year students. This project focuses on the use of technology in the classroom. This project will promote interactions among students or small group learning. This project will help to develop students’ critical thinking skills. Other, please describe: 3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please provide any additional information you would like the Committee to consider. Scholarly Teaching Grant Application Form 4 Faculty Development Committee St. Francis Xavier University SECTION C: BUDGET 1. Student assistants Total $_________ Calculation of amount # hours x applicable wage + 10% mandatory employment related costs. 2. Qualifications Period of employment Functions to be performed Equipment, library resources Total $_________ Itemize list or attach. 3. Expendable supplies, photocopying Total $_________ Itemize list or attach. 4. Other Total $_________ Itemize list or attach. TOTAL REQUESTED $ ______________ Scholarly Teaching Grant Application Form 5