International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Novel Approach For Faulty Phase Detection Of Series Compensated Transmission Line 1 N.V. Phanendra Babu, 2P. Suresh Babu, 3Saptarshi Roy, 4M.Lohith, 5K V Ramana Reddy 1 Research scholar, 2Asst. Prof., EED, 3,4,5M.Tech Student, EED, N I T Warangal Abstract-Similar to fault location, Identification and Classification, faulty phase identification is also an important aspect, if any fault has been taken place in the transmission line. This helps to take preventive measures and quick fault restoration. In this paper a method is discussed to identify the phase of the fault by using the sampling of voltage and current waveforms in the system with different conditions and cases and with different fault data by using SMIB and WSCC-9bus system. It is seen that involved phase of the fault can be predicted from the study of the properties of voltage and current waveform samples by using certain mathematical operator on it. Fault data is obtained through simulation of the studied system implemented by PSCAD/SIMULINK/EMTDC software. Index Terms- Current, Distance, Faulty Phase Identification, resistance, Greatest Change, Sampling. fast ,accurately and reliably. The faulty data is provided by simulation of the studied system implemented by PSCAD/SIMULINK/EMTDC software. Other than these software matlab codings are used to do complex and indispensible long calculations. II.PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR DETECTION OF FAULTY PHASES/PHASE: Faulty phase identification can be categorized into two cases: 1)When on one phase involves in fault. 2) When two or more phases involve in fault. The necessary parameters required for calculation are as follows: I.INTRODUCTION: a) Least voltage In Power system majority of the faults are happened to be single line to ground fault[9].Other than this, other important type of faults are LLG,LLL,LL,LLLG faults. In case any of these type of faults happens in the system, it is necessary to detect the presence ,type, location as well as which phase involves fault to diagnose and restoration of the fault. Earlier the line or phase of the fault is tried to identify with the help of the electromagnetic coupling approach between faulty phases and non-faulty phases in a wide range of free oscillation frequency enables us to extract multiple frequency signals from non-faulty phases that includes the information of the free oscillating components of transient current in the faulty phase[8].In order to identify the faulty phase/line, many principles and methods have been proposed earliest line opening line approach, the injection signal technique and methods based on steady state components of fault currents. All the methods having many drawbacks like long outage time, inaccuracy and improper operation. b) Least Change in voltage c) Greatest current d) Greatest change in current. The different types of possible faults in the power system can be formulated as follows. a). Three-Phase Fault: the voltage and currents are b). Single Line-Ground fault: This paper presents a new method for identification of the faulty phases in case of occurrence of fault in a transmission line. The Technique here is used by tracking the greatest change of current and greatest current sample Or the least change of voltage and the least voltage sample..The faulty phase can be identified ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print): 2319-2526, Volume-3, Issue-4, 2014 34 International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ c). Line-to-Line Fault : d). Double Line-to-Ground Fault: Fig2: A 3-Ph Waveform(dot mark Indicates the occurrence of the fault-ZCD case) So, definite faulty containing Phase. Where zf and zg are fault and ground impedances respectively. If fault is isolated then fault impedance is infinite and if the fault is resistive fault then zf is the resistance. The necessary steps for computations are as follows: 1) Sampling the simulated current and voltage waveforms. 2) From the samples calculate either Least Voltage or Least Change in voltage or greatest current and greatest change in current containing sample. 3) The Phase which containing greatest change of current or least change in voltage must contains fault. This will eliminates ZCD (Zero Crossing Detector) Problem. phase =max(∆V) or min(∆I) If more than one phases containing fault then all the phase values containing fault of the particular sample will be as below: I= between (1.05 to 0.95)I greatest V=between(1.05 to 0.95)V least Where I greatest=The value of the greatest magnitude of current sample. V least = The Value of the least magnitude of voltage sample. III.STUDIED SYSTEM: The system is simulated using PSCAD to develop fault voltage and current signals including harmonics and decay DC components in addition to the fundamental frequency. Both Line1 and Line2 are 40% compensated here. Now check for whether two or more phases contain fault or not .The computational steps are as follows: 1) Find out greatest current or least voltage containing Sample. 2) Check the magnitude of the all the phases of current or voltage of that particular sample. If the values are found within ±5% tolerance limit of the greatest current or least voltage then those Phase or Phases will also contain the fault. Due to discrete time samples taken during the experiment the values of all the phases may not be exactly equal, so, a tolerance limit in the magnitude is set up .If the sampling frequency is increased then the accuracy of the algorithm will also be increased. Here sampling frequency is used 4KHZ for the work of this particular paper. Fig:1:A 400 KV SMIB System Different types of faults are created at different conditions and combinations and with the proposed methodology the phase of the fault is detected. IV.CASE-I SMIB TEST SYSTEM &RESULTS : Different types of faults are created by varying different parameters of the system like fault resistance and length and cross checked the obtained phase with this methodology and results are tabulated as below : Least Voltage /Voltage Change Check Approach : TABLE-1With Varying Fault Resistance ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print): 2319-2526, Volume-3, Issue-4, 2014 35 International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of the Fault Fault Resistance (Ohm) Least Voltage Change LG LG LG LG 0.1 1 10 100 3.337E-07 3.337E-06 0.0021719 0.000333 Typ e LL L LL G LL LL G Actual Phase Involved fault Ph-A Ph-A Ph-A Ph-A Obtaine d Phase involved Fault Ph-A Ph-A Ph-A Ph-A Fault Resista nce (Ohm) 0.1 Va Vb Vc Actual Phase Obtained Phase -2.9156 -3.04483 -3.00602 Ph-A,B,C 0.1 -0.0003 30.000298 -9.092 Ph- A,B PhA,B,C Ph- A,B 0.1 10 5.407825 -0.0292 5.407529 0.030091 -10.3163 -30.6149 Ph- A,B Ph- A,B Ph- A,B Ph- A,B TABLE-2 With Varying Fault Distance Fault Least Actual Obtained Distance Voltage Phase phase (KM) Change Involved involved fault Fault 50 0.00017851 Ph-A Ph-A 20 0.000626696 Ph-A Ph-A 80 -0.00022962 Ph-A Ph-A Type of the Fault LG LG LG Type Va Vb Vc Actual Phase Obtained Phase LLG Fault Distance (KM) 150 -0.29763 7.875798 100 -0.29363 PhA,B PhA,B Ph- A, B LLG 0.29507 6 8981 -18.4249 Ph- A,B Greatest Current /Current Change Check Approach : TABLE-3 With varying Fault Resistance : Type of the Fault Fault Resistance (Ohm) Greatest Current Change LG LLL 0.1 0.1 0.000323 0.000322924 LLG LLG 100 1 0.000289536 0.000322816 Actual Phase Involved fault Ph-A PhA,B,C Ph- A,B Ph- A, B Obtained Phase involved fault Ph-A PhA,B,C Ph- A, B Ph- A, B TABLE-4 With Varying Fault Distance : Typ e LG LL G LL G LL Type of the fault Fault Dista nce (KM) Greatest Current change LG LG 100 120 0.000322658 0.000322536 Fault Distance (KM) 240 80 Ia 80 100 0.003456 -0.00296 Ib Actua l phase Invol ved fault Ph-A Ph-A Ic Obtai ned Phase invol ved fault Ph-A Ph-A Actual phase Obtaine d phase 0.00081 -9.62E06 Ph-A Ph-A,B Ph-A Ph-A,B -0.00134 0.00092 0.00297 3 0.00206 0.00204 Ph-B,C Ph-B,C -0.00293 0.00299 -6.12E-05 Ph-A,B Ph-A,B LL 100 -0.00207 5 0.00145 7 0.00151 Ph-B,C Ph-B,C V.CASE-II APPLICATION TO THE MULTIMACHINE 9-BUS SYSTEM : Fig3: A WSCC-3Machine-9bus System The experimental results on Multi-machine-9 bus system is as follows : TABLE-5 Least Voltage Change Approach With Varying Fault Resistance Type of the fault LLL LLL LG LL Fault Resist ance (Ohm) 1 10 1 10 Least Voltage Change 1.74149255 1.74006701 0.011717168 0.451666 Actual Phase involved fault Ph- A,B,C Ph- A,B,C Ph-A Ph-A,B Obtained phase involved fault Ph-A,B,C Ph-A,B,C Ph-A Ph-A,B With varying fault distance : Type LLL Fault Distance (KM) 50 LLG 20 Va Vb Vc Actual phase Obtained phase 1438.79 -841.86 -1438.67 1438.97 869.074 PhA,B,C PhA,C PhA,B,C Ph- A,C 0.286246 Greatest Current/current change TABLE-6 Check Approach With Varying fault Distance Type of the fault LG LG Typ e Fault Distance (KM) Greatest Current change 20 50 2.20481 2.2603 LLG Fault Distanc e (KM) 20 LL 20 Actual phase Involved fault Ph-A Ph-A Ia Ib Ic 1.32081 6 -0.00572 0.00348 7 0.00568 3 -0.0032 0.0024 2 Obtained phase involved fault Ph-A Ph-A Actua l phase PhB,C PhA,B Obtaine d Phase Ph-B,C Ph-A,B By varying fault resistance : ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print): 2319-2526, Volume-3, Issue-4, 2014 36 International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of the fault Fault Resistance (Ohm) Greatest Current Change LG 10 0.002133 Typ e LL G LL G Fault Resistan ce (Ohm) 0.1 1 Actual Phase Involved Fault Ph-A Ia Ib Ic 7.4615 7 2.1097 17 0.0029 2 0.0033 37 0.0024 79 0.0034 6 Obtained Phase Involved Fault Ph-A Gen-2: 465 MVA,22KV,50HZ Gen-3: 310 MVA,22KV,50HZ Transformers T1: 600 MVA,22/400KV,50HZ,D/Y; MVA,22/400KV,50HZ,D/Y; T3: MVA,22/400KV,50HZ,D/Y; Obtain ed Phase Ph-B,C 5=310Km.,line 5-4=350Km,line 6-4=350Km,line 69=300km. PhB,C Ph-B,C Loads From the above results it is cleared that Phase detection for all types of faults are possible by analysis of the properties of voltage and current waveforms irrespective of varying fault resistance, fault distance or any other parameters. Hence a technique is developed for the actual detection of faulty phase of a series compensated transmission line with the sampling analysis of voltage and current waveforms. All the measured value is in per unit quantity. Transmission line: Length of line 7-8=320Km.,line 8-9=400Km,line 7- Load A=300MW+j100MVAr. Load B=200MW+j75MVAr. Load C=150MW+j75MVAr. Other parameter used are same as APPENDIX A REFERENCES [1] S. M. Brahma, “Distance relay with out-of-step blocking function using wavelet transform,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 22, no. 3, pp.1360– 1366, Jul. 2007. [2] S. R. Mohanty, A. K. Pradhan, and A. Routray, “A cumulative sum-based fault detector for power system relaying application,” IEEE Trans. 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