3.1 T-tests - Walker Bioscience

My brother, Kim, and I are competitive. One day, the two of us were discussing who was
taller, me or Kim.
Kim said he was 6’1” tall, plus or minus one inch.
I said I was 6’2” tall, plus or minus two inches.
So who is taller?
Difference = 6’2” – 6’1” = 1 inch
Error in measuring difference
= sum of the errors in measuring each height
= 1” + 2”
= 3”
So the difference, 1”, is much less than the error in measuring that difference, 3”
It’s convenient to take this ratio:
Error in estimating the difference 3
Usually, to be convinced that a difference is real, we’d like this ratio to be 2 or more.
Now, suppose we perform a clinical trial where we compare a drug to a placebo, and
measure their effect on serum cholesterol. We get these results:
Mean serum cholesterol of patients taking the placebo = 225 mg/dL.
Mean serum cholesterol of patients taking the drug = 220 mg/dL.
Difference = Mean(drug) – Mean(placebo) = 225 – 220 = 5.
Is there really a difference between the drug and the placebo?
Suppose that there is no difference between the drug and the placebo (the null
hypothesis.) That is, the observations that we label "drug" or "placebo" are really random
samples from a single population with a single mean value of serum cholesterol. When
we take two random samples from a single population, the means of the two samples will
differ somewhat just by random chance.
If there really is no difference between the drug and the placebo, what is the probability
that we would see a difference of 5 in the two samples?
Let’s look again at the ratio:
Mean ( placebo )  Mean (drug )
Error in estimating the difference Error in estimating the difference
We've already calculated the numerator:
Difference = Mean(drug) – Mean(placebo) = 225 – 220 = 5.
How do we calculate the error in estimating that difference? Before, we used the sum of
the errors in each measurement. Let's use that method here. What is the error in
measuring each mean?
A convenient measure is the Standard Error of the Mean, which we saw earlier.
From the data on the patients in the clinical trial, we calculate the following.
n (drug) = n (placebo), if we have equal numbers in each group.
Standard deviation (drug) = SD(drug)
Standard deviation (placebo) = SD(placebo)
SEM (drug) = SD(drug) / Sqrt(n)
SEM (placebo) = SD(placebo) / Sqrt(n)
So we have the SEM for both the drug and the placebo group.
We can calculate the ratio
Mean ( placebo )  Mean (drug )
Mean ( placebo )  Mean (drug )
Error in estimating the difference SEM ( placebo )  SEM (drug )
This ratio is, approximately, the T statistic used in the T-test
T ~=
Mean( placebo )  Mean(drug )
SEM ( placebo )  SEM (drug )
T = the Difference in the Means divided by the Error in measuring that difference.
To make the equation exact, we have to put in some squares and square roots:
Mean( placebo )  Mean(drug )
SEM ( placebo ) 2  SEM (drug ) 2
How big does T need to be for us to be confident that the Difference in the Means is
significant? We’ll see how to calculate p-values shortly, but, in general, if T is larger than
2, the p-value will be less than 0.05 (provided N is greater than ~ 10).
How do we get from the T statistic to a p-value? If the null hypothesis is true (there really
is no difference between the drug and the placebo), what is the probability that we would
get the observed difference between the means of the two samples?
One way to answer this question would be to do permutation or randomization tests. If
the null hypothesis is true (there really is no difference between the drug and the
placebo), the labels “placebo” and “drug” don’t mean anything.
We could randomly shuffle the labels (placebo or drug), calculate the T statistic for each
of the random shuffles, and see how often the T in our random shuffles was greater than
the T for our original clinical trial data.
Suppose that, when we did 100 random shuffles, we never got a random T bigger than the
T in our original clinical trial data. We could then say that, if the null hypothesis is true
(there really is no difference between the drug and the placebo), the probability that we
would get the observed difference between the means of the two samples is less than
1/100, or p < 0.01. The observed difference is very unlikely, if the drug and placebo are
not different.
Suppose instead that, when we did 100 random shuffles, we got a random T bigger than
the T in our original clinical trial data 70 out of 100 random shuffles. We could then say
that, if the null hypothesis is true (there really is no difference between the drug and the
placebo), the probability that we would get a T statistic bigger than the observed T
statistic for the two samples in 70/100, or p = 0.70. The observed difference is very likely
to occur, if the drug and placebo are not different.
When the t-test was developed, over 100 years ago, there were no computers, so doing
100 permutations and calculating 100 T statistics was very tedious. Instead, a formula
was found for the T-distribution that gave an easily-computed approximation to the
results that you would get doing random shuffles.
Hypothesis testing
Suppose that we are testing a drug to kill bacteria in patients with sepsis (a potentially
fatal bacterial infection in the blood). Unknown to us, the drug either kills bacteria (by a
clinically useful amount) or it does not.
The null hypothesis, H0, for our experiment is that the drug does not kill bacteria.
The alternative hypothesis, H1, for our experiment is that the drug does kill
Usually, the null hypothesis is that there is no difference between treatments.
Occasionally, such as showing a generic drug is equivalent to the patented version of the
same drug, the null hypothesis is that the generic and patent versions are different. We
won’t consider these cases further. For the rest of the book, we'll assume that the null
hypothesis is that the treatment has no effect.
We collect data on the bacteria in the blood of patients given either the drug or a placebo,
and calculate a test statistic:
𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 =
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
where the effect size is the difference between the treatment groups (such as difference in
mean bacteria count). To compare two groups, such as drug versus placebo, the most
common statistic is the T statistic used in a t-test. Other commonly used test statistics are
the F-statistic for analysis of variance and the chi-squared statistic for chi-squared tests.
We calculate the probability that the observed value of the statistic would have been seen,
if the null hypothesis is true. This probability is the p-value for the test. Calculation of the
p-value is called a significance test.
p-value = the probability that the experiment would produce a test statistic as big as, or
bigger than, the actual test statistic, if the null hypothesis is true.
If the observed p-value is less than a pre-specified value, (typically alpha = 0.05 or 0.01),
then we say that the result is statistically significant. You will often see this written as ,
the Greek letter alpha.
If the observed p-value is less than alpha, then we reject the null hypothesis.
If the observed p-value is greater than alpha, then we do not reject the null
The value of the test statistic corresponding to alpha is the critical value.
Values of the test statistic that give an observed p-value less than alpha lead to rejection
of the null hypothesis. These values of the test statistics that give p-values less than alpha
define the rejection region.
Type-I and type-II errors
If the treatment does not work,
but we conclude that it does work,
we make a type-I error (a false positive)
The probability of a Type I error is alpha.
If the treatment does work,
but we conclude that it does not work,
we make a type-II error (a false negative)
The probability of a Type II error is beta.
Power is the probability that we will reject the null hypothesis. Power = 1 – beta.
Clinical trial gives
significant p-value
(indicating the treatment
Clinical trial gives nonsignificant p-value
(indicating the treatment
does not work)
Treatment works
True positive result. Correct
conclusion. Probability of a
true positive result is power
= 1- beta.
Type II error. False
negative result. Probability
of a Type II error is beta.
Treatment does not work
Type I error. False positive
result. Probability of a Type
I error is alpha.
True negative result.
Correct conclusion.
T-test for two independent samples
Let's look at an example of a t-test for two independent samples. Independent sample
means that the subjects in one sample get one treatment, and the subjects in the second
sample get the second treatment. We will test the ability of a drug to kill bacteria. The
response is the count of bacteria colony forming units (CFU) x106 per milliliter of blood.
Specifically, we will use a two-sample t-test to test the null hypothesis:
mean bacteria count in the drug group = mean bacteria count in placebo group
The standard version of the two-sample t-test assumes the following.
the samples are normally distributed
the two samples have equal variance
The standard version of the two-sample t-test will usually give valid results if the data do
not completely meet these assumptions. However, if the samples are strongly nonnormal, or have greatly different variance, we should consider alternative analyses, such
as log transforming the data to get a normal distribution, or using non-parametric
Wilcoxon rank tests described later.
From our experiment, we collect the following data.
Bacteria counts
0.7, 0.9,1.0, 1.2, 2.2, 2.5, 3.6, 3.9, 4.2, 4.5,
4.5, 5.6, 5.9, 6.1
2.0,2.3, 2.3, 3.9, 4.1, 4.4, 5.3, 5.7, 6.3, 6.4,
7.2, 7.7, 8.0
In this case, the data do not show significant non-normality or outliers, and the standard
deviations of the two treatment groups are similar. So we'll use the standard version of
the t-test assuming equal variance. The t-test gives p=0.03586. We reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that the bacterial count was significantly less in the drug group
than in the placebo group (p = 0.03586). We get the same information from the
confidence interval. The 95% confidence interval for the true value of the difference of
the treatment group means is -3.2847862 to -0.1218072. Because the 95% confidence
interval does not include zero, we reject the null hypothesis that the difference between
the two groups is zero.
Do bears lose weight between winter and spring?
Here is another example of a two-sample t-test. We measure the weight of one group of
bears in winter, and measure the weight of a different group of bears the following
Measurement time
Bear weights
The t-test gives p = 0.7134, which is not significant, so we do not reject the null
hypothesis that the mean weight of bears in winter is the same as the mean weight of
bears in spring. The 95% confidence interval for the true value of the difference of means
between Winter and Spring is -304.9741 to 212.9741. Because the 95% confidence
interval includes zero, we do not reject the null hypothesis that the difference between the
two groups is zero.
A better design for this study would be to measure the same bears in winter and in spring,
to remove the effect of variability among bears from the experiment. We'll do that shortly
using a paired t-test.
T-test for two independent samples: unequal variance
In some cases, we may know or expect that two groups have unequal variance. For
example, we may want to compare the mean yield of two processes, where we know that
one process is more variable than the other. It may be that a group receiving an active
treatment (drug) is more variable in its response than the control (placebo) group. In these
cases, we may use an alternative version of the t-test, called Welch's test, which does not
assume equal variance of the two treatment groups.
Furness and Bryant (1996) compared the metabolic rates of male and female breeding
northern fulmars (data described in Logan (2010) and Quinn (2002)).
Metabolic rate
The boxplots indicate that the variances of the metabolic rates of males and females are
not equal. So we use the Welch t-test which does not assume equal variance of the two
treatment groups. The Welch t-test gives a not significant p = 0.4565, so we do not
reject the null hypothesis.
Paired t-test for matched samples:
We use the paired t-test when a single subject receives two treatments, or is measured on
two occasions. For example, we could test each subject's heart rate after exercising on a
bicycle and after exercising by walking. Because the same subject receives both
treatments (bicycle and walking), the observations are paired (within subject), and we use
a paired t-test.
Here we'll re-examine the hypothesis that bears lose weight during hibernation.
Previously, different bears are weighed in November and March. We tested for
differences using an ordinary (unpaired) t-test. Here, the same bears are weighed in
November and March. We will test if their mean weight is different using a paired t-test.
The big advantage of measuring the same bears (and using the paired t-test) is that,
because each bear serves as its own control, we control for the variability among bears.
This has the effect of removing the (unexplained) variability due to variation in weight
among the bears.
Measurement time
Bear weights
20, 50, 50, 30, 60, 50, 10, 50, 50, 90
Notice that all the bears lose weight. Using the paired t-test, we get p = 0.0001053, which
is significant. We reject the null hypothesis that the change in weight between winter and
spring is zero.
Let's compare the results of paired and un-paired t-test.
First, use an ordinary t-test:
Assuming 10 bears in November, different 10 bears in March:
Two-Sample t-test assuming equal variance
p = 0.71338
Second, use a paired t-test.
The same 10 bears are weighed in November and again in March:
p = 0.00011
The paired t-test is more powerful than the ordinary t-test for detecting differences.
The paired t-test requires a smaller number of subjects (smaller sample size).
We will see that the paired t-test is a special case of multiple regression analysis, where
the subject (bear) is a variable in the analysis. By controlling (removing) the unexplained
variance due to variation among subjects (bears), we increase the power of our analysis to
detect significant differences.
One-sample t-test
A one-sample t-test tests the hypothesis that the mean of a sample is different from a
specified mean.
Suppose that we have recruited several students for a study to see if body mass index
(BMI) is changed by exercise. In previous studies, the mean BMI of students at baseline
(before the exercise) was 18.2. The BMI of the new volunteers is 17,17, 18,18,18, 19,
20,20, 21, 22, with a mean of 19. Is the BMI mean for the new students significantly
different from 18.2? Our null hypothesis is that the BMI of the new students is 18.2. The
one-sample t-test gives p=0.1708, which is not significant. We do not have sufficient
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the BMI of the new students is 18.2. However,
our sample size of 10 students is very small, so we have little power to detect any
A little while later we recruit another group of students. Is their mean BMI significantly
different from 18.2? The BMI of the second set of volunteers is 18,18,18, 19, 19, 20,20,
21, 22, 22, 23, with a mean of 20. The one-sample t-test gives p=0.007525, so we reject
the null hypothesis that the bmi of this group of students is 18.2. The 95% confidence
interval for the true value of the mean is 18.79823 to 21.20177.
The paired t-test is equivalent to a one sample t-test, where the one-sample t-test uses the
difference between before and after values.
One-tailed versus two-tailed tests
Suppose that I am considering purchasing a machine. Two different machines are
available. I would like to know if one of the machines produces more than the other.
Before the experiment begins, I don't care which one produces more. Because either
machine could be better, I use a two-tailed test.
Suppose, instead, that I already have a machine that produces 50 devices per hour. A
supplier claims that he has a new machine that produces more than 50 devices per hour. I
am only interested in proving that the new machine is better than my old machine. I am
not interested in proving the new machine is worse. Because I am only interested in
testing one direction (higher yield) I could use a one-tailed test.
As another example, suppose that a vendor supplies bottles that are supposed to have 50
ml of liquid. We would be concerned if the bottles contain less than 50ml (one-sided
test). We are not concerned if the bottles contain more than 50 ml. In this case, we could
choose a one-sided test.
Generally, if you are going to submit a test result to a regulatory agency (such as the
Food and Drug Administration), or submit the result of an analysis for publication in a
scientific journal, they will require you to use a two-tailed test.
Log transform to deal with outliers
If you have outliers and/or non-normal distributions, you may be able to apply a
transform to the data to make the distribution more normal, and to reduce the influence of
the outliers.
Recall a previous example where we measured the level of the protein mucin in the blood
of patients with colon cancer and in healthy controls. Notice that the mucin levels in the
colon cancer group are lower than the level in all the healthy controls. So we would think
the difference in means between the two groups should be significant. However, the
healthy control group has an observation with a value of 141 that is an outlier far from
any other observed value.
Colon cancer
Healthy control
Mucin level
83, 89, 90, 93, 98
99, 100, 103, 104, 141
Even though the boxplot shows a clear separation of the two groups, the p-value for the ttest is not significant (p=0.054), due to the outlier (and the small sample size).
We could try a log transform of the data to reduce the effect of the outlier. In this case,
the log transform yields a p-value of p=0.036, so we reject the null hypothesis and
conclude that colon cancer patients have mucin levels different from those of healthy
controls. Another alternative for dealing with outliers is to use a non-parametric test, such
as a Wilcoxon rank sum test, described later.