
Published Peer-Reviewed Papers
(Colour coding: NS NB PEI)
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73(2) pp.
Ruecker, N.J., S.L. Braithwaite, E. Topp, T. Edge, D.R.
Lapen, G. Wilkes, W. Robertson, D. Medeiros, C.
Sensen, and N. Neumann.
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers 50(5): 1549 – 63.
- Liu, Y.B., Yang, W. and Wang, X.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 87 (4):383-398
Rees, H. W., T. L. Chow and E. G. Gregorich
Tracking host sources of Cryptosporidium spp.
in raw water for improved health risk
Jun 2007
GIS-based Integration of SWAT and REMM for
Estimating Water Quality Benefits of Riparian
Buffers in Agricultural Watersheds
Spatial and temporal trends in soil properties
and crop yield at a site under intensive up-anddown-slope potato production in northwestern
New Brunswick
Ecosystem Services in Agricultural
Jul 2007
Distribution and characteristics of Listeria
monocytogenes isolates from surface waters
of the South Nation River Watershed, Ontario,
Sept 2007
Characteristics and frequency of detection of
fecal Listeria monocytogenes shed by
livestock, wildlife, and humans.
Oct 2007
J. Microb. Methods, 69: 480-488
Khan, I., V. Gannon, R. Kent, W. Koning, D.R. Lapen,
J. Miller, N. Neumann, W. Robertson, E. Topp, E. van
Bochove, and T. Edge.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 87 (5): 565-577
Chow, T. L., H. W. Rees, J. O. Monteith, P. Toner, and
J. Lavoie
Development of a rapid quantitative PCR
assay for direct detection and quantification of
culturable and non-culturable Escherichia coli
from agricultural watersheds
Effects of coarse fragment content on soil
physical property, soil erosion and potato
Oct 2007
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11:1785-1795
Quilbé, and R., A. N. Rousseau
GIBSI : An integrated modelling system for
watershed management - Sample applications
and current developments
“An integrated economic-hydrologic modeling
framework for the watershed evaluation of
beneficial management practices”.
A heuristic model to predict earthworm
biomass in agroecosystems based on selected
management and soil properties
Soil and crop responses to long-term potato
production at a benchmark site in northwestern
New Brunswick
Development of a SWAT Extension Module to
Simulate Riparian Wetland Hydrologic
Processes at a Watershed Scale.
Stream Ecosystem Health in rural mixed landuse watersheds.
Nov 2007
Decision considerations and cost analysis of
BMP implementation in Thomas Brook
Effect of Preservation Techniques on the
Determination of Nitrite in Freshwater Samples
July 2008
Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental
Quality: Strengthening the Science Base, pp 3-16, Soil
and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa
- Groffman, P., Capel, P., Ritters, K., and Yang, W.
App. Environ. Micro. 73 (17) : 5401-5410.
Lyautey, E., D.R. Lapen, G. Wilkes, K. McCleary, F.
Pagotto, K. Tyler, A. Hartmann, P. Piveteau, A. Rieu,
W. Robertson, D. Medeiros, T. Edge, V. Gannon, and
E. Topp.
Can. J. Microbiol 53(10): pp. 1158-1167
Lyautey, E., A. Hartmann, F. Pagotto, K. Tyler, D.R.
Lapen, G. Wilkes, P. Piveteau, A. Rieu, W. Robertson,
D. Meideros, T. Edge, V. Gannon, and E. Topp,
J. Soil and Water Conservation, 62 (6): 423-432
– Yang, W., A. Rousseau, and P.C. Boxall
App. Soil Ecol. 39(1), pp. 35-45
Ouellet, G., Lapen, D.R., Topp, E., Sawada, M., and
Edwards, M.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 88(3): 409-422
Rees, H. R., Chow, T. L., and Gregorich, E. G.
Hydrological Processes, 22(16): 2901-2915
- Liu, Y.B., Yang, W. and Wang, X.
J. Environ. Eng. Sci., 7 439-452
Brisbois, M.C., Jamieson, R., Gordon, R., Stratton, G.,
and Madani, A.
Nova Scotia. Journal of International Farm
Management. 4(3): 1 - 32.
- Afari-Sefa, V., E.K. Yiridoe, R. Gordon, and D. Hebb.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 193(1-4): 335-342
Corriveau, J., van Bochove, E., Bégin, G. and Cluis, D
Aug 2007
Nov 2007
May 2008
May 2008
July 2008
July 2008
Sept 2008
Program and Abstract Book of the 14th Scientific
Conference, International Boreal Forest Research
Association, Harbin, China 131-132.
Chow, L., Rees, H., Xing, Z. and Meng, F_R.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 88(5): 787-799
Zhao, Z., Chow, T. L., Yang, Q., Rees, H. W., Benoy,
G., Xing, Z., and Meng F-R
Computer and Electronic in Agric. 65(1): 36-48.
Zhao, Z., Chow, T. L., Yang, Q., Rees, H. W., Xing, Z.,
and Meng F-R
Water Research volume 43, issue 5 (March 2009)
A. Sinclair, D. Hebb, R. Jamieson, R. Gordon, K.
Benedict, K. Fuller,
G.W. Stratton, A. Madani
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 132 (1-2)
Yang, Q., Z.Zhao, T.L.Chow, G.Benoy, C. P.A.Bourque, H.W.Rees and F.R.Meng
Hydrological Processes. 23: 3271-3280
- Yang, Q., Zhao, Z., Chow, T.L., Rees, H. W., Bourque,
P. –A., and Meng, F.-R.
J. Agricultural and Applied Economics. 41: (3) 663–682
- Ghazalian, P.L., Larue, B., and West, G.E.
Ecological Economics 69 (2010) 680–689
- Yang, W., B.A. Bryan, D. Hatton MacDonald, J.R.
Ward, G. Wells, N.D. Crossman and J.D. Connor.
J. Environ. Qual. 39(1):220-7
- Yang, Q., Zhao, Z, Benoy, G., Chow, T.L., Rees,
H.W., Bourque, C.P.-A. and Meng, F.-R.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 206 (1-4) 1-396
- Corriveau J., E. van Bochove, M.M. Savard, D. Cluis
and D. Paradis.
Agricultural Water Management 97 (2) 247-258
- Miller, J., D. Chanasyk, T. Curtis, T. Entz and W.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90 (1) 75-87
Z. Zhao, Q. Yang, G. Benoy, T.L. Chow, Z. Xing, H.W.
Rees, and F.-R Meng
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(5): pp
- Lyautey, E., Lu, Z., Lapen, D.R., Wilkes, G., Scott, A.,
Berkers, T., Edge, T.A. and Topp, E.
Journal of Environmental Quality 39 991-1000
- Miller, J.
Water Resource Management 24(7) pp. 1363-1380
- Zhao, Z., G. Benoy, T.L. Chow, H.W. Rees, J. Daigle
and F. Meng
J. Environ. Qual. 39 pp 964–980
- K.H.D. Tiessen, J.A. Elliott, J. Yarotski, D.A. Lobb,
D.N. Flaten, and N.E. Glozier
Cdn. Journal of Soil Science 90 (2), pp 331-340
- Miller, J.J., T. W. Curtis, E. Bremer, D. S. Chanasyk,
and W. D. Willms
In proceeding of XVIIth World Congress of the
Impact of forest and agricultural operation on
surface water quality in north-western New
Brunswick, Canada: A watershed evaluation.
Sept 2008
Model prediction of soil drainage classes
based on digital elevation model parameters
and soil attributes from coarse resolution soil
Predict soil texture distributions using an
artificial neural network model
Nov 2008
Growing season surface water loading of fecal
indicator organisms within a rural watershed
Mar 2009
Assessing the impacts of flow diversion
terraces on stream surface water yields and
sediment yields at a watershed level using
SWAT model
Using a GIS and digital elevation model to
assess the effectiveness of variable grade flow
diversion terraces for reducing soil erosion in
north-western New Brunswick, Canada
Best Management Practices to Enhance Water
Quality: Who is Adopting Them?
A conservation industry for sustaining natural
capital and ecosystem services in agricultural
A watershed-scale assessment of costeffectiveness of sediment abatement with flow
diversion terraces.
Occurrence of high in-stream nitrite levels in a
temperate region agricultural watershed
July 2009
Influence of streambank fencing with a cattle
crossing on riparian health and
water quality of the Lower Little Bow River in
Southern Alberta, Canada
Using artificial neural network models to
produce soil organic carbon content
distribution maps across landscapes
Distribution and diversity of Escherichia coli
populations in the South Nation River drainage
basin, eastern Ontario, Canada
Feb 2010
Influence of Streambank Fencing on the
Environmental Quality of Cattle-Excluded
May 2010
Impacts of Accuracy and Resolution of
Conventional and LiDAR Based DEMs on
Parameters Used in Hydrologic Modeling
Conventional and Conservation Tillage –
Influence on Seasonal Runoff, Sediment and
Nutrient Losses in the Canadian Prairies
Soil test phosphorus and nitrate adjacent to
artificial and natural cattle watering sites in
southern Alberta
Measured effect of agricultural drainage water
May 2010
Jan 2009
Dec 2009
Jan 2010
Jan – Feb
Feb 2010
Feb 2010
Mar 2010
May 2010
May 2010
June 2010
International Commission of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). CSBE100175.
M. Sunohara, M. Youssef, E. Topp, D.R. Lapen
Water Environment Research 82(7) pp. 622-632(11).
J. Corriveau, van Bochove E. and Cluis D.
VanderZaag, A. C., Campbell, K. J., Jamieson, R. C.,
Sinclair, A. C. and Hynes, L. G. 2010. Can. J. Soil Sci.
90:(3) 495-505, 10.4141/CJSS09113
management on hydrology, water quality, and
crop yield
Sources of nitrate in streams of an intensively
cropped watershed
Survival of Escherichia coli in agricultural soil
and presence in tile drainage and shallow
Jul 2010
Agricultural Water Management 98 pp 261–270.
Cicek, H., Sunohara, H., Wilkes, G., McNairn, H., Pick,
F., Topp, E., and Lapen, D.R.
Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental
Quality II: Achieving more effective conservation, pp
121-130, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny,
- Harker, D.B, Clearwater, L., Broersma, K., Chow, L.,
Hebb, D., Lapen, D.R., Miller, J.J., Scott, T.A., Stuart,
V., van Bochove, E., and Yarotski, J.
Proceedings of 14th International Conference, IWA
Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: Diffuse Pollution and
Eutrophication, September 12-17, 2010 Beaupré,
Quebec, Canada, p 236-242.
- Khakbazan M., Hamilton C., Amiraslany A.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66(1):71-84
- Chow, L., Z. Xing, G. Benoy, H.W. Rees, F. Meng, Y.
Jiang, and J.L. Daigle
Using vegetation indices from satellite remote
sensing to assess corn and soybean response
to controlled tile drainage
Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial
Management Practices: Lessons learned
measuring landscape processes in Canada.
Dec 2010
Economics of Nutrient Management Practices
in the South Tobacco Creek Watershed in
Manitoba (full paper).
Hydrology and water quality across gradients
of agricultural intensity in
the Little River watershed area,
New Brunswick, Canada.
Watershed-level analysis of exceedance
frequencies for different management
Model Assessment of Cattle and Climate
Impacts on Stream Fecal Coliform Pollution in
the Salmon River Watershed, British
Columbia, Canada
Evaluation of the Impact of Controlled Tile
Drainage on Surface Water Quality in the
South Nation River Watershed
Effects of snowmelt on phosphorus and
sediment losses from agricultural watersheds
in Eastern Canada.
Mar 2011
Technical and environmental efficiencies and
best management practices
in agriculture
A comparison of effects of one-pass and
conventional potato hilling on water runoff and
soil erosion under simulated rainfall
Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Runoff after
Phosphorus- or Nitrogen-based
Manure Applications
The Effectiveness of Small-scale Headwater
Storage Dams and Reservoirs on Stream
Water Quality and Quantity in the Canadian
Mar 2011
May 2011
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 46(1):64-73
- Yang, Q., Benoy, G.A., Zhao, Z., Chow, T.L.,
Bourque, C.P.A. and Meng, F.
Water Air Soil Pollut (2011) 215:155–176
- Zhu, Z., K. Broersma & A. Mazumder.
Zhenyang Que
Que, Z. Dissertation in partial fulfilment for the degree
of Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Available from:
Agricultural Water Management 98(5) pp 867–876.
- Su, J.J, E. van Bochove, G. Thériault, B. Novotna, J.
Khaldoune, J.T. Denault, J. Zhou, M.C. Nolin, C.X. Hu,
M. Bernier, G. Benoy, Z.S. Xing, L. Chow.
Applied Economics, 2012, 44 (13): 1659-1672.
Tamini, L., Larue, B and West, G.
Can J Soil Science, , 91(2): 279-290
- Xing, Z., Chow, L.T., Rees, H.W., Hewitt M., Meng,
F.R., Monteith, J. and Stevens, L
Journal of Environmental Quality 40 pp 949-958
- Miller, J.J., Chanasyk, D.S., Curtis, T.W. and Olson,
J. Soil and Water Conservation 66(3) pp 158-171
- K.H.D. Tiessen, J.A. Elliott, M. Stainton, J. Yarotski,
D.N. Flaten and D.A. Lobb
Aug 2010
Feb 2011
Feb 2011
Can. J. Remote Sensing 37(3)pp. 275-284
- Garroway, K., Hopkinson, C. and R. Jamieson
Water Research, 45(18), pp. 5807–5825.
- Wilkes, G.A., Edge, T.A., Gannon, V.P.J., Jokinen,
C.C., Lyautey, E., Neumann, N.F., Ruecker, N., Scott,
A., Sunohara, M., Topp, E., and Lapen, D.R.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 91: 595-613.
- Rees, H. W., Chow, T.L., Zebarth, B.J., Xing, Z.,
Toner, P., Lavoie, J.. Daigle, J.L.
Surface moisture and vegetation influences on
lidar intensity data in an agricultural watershed
Associations among pathogenic bacteria,
parasites, and environmental and land use
factors in multiple mixed-use watersheds.
June 2011
Effects of supplemental poultry manure
applications on soil erosion and runoff water
quality from a loam soil under potato
production in northwestern New Brunswick
Modeling Sediment and Nitrogen Export from a
Rural Watershed in Eastern Canada Using the
Soil and Water Assessment Tool
July 2011
Agricultural Water Management. 98(10) pp. 1505-1515
- Miller, J, D. Chanasyk, T. Curtis, T. Entz and W.
Environmental Quality of Lower Little Bow
River and Riparian Zone Along an Unfenced
Reach with Off-Stream Watering
Aug 2011
Canadian Water Resources Journal 36(3) pp 247-270
- Michel Rahbeh, David Chanasykand Jim Miller
Two-Way Calibration-Validation of SWAT
Model for a Small Prairie Watershed with Short
Observed Record
The Effects of Multiple Beneficial Management
Practices on Hydrology and Nutrient Losses in
a Small Watershed in the Canadian Prairies.
Long-term simulations of nitrate leaching from
potato production systems in Prince Edward
Island, Canada
Assessing field-scale effects of controlled tile
drainage on N mass balance from corn and
soybean fields in Eastern Ontario, Canada
Sept 2011
Economic Evaluation of Tillage Management
Practices at the Watershed Scale in Southern
Water and nutrient crop sufficiency models for
potato, wheat, canola, oats, alfalfa, and corn.
Nov 2011
Journal of Environmental Quality 40(4) pp. 1182-1194
Hafiz M. Nafees Ahmad, Andrew Sinclair, Rob
Jamieson, Ali Madani, Dale Hebb, Peter Havard and
Emmanuel K. Yiridoe
Journal of Environmental Quality. 40(5) pp.1627-42
Li, S., Elliott, J.A., Tiessen, K.H.D., Yarotski, J., Lobb,
D.A. and Flaten, D.N.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 91(3) pp. 307-325
Jiang, Y, B. Zebarth & J. Love
2011 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting:
Fundamental for life: soil, crop and environmental
sciences, San Antonio, TX, USA,
Nangia, V., Sunohara, M., Topp, E., Gregorich, E.G.,
Gottschall, N., Drury, C.F., Toussef, M.A., and Lapen,
D.R. (2011).
Soil and Tillage Research 118 pp. 40-51
Khakbazan, M. and C. Hamilton
Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Volume 5
(Special issue 2): 45-60.
Mohammad Khakbazan, Cliff Hamilton, Ramona Mohr,
and Cynthia Grant.
J. Environ. Quality 41(1) pp. 64-72.
Q. Yang, G.A Benoy, T.L. Chow, J.L. Daigle, C.P.-A.
Bourque and F-R. Meng
J. Environmental Quality 41(1) pp. 21–30
Edge, T.A., A. El-Shaarawi, V. Gannon, C. Jokinen, R.
Kent, I.U.H. Khan, W. Koning, D. Lapen, J. Miller, N.
Neumann, R. Phillips, W. Robertson, H. Schreier, A.
Scott, I. Shtepani, E. Topp, G. Wilkes and E. van
J. Environmental Quality 41(1) pp. 52-63
A.N. Rousseau, P. Lafrance, M-P Lavigne, S. Savary,
B. Konan, R. Quilbé, P. Jiapizian and Mohamed Amrani
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Vol 47(1):
pp 30–41
- Crabbé, P., Lapen, D.R., Clark, H., Sunohara, M., and
Liu, Y.
Oct 2011
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to
Estimate Achievable Water Quality Targets
through Implementation of Beneficial
Management Practices in an Agricultural
Investigation of an Escherichia coli
environmental benchmark for waterborne
pathogens in agricultural watersheds in
A Hydrological Modeling Framework for
Defining Achievable Performance Standards
for Pesticides
Economic benefits of controlled tile drainage:
Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial
Management Practices, South Nation river
basin, Ontario
June 2012
Journal of Environmental Quality Vol. 41 No. 4, p. 13011314
Sunohara, M.D, Topp, E., Wilkes, G.A., Gottschall, N.,
Neumann, N.F., Ruecker, N., Jones, T.H., Edge, T.A.,
Marti, R., and Lapen, D.R.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 138(8),
pp 703-714
- Xing, Z., Toner, P., Chow, T.L., Rees, H.W., Li, S.,
Meng, F.
Journal of Environmental Protection 3, pp 809-822.
Zhu, Z, K. Broersma & A. Mazumder.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 48(1)
Miller, J.J., T. Curtis and D. S. Chanasyk
Archives of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 64(2) pp. 208-18
Xing, Z., L. Chow, H. Rees, S. Li, B. Ernst, G.
Benoy, T. Zha and M. Hewitt.
J. Environmental Quality 42(2) pp.484-496
Liu, K., J.A. Elliott, D. A. Lobb, D. N. Flaten and
J. Yarotski
Canadian Water Resources Journal, 2013
Vol. 38, No. 2, 99–120. Alain N. Rousseau*, Stéphane
Savary, Dennis W. Hallema, Silvio J. Gumiere and
Étienne Foulon
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(5): 392-400.
Ochuodho, T., E. Olale, V. Lantz, J. Damboise, T.L.
Chow, F.R. Meng, J.L. Daigle.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation July/August
2013 vol. 68 no. 4 257-269
Khakbazan, M., C. Hamilton, J. Elliott and J Yarotski
Hydrological Processes, Volume 27, Issue 18, pages
- Zhang, R., Li, Q., Chow, T.L., Li, S., Danielescu, S.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. 93(3): 343-358.
J. J. Miller, T. W. Curtis, E. Bremer, D. S. Chanasyk,
and W. D. Willms
Agricultural Water Management
- Amon-Armah, F., N.H.M. Ahmad, E.K. Yiridoe, D.
Hebb, R. Jamieson, D. Burton, and A. Madani
Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 445–458
Cade-Menun, B. J., Bell, G., Baker-Ismail, S., Fouli, Y.,
Hodder, K., McMartin, D. W., Perez-Valdivia, C. and
Wu, K.
Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 485-496
Fouli, Y., Cade-Menun, B. J. and Cutforth, H. W.
J Environ Manage. 2013 Nov 15;129:652-64.
Nangia V, Sunohara MD, Topp E, Gregorich EG, Drury
CF, Gottschall N, Lapen DR.
Cdn Water Resources Journal
- Rahbeh, M., Chanasyk, D., and Miller, J.
In Press
Submitted to: Regional Environmental Change (under
review)Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Impact of Riparian Zone Protection from Cattle
on Nutrient, Bacteria, F-coliphage,
Cryptosporidium, and Giardia Loading of an
Intermittent Stream
July 2012
. Impacts of Hay Mulch on Soil Properties and
Potato Tuber Yield under Irrigation and NonIrrigation in New Brunswick, Canada.
Impacts of Land Use, Fertilizer and Manure
Application on the Stream Nutrient Loadings in
the Salmon River Watershed, South-Central
British Columbia, Canada
Comparison of Runoff Quantity and Quality
under Annual Cropping and Forages
Influences of sampling methodologies on
pesticide residue detection in stream water.
Critical Factors Affecting Field-Scale Losses of
Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Spring Snowmelt
Runoff in the Canadian Prairies
Modeling the effects of agricultural BMPs on
sediments, nutrients, and water quality of the
Beaurivage River watershed (Quebec,
Impacts of soil and water conservation
practices on potato yield in northwestern New
Brunswick, Canada.
Economic analysis of nutrient management
practices in the South Tobacco Creek
Watershed in Manitoba, Canada.
Baseflow separation in a small watershed in
New Brunswick, Canada using a Recursive
Digital Filter calibrated with the Conductivity
Mass Balance method.
Evaluation of selected soil properties for
indicating cattle activity at off-stream watering
and river access sites in southern Alberta.
Statistical analysis of the effect of nutrient
management planning on crop yield, nitrate
leaching, and sediment loading
Nutrient loss from Saskatchewan cropland and
pasture in spring snowmelt runoff
Aug 2013
Freezethaw cycles and soil water content
effects on infiltration rate of three
Saskatchewan soils
Measuring and modeling the effects of
drainage water management on soil
greenhouse gas fluxes from corn and soybean
Modelling the effect of irrigation on the
hydrological output from a small prairie
watershed. Vol. 38, Iss. 4, 2013
Dec 2013
How do soil and water conservation practices
influence the impacts of climate change on
In press
Feb 2013
June 2013
Aug 2013
Nov 2013
Ochuodho, T., E. Olale, V. Lantz, J. Damboise, T.L.
Chow, F.R. Meng, J.L. Daigle.
Journal of Environmental Quality Accepted paper,
posted 12/10/2013. doi:10.2134/jeq2013.04.0117
Sunohara, M.D., Craiovan, E., Topp, E., Gottschall, N.,
Drury, C.F., and Lapen, D.R.
potato production? Evidence from New
Brunswick, Canada.
Comprehensive Nitrogen Budgets for Corn and
Soybean Fields Under Controlled Tile
Drainage for Wetter and Drier Cropping
In press