Old / New Trail Name Cross Walk USE ORV Old Name North Rim #1 ORV ORV North Rim #1 Middle Waddell loop Mt. Molly Porter #3 Mt Molly Loop Rock Candy west Rock Candy east Trail 20 Trail 30 Trail 40 Trail 50 AL Davis trail Capital Peak trail ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV ORV New Name Waddell Basin West , Rock Candy trail, Army Rd tie, N.R. 1,2, and 3. Loki trail Waddell Basin East General Location C-8000 to Porter Slide, Larch MT. East and West C-line, Larch MT, Porter creek Divide trail south North rim #1 Rock Candy trail, Army rd tie North trail divide Twin peaks trail Waddell Basin west ORV park tie AL Davis trail Capital peak trail C-7000 to C- 4000 Rock Candy day use Rock candy to B-8000 B-8500 to C-4000 C-4000 to B-1000 Middle Waddell trail head ORV park Waddell Basin West to D-4800 C-4000 to Capital peak Single track above ORV park Middle Waddell trail head