1 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 45, November 3-7 The course begins on Monday Nov 3rd, however due to individual schedules the formal course introduction will take place on Wednesday Nov 5th . Course participants should start reading the key texts in the Reading list. Monday 3rd Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 13:00-15:00 Lecture: ”From the grave to the museum exhibition”, on the contemporary illicit trade with cultural objects Staffan Lundén, doctoral student, Dept of Global studies Suggested reading: Lundén, Staffan, “The scholar and the market. Swedish scholarly contributions to the destruction of the world’s archaeological heritage”, s. 197-247. (PDF) Lundén. Staffan. ”Perspectives on looting, illicit antiquities trade, art and heritage”, s. 109-134 (PDF) Tuesday 4th Literature studies Wednesday 5th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 13.00-15.00 Introduction Objectives, assignments, learning outcomes, schedule, literature Bosse Lagerqvist & Diana Walters Thursday 6th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10:00-12:00 13:00-15:00 Lecture and seminar: Heritage and interpretation – theories and applications Diana Walters 2 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Friday 7th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10:00-12:00 13:00-15:00 Seminar: ”Who owns the heritage?”, debate: pro and against repatriating cultural objects based on some cases. Staffan Lundén Cultural objects in museum collections The objects/group of objects below have been in focus for repatriation discussions. The student assignment is to give an opinion for each object/group of objects in regards to their logical placement including a motivation. The Paracas textiles (presently at the Museum of World Cultures, Göteborg, and owned by the Göteborg City). The Parthenon Marbles (presently at the British Museum, London) A Totem (at the Etnografic museum, Stockholm up to March 2006.) The literature below can be used as a base for the assignment: General: Declaration on the importance and value of universal museums (2002) http://www.tomflynn.co.uk/UniversalMuseumsDeclaration.pdf MacGregor, Neil, 2004, “The Whole world in our Hands” The Guardian 24 July 2004 http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2004/jul/24/heritage.art O’Neil, Mark, 2004, “Enlightenment museums. Universal or merely global?”, Museums and society 2:3, pp. 190-202. http://www.le.ac.uk/ms/m&s/Issue%206/ONeill.pdf Vem tillhör museernas samlingar? Svenska Unescorådets skriftserie 3, 2008. (PDF) (39 s.) The Paracas textiles: Correspondence between Sven Karell, General Consul in Lima and Erland Nordenskiöld, Head of Ethnographic Museum, Göteborg, 1931-32. Tjänsteutlåtande Göteborgs kommun The Parthenon marbles: Focus on the Meditteranean 2, 2005, s. 135-146. (PDF) 3 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 British museum webpage: http://www.britishmuseum.org/the_museum/news_and_press_releases/stat ements/the_parthenon_sculptures.aspx British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon marbles http://www.parthenonuk.com/ (See specifically: “The case for the return”) The Totem: Gurt, Carl Johan, ”Haisla åter i Stockholm”, Fjärde världen 20:3 2004, s. 28. (PDF) Kulturella perspektiv 1992, no. 3-4, s. 53-65. (PDF) Gurt, Carl Johan och Persson, Henrik, ”Totempålekravet – del av större problematik för nordvästkustindianern i Nordamerika: miljöförstöring och kulturell utarmning”, Fjärde världen 9:1, 1992, s. 14-15. (PDF) Hultkrantz, Åke, ”Låt totempålen vara kvar i Sverige”, Fjärde världen 9:3, 1992, s. 38. (PDF) 4 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 46, November 10-14 Monday 10th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00- Lectures: Heritage and conflicts – or interpretations and solutions Diana Walters Tuesday 11th Literature studies Wednesday 12th Literature studies Thursday 13th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00-12.00 Lectures: Objects, access and stories in museum collections Diana Walters 13.00- Post-colonialism – the theory. Klas Grinell Presentation of Museum of World Cultures Friday 14th Literature studies 5 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 47, November 17-21 Monday 17th Literature studies Tuesday 18th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00-12.00 Lecture: Industrialization, Industrial Heritageization, Tourism development. “Disneyfication” Bosse Lagerqvist Wednesday 19th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00-12.00 Lecture: Indigenous people Nick Waller Thursday 20th Literature studies Friday 21st Literature studies 6 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week48, November 24- 28 Monday 24th Literature studies Tuesday 25th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 13.00-15.00 Lecture: Intangibility: Skill and Craft. Valdimar Hafstein Wednesday 26th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 13:00-15:00 Lecture: Swedish Roma places in Heritage Management Ingrid M Holmberg, senior lecturer, Dept of Conservation Thursday 27th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00-12.00 Lecture: Protection as Dispossession: Between Heritage and a Hard Place. Valdimar Hafstein 13.00-15.00 Seminar: group assignments. Valdimar Hafstein Friday 29th Literature studies 7 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 49, December 2- 6 Monday 1st Literature studies Tuesday 2nd Literature studies Wednesday 3rd Literature studies Thursday 4th Literature studies Friday 5th Literature studies Week 50, December 8-12 Monday 8th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 9.00-12.00 Literature seminar Tuesday 9th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 9.00-12.00 Lecture: Formulation of a critical study/individual paper. Diana Walters 13.00- Mentor time Wednesday 10th Individual project Thursday 11th Individual project Friday 12th Individual project 8 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 51, December 15-19 Monday 15th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 14.00 – 17.00 The individual study/project. Mentor time, Diana Walters Tuesday 16th Individual project Wednesday 17th Individual project Thursday 18th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 10.00 – 16.00 The individual study/project. Mentor time, Diana Walters Friday 20th Individual project Week 52, December 22-26 Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Week 1, December 29-January 2 Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Individual project 9 Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg Integrated Conservation, 15hp, KU0920 Course coordinator: Bosse Lagerqvist/Diana Walters, October 13, 2014 Week 2, January 5-9 Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Individual project Thursday 8th Individual project Friday 9th Individual project Week 3, January 12-16 Monday 12th Individual project Submission of papers Tuesday 13th Individual project Wednesday 14th Individual project Thursday 15th Individual project Friday 16th Dept of Conservation, Guldhedsgatan 5A, 9.00 -12.00 13.00-15.00 Final seminar, ”cross critic” Diana Walters Bosse Lagerqvist, 15.00 Course valuation GUL Bosse Lagerqvist