INTEL-NTU Connected Context Center April 2013 Monthly Report

May 7, 2013
INTEL-NTU Connected Context Center April 2013 Monthly Report
Project: Cooperative Information Fusion and Inference (CIFI) in SIGARC
PI: Professor Kwang-Cheng Chen
INTEL Champion: Dr. Shu-Ping Yeh
1. Team Members
Post-Doc Researcher: Dr. Ray Lam
Research Assistants1: to be hired from July
PhD Students: Tzu-Yu Chuang
MS Students: Shaochou Hung, Norah Yeh, CH Lin,
2. Discussion with Champion
Discussions on the direction to design large M2M wireless networks.
3. Progress
Current research of project CIFI focuses on grounding technology development
and explorations. A few key issues are actively explored:
 Explore to identify bottlenecks of realizing large ad hoc network and to
enable fundamental scalability of ad hoc networking, under wireless
fading links and basic operating algorithms.
 System dynamics: Leverage modeling from mathematical biology,
population dynamics from nature resource sharing, we conduct
theoretical investigations regarding the dynamics of spectrum sharing
(i.e. cognitive radio). Currently, the research focuses on precise finite-user
analysis with throughput-delay and stabilization, and operating
conditions from system dynamics.
 We are exploring the true meaning of cooperation via game theory and
stochastic geometry. We investigate in general ad hoc networks and onehop relay and more in-depth study.
4. Brief Plan for Next Month
In the following month, we shall conduct research on fundamental explorations
on statistical networking for large ad hoc networks.
5. Research Byproducts
One of the two major IEEE wireless communications conferences, IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networks Conference (WCNC), was held April 7-10 in
Shanghai. WCNC is considered a top conference related to SIGARC. I was invited
Full-time research assistants with MS degree
May 7, 2013
to deliver a keynote speech in the Convergence of Broadcasting and Broadband
Communications Workshop on April 7, in WCNC. The keynote is entitled “A
Spectrum Sharing View on Broadcasting and Wireless Communications”, which
is related to my research for project CIFI and research in past 6 years.
In the mean time, there are 3 papers related to CIFI as follows.
[1] L. Gu, S.C. Lin, K.C. Chen, “Small-World Networks Empowered Large Machineto-Machine Communications“, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks
Conference (WCNC), 2013.
This paper presents a new network topology to construct effective
communication in machine swarm. Due to significant and non-scalable delay
(i.e. number of hops) in machine swarm using existing network architecture
and routing algorithms, we leverage the concept from social network
analysis, small-world networking, to design a two-tier network architecture
to successfully resolve this dilemma.
[2] C. Xie, K.C. Chen, X. Wang, “To Hop or Not to Hop in Massive Machine-toMachine Communications”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks
Conference (WCNC), 2013.
This paper analyzes the conditions to conduct ad hoc networking in machine
[3] R. Lam, K.C. Chen, “Congestion Control for M2M Traffic with Heterogeneous
Throughput Demands”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networks
Conference (WCNC), 2013.
This paper explores congestion control of M2M traffic in the machine swarm.