Severe Weather Fire or Smoke Tornado Evacuation Bomb Threat Gas Leak What do I do afterwards? Further Response Based on Situation What you should do immediately What notice is given? No cell phone, radios or fire alarms used in the building Tornado Sirens Fire Alarm PA Notice “Evacuate the building immediately” Fire Alarm PA Notice “Take shelter immediately due to weather emergency” Lockdown with Warning Issues of concern are taking place in the neighboring area PA Notice: “Implement Lockdown with warning procedures.” Medical Emergency with Intruder Dangerous intruder, violence or hostage PA Notice: “Implement Lockdown with Intruder procedures.” Person shows signs of emergency External building doors are locked. No entrance or exit the building until “All Clear” Seek shelter Pull nearest fire alarm Evacuate Evacuate Close & Lock Door Close & Lock Door Call 911 Call 911 & Provide Primary Care Instructors: Stay with class and go to designated shelter area Instructors: Stay with class and exit the building at the nearest exit. Instructors: Stay with class and exit the building at the nearest exit. Instructors: Stay with class and exit the building at the nearest exit. Instructors: Stay with class and remain in locked classroom. Instructors: Stay with class and remain in locked classroom, out of view from hallway. Instructors: Call building aide, call 911 and provide care Building Aide: See to it all participants and staff go to designated shelter area immediately. Building Aide: See to it all participants and staff exit the building immediately. Building Aide: See to it all participants are in locked rooms. Building Aide: Remain in locked classroom, out of view from hallway. Building Aide: Call 911 and provide care Bring class roster and emergency information Bring class roster and emergency information Building Aide: See Building Aide: See to it all participants to it all participants and staff exit the and staff exit the building building immediately. immediately. Bring class roster and emergency information Continue with classes as usual Lights off & close door Lights off & close door Take classroom phone off the hook DO NOT touch light switches or use cell phones Stay in the room until ‘All Clear’ is given, (even if class has ended) Lights off, close/lock door, move away from windows Be quiet and lay flat on the floor. Evacuate through building doors designated on signs by the classroom door Do not allow any students to leave If necessary - Call 911 Call 911 Take attendance after arriving at shelter area Take attendance after reaching safe area After reaching safe area, call 911 Supervise participants and keep them calm Supervise participants and keep them calm Take attendance after reaching safe area Tornado without warning -go inside, take cover in a room or hallway near an interior wall, cover head, stay away from windows Do not allow any students to leave Do not move the person unless they are in immediate danger Check breathing. Is the airway clear? Is the victim in a position to facilitate breathing? If no breathing, begin CPR if trained to do so. Call 911 Help stop bleeding. Apply pressure to wounds. Supervise participants and keep them quiet and calm Protect yourself- use gloves if available. Do not respond to any knocks or sounds until the ‘All Clear’ is given Comfort the victim and assure them the medical attention is on the way. Following "All Clear", return to regular activities Remain to assist medical services with pertinent information about the incident If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork Supervise participants and keep them calm Following "All Clear", return to regular activities Following "All Clear", return to regular activities Following "All Clear", return to regular activities Following "All Clear", return to regular activities If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes If activities will not resume, implement dismissal procedures. Call parents for youth classes Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork Inform CE Supervisor and complete necessary paperwork