Syllabus A -

Syllabus “A” March 2015 -2016
Reading Skills:
(Traditional Stories)
Formal correspondence
(i) Fax transmission and email
(ii) Formal letters
Traditional stories
(i) Why the tortoise’s shell is not smooth
(ii) The lost ruby
Give the meaning of each word as used in the passage
Choose the best answer
Answer questions
Reference to the context
Tales of William Shakespeare (1)
(i) A midsummer’s night dream
(ii) The Merchant of Venice
(a) Character sketch
(b) Reference to the context
(c) Exercise at the back of the book
(d) Short questions
(e) Re-arrange the sequence
(a) Adjectives (Grammar tree pg#29, 30)
(b) Adverbs (Grammar tree pg#31-42)
(c) Adverbs of manner, place and time
(d) Preposition (Grammar tree pg#81- 83)
(e) Prepositional phrases
(f) Adjectival and adverbial phrases
(a) Formal and informal language
(b) Spelling rules
(c) Commonly confused words
Writing Skill:
Story Writing:
Choose a traditional story with human characters. Rewrite this story by changing
setting and replacing the human characters with animals.
Rewrite a traditional story but give it a modern setting.
(a) To the principal asking for permission to use school conveyance for the project
(b) To the principal asking for the re – admission
Speaking Skill:
(a) Formal telephone conversation
(b) Story telling
Above mentioned activities will be done in groups.
Listening Skills:
A traditional story will be read in the class and teacher will ask different questions
about the story like main characters, moral, etc.
New words:
Purchasing, reasonable, introductory, reliably, promptly, subscription, unfortunately,
respond, feast, famine, cunning, ungrateful, mischief, monarch, grief, contrary,
deliberately, amazement, razed, mysterious, possessions, liberally, commencement,
revelry, hastened, acknowledged, cheerfully, commended
Worksheets: 02
 Read 5pages of novel daily.
 General homework twice a week
G.K Questions: 05
Chapter5: Feeding and Digestion (114-133)
What you eat turns into you
More about food
A balanced diet and health
Feeding the world’s billions
A closer look at digestion
Absorption, and the liver
Worksheet: 02
Practical: Designing a balanced diet plate ( in groups)
G.K Questions: 05
Chapter 1: Atoms –The big idea
 How electrons are arranged
 How ideas of the atom developed
 The atom: the inside story
Practical: Video watching/presentation of atoms inside story
Worksheet: 02
G.K Questions: 05
Chapter 2: Forces and motion
Falling with gravity
Thrills and spills
Forces in action
Forces, mass , and acceleration
Speedy delivery
Practical: Making of a parachute and observing its fall and measuring time accordingly. Observing
different factors
Worksheet: 02
G.K Questions: 05
Chapter: 3 Rational Numbers
Rational numbers
Ordering of Rational Numbers
Addition and subtraction of Rational Numbers
Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers
Arithmethical operations on Rational Numbers
Probemling Solving Involving Rational Numbers
Worksheet: 02
Home Work: Every day
G.K Questions: 05
The life and teachings of Buddha
The rise and fall of Buddhism in India
Buddhism spreads through Asia
The beginning and spread of Christianity
The power of the Church and the Pope in the Middle Ages
The Church in the lives of the people
The Middle Ages – the feudal system
The nobles’ lives and homes
English towns in the Middle ages
(Pg# 2-19)
Work sheet: 02
G.K Questions: 05
Chapter: 1 Earthquakes, volcanoes, and fold mountains (pg no: 1-14)
Section:1 Tectonic plates and plate boundaries
Section; 2 Major relief features in Pakistan
Note: All maps, activities, geographical terms and graphs relevant to the topics will be
G.k Questions: 05
Formulas in MS Excel
1.1 Cell and Range Reference
1.2 Using Formulas
1.3 AutoSum Feature
1.4 Function Library
Chapter 2: Advanced Features of MS Excel
2.1 Sorting Data
2.2 Filtering Data
2.3 Conditional Formatting
2.4 Sorting and Filtering by cell colour
PRACTICAL : above all topics will be done as practical in computer lab
2 worksheets will be given and 1 MCQ’s sheet will be given
Related web sites:
Chapter one: Revelation of the Quran
Chapter five : Prophethood
Chapter six: Concept of worship in Islam
Chapter three: Memorization of Surahs
Surah Al- Duha