Name __________________________ Per. _________ MINDSET LESSON 1 1) SURVEY What was your last math class? How well did you do? What grade or percentage did you receive? To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement. (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 1. I like math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 2. Mathematics involves mostly facts and procedures that have to be learned. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 3. I am quick to understand math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 4. I enjoy being challenged in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 5. In math, answers are either right or wrong. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 6. Math is boring. strongly disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 7. People who really understand math will get an answer quickly. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 8. Math is confusing to me. strongly disagree disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 9. In math, it is important to think hard about ideas. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 10. I look forward to my mathematics lessons. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 11. In math, it is important to remember lots of methods. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 12. I can tell if my answers in math make sense. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 13. When I get a bad grade in math, I think that I am not very smart in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 14. I believe that I can do well in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 15. When confronted with a problem, I give up easily. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 16. When I make a mistake in math, I feel bad. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 17. People can learn more math, but they can’t really change their basic math intelligence. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 18. Math is creative. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 19. It is important in math to be fast. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 20. There are limits to how much people can improve their basic math ability. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 21. If I put in enough effort I can succeed in mathematics. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 22. Sometimes math makes me feel afraid. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree agree strongly agree somewhat agree 23. You have a certain amount of math intelligence, and you can’t really do much to change it. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 24. Math is a subject with lots of connections between ideas. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 25. It is really helpful to talk about math with others. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 26. There is usually only one way to solve a math problem. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 27. I like to solve complex problems. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree agree strongly agree somewhat agree 2) Why do you think people often don't like math? 3) What was a really important message you have just heard? You can choose as many as you like. a) Anyone can succeed in math. b) There is no such thing as a "math person.” c) When you learn something new, synapses fire in your brain. d) You need to exercise your math brain. 4) What happened when a girl had half of her brain removed? a) The connections grew back faster than scientists had thought possible. b) She remained disabled because brains cannot change and grow. c) She enrolled in an online course. 5) Write down the main messages you learned in lesson 1 for someone of your age. What are 3 important things you learned today that everyone your age should know? Write a paragraph please. Name __________________________ Per. _________ MINDSET LESSON 2 1) Which of these behaviors would help someone learn math? a) Deciding you are just no good at math when you encounter difficulties. b) Getting a low test grade and being determined to do better next time. c) When something is hard, keep going and "think outside the box." d) When something is hard, decide you are just not a "math person." 2) Why do you think that when students were praised for being smart they then chose the easy problem? 3) What are some important things you learned today that everyone your age should know? Write a paragraph, please. LESSON 3 1) Why is it good to make a mistake in math? Write a complete sentence, please. 2) Choose one of the behaviors we reviewed earlier that are used by successful people in the world and write about the way you could use it in your approach to math. First choose the behavior you want to write about: a) Go against traditional ideas b) Play with ideas without judging them c) Be open to different experiences d) Keep going through difficulties e) Feel comfortable being wrong f) Try seemingly wild ideas How do you think you could use it in your approach to math? 3) What are some important things you learned today about mistakes, struggle, and speed that everyone your age should know? Write a paragraph, please. Name __________________________ Per. _________ MINDSET LESSON 4 1) What is 18 x 5? 2) Which of the visuals shows you the method of working out 9 x 10 instead of 18 x 5? a) b) c) d) 3) Calculate 12 x 15 by changing the numbers into friendlier numbers as we saw in the videos. Show how you work it out: 4) Why do you think that the students who worked on math together did so well in their math class afterwards? 5) Why is it useful to learn to reason? a) Reasoning is the essence of what mathematics is. b) Reasoning is useful for working in most jobs. c) Reasoning allows people to connect ideas and make mathematical breakthroughs. (Continued) 6) What are two things that you see in the graph above from PISA? Who does really well in math? 7) In this session we have learned about number flexibility, talking, reasoning and mathematical connections. Write about some of these important ideas for someone of your own age. In a paragraph explain to them why these ideas are important for their learning. Name __________________________ Per. _________ MINDSET LESSON 5 1) A man is on a diet and goes into a shop to buy some turkey slices. He is given 3 slices which together weigh 1/3 of a pound but his diet says that he is only allowed to eat 1/4 of a pound. How many of the 3 slices he bought can he eat while staying true to his diet? 2) What did you learn from watching the three visual solutions? a) Nothing. b) That it is really useful to solve math problems visually. c) Some visual strategies that I will use in future math problems. 3) Which is bigger 3/4 or 7/10? 4) What fraction of the shape is shaded? a) 1/5 b) 1/4 c) 1/8 5) What are two big ideas in the learning of fractions? 6) In this session we have talked about making sense, drawing and representing, using intuition, and looking for the big idea. What are some important things you learned today that everyone your age should know? Write a paragraph, please. Name __________________________ Per. _________ MINDSET LESSON 6 1) In your own words, what did Fibonacci discover? 2) Which of these animals do you think is also an expert in building spirals? a) Elephant b) Alligator c) Snail d) Frog 3) Which of these angles did you see in the ballet moves? 4) Which of these patterns did you see in the hip hop video? This is a difficult one, but just have a go. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong. a) b) c) d) 5) What math is involved in juggling? 6) What other cool examples of math in the world can you think of? 7) Which of these statements do you agree with? Choose as many as you like. a) The world is much more mathematical than I thought. b) I now know that patterns exist throughout nature and the world. c) It is amazing to know that animals use math intuitively. d) I have new ideas about the math I need to be successful in the world. e) The images of math I have seen make me feel encouraged to do well in math. 8) What makes a good math app or video game? 9) Here are some main ideas from the course. Check all of those that you thought were helpful for you. Anyone can achieve at high levels in math. The brain grows from experience. Stereotypes – like pink aisles and blue aisles – are damaging for math. A growth mindset – a belief that you can get smarter with hard work – is really important for math success. Mistakes in math grow your brain. Being good at math does not mean being fast. Depth is more important than speed. Number flexibility (as we saw in 18 x 5) is important and valuable. All of math should make sense to you. Talking about math is helpful and important. Math is a connected subject and it is important to see and make mathematical connections. Intuition is important in math. It is helpful to represent math visually as well as with physical objects. It is important to focus on the big idea in math e.g. a fraction is a relationship. Math is about pattern finding. Math is everywhere in nature e.g. in snowflakes, spider webs, pine cones. Math is everywhere in sport e.g. dance, soccer, tennis. Math in the real world is about connections, drawing, reasoning and applying ideas, not formulas. Good apps and games teach math conceptually and visually. SURVEY What was your last math class? How well did you do? What grade or percentage did you receive? To what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement. (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) 1. I like math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 2. Mathematics involves mostly facts and procedures that have to be learned. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 3. I am quick to understand math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 4. I enjoy being challenged in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 5. In math, answers are either right or wrong. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 6. Math is boring. strongly disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 7. People who really understand math will get an answer quickly. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 8. Math is confusing to me. strongly disagree disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 9. In math, it is important to think hard about ideas. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 10. I look forward to my mathematics lessons. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 11. In math, it is important to remember lots of methods. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 12. I can tell if my answers in math make sense. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree agree strongly agree 13. When I get a bad grade in math, I think that I am not very smart in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree somewhat agree 14. I believe that I can do well in math. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 15. When confronted with a problem, I give up easily. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 16. When I make a mistake in math, I feel bad. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 17. People can learn more math, but they can’t really change their basic math intelligence. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 18. Math is creative. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 19. It is important in math to be fast. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 20. There are limits to how much people can improve their basic math ability. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 21. If I put in enough effort I can succeed in mathematics. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 22. Sometimes math makes me feel afraid. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree agree strongly agree somewhat agree 23. You have a certain amount of math intelligence, and you can’t really do much to change it. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 24. Math is a subject with lots of connections between ideas. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 25. It is really helpful to talk about math with others. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 26. There is usually only one way to solve a math problem. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree agree strongly agree 27. I like to solve complex problems. strongly disagree disagree somewhat disagree agree strongly agree As a result of taking this course: (Check all that apply) I have changed my view of what math is. I am more determined to do well in math. I am more interested in math. I have a stronger belief that I can do well in math. somewhat agree