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Sub heading: Example All-Day Program
The following table provides a guide on how to develop and deliver local education and training in
patient based care. The program outlines are based on the programs that have been used and
delivered to LHDs in 2012/13 by the Directorate of Patient Based Care.
Instructions on how to conduct training are provided in the example all day program below:
Focus: Welcome to the day and setting the tone.
Suggested speaker: LHD Chief Executive or Board
Message: Speech notes should consider:
 The key message for the day; Patient focus
 Publically acknowledging local exemplars
 Organisational vision for the future
Speaker notes:
 Welcome everyone to the session which is
designed to help build the capabilities of local
leaders to further improve patient focussed care.
Governance setting the strategy
for a focus on improving patient
Identify the key role that clinical, executive and
administrative leader’s play in engaging the
broader workforce in delivering the best possible
care for patients.
Consider that whilst patients typically receive
good care, to make care truly excellent there
needs to be the inclusion of patients and families
as true partners in the ‘care team’, listen to their
feedback and concerns and be responsive to
their needs.
Review feedback from local patients and
highlight key areas for improvement – this may
be; better communication, responsiveness,
involving families, and/or team work.
The training is about supporting staff locally to
promote patient based care approaches. Leaders
are central to setting the culture of an
organisation and the message to staff is that
‘every patient is everyone’s responsibility’ within
a health care service. This message is central to
our vision for the LHD.
Focus: Overarching organisational strategy and how
it relates to patient based care.
experience of care
Suggested speaker: LHD Board Chair or Board
Message: Assisting staff to refine their knowledge of
the organisational vision for the future and how
patient based care integrates with current / new
Hints and tips: Set up a time to work with the Board
Chair / Member before the day and discuss their
presentation with them.
From the top - what makes
leading patient-based health
care services tick?
Focus: On leaders of health services.
Suggested speaker: Tier 2 Director.
Message: We recognise that leaders are uniquely
positioned to positively drive change. They
demonstrate commitment to the health services
mission and values by their own hard work,
dedication and persistence in the search for
Leadership is crucial to the success of delivering
patient based care.
Leaders need to demonstrate attitudes and
behaviours that are patient focussed to drive
continuous improvement in their staff and hospital or
health service.
Hints and tips: Suggested slides for this topic are
provided under the heading ‘Resources’ on this page.
The Patient Based Care
Challenge - “But how do I really
make it happen?”
Focus: Strategies within The CEC Patient Based Care
Challenge. Alignment to ACSQHC National Safety and
Quality Health Service Standards.
Suggested speaker: Tier 2 Director or Tier 3
Practical strategies
supporting health service
Message: Patient based care is considered a top
priority by international exemplars who engage staff
through fostering a patient based vision.
Patients are seen as true partners in these facilities,
motivating sustainable approaches to patient based
care and resulting in overall improvements in patient
Hints and tips: The slides for this topic are provided
under the heading ‘Resources’ on this page.
Engaging clinicians and
patients/family in improving
patient care
Focus: Examples of how patient based care is
integrated locally in your health service in partnering
with patients and families.
Suggested speaker: Tier 2 Director, Tier 3 Manager or
Senior Clinician.
Message: Local case study examples are discussed,
highlighting patient engagement strategies already
underway in the local health service.
Staff are encouraged by hearing local examples of
success in patient based care, and can discuss and
develop new ideas on how to continue to improve.
Hints and tips: Gather information locally about
areas that already engage patients, families and
carers. This will ensure that there is a bank of
information available to draw upon. Examples you
might like to use are:
Tea break
Sharing patient experiences of
Co-design of new care delivery process.
Bedside engagement (e.g. REACH model
and the local process / working group).
Governance (e.g. Safety and quality
committee or strategic planning).
Training (e.g. Former patient / focus
groups / sharing ideas, or story-sharing).
Focus: Patients, families or carers that agree to share
their story to assist staff to reflect on the patient care
Suggested speaker: Local patient, family member or
carer that has experienced care within the health
service (preferably in the past 2 years).
Message: Patient, family and carer insights are an
important component in understanding how to
improve health service delivery and care in hospitals
and health services. Stories that are presented in a
way that is memorable and easy to understand
become an effective tool to focus the attention staff
on key issues for the health service, motivating them
to action.
Hints and tips: Use The CEC Patient Based Care
Challenge Guide: 7.2 Involve patients and carers in
staff education as a guide to preparing a patient,
family or carer to share their story.
A ‘question and answer’ interview style (based on
pre-planning) has been found to be an engaging
format for the audience. The person taking the
position of interviewer should be a senior staff
member who has had a prior conversation with the
patient regarding the content of this session.
Leaders engaging staff
Organisational story telling
Focus: Leaders use storytelling as motivational tools
to progress patient based care, ensuring the story is
meaningful and anchored in the patient experience
of care.
Suggested speaker: Chief Executive or a Tier 2
Message: Storytelling is a powerful communication
tool to convey messages, experiences and lessons
that drive success. Leaders who regularly use stories
create a culture in which people feel connected and
this can create purposeful commitment to work.
Hints and tips: Use The CEC Patient Based Care
Challenge Guide: 2.3 Share personal stories by senior
leaders to engage staff as a guide to preparing a
patient, family or carer to share their story.
An example of a leader sharing their story can be
found here - Prof. Clifford Hughes, CEO, CEC shares
his own personal story.
Partnerships that work
Focus: Engage consumer advisors and develop
consumer partnerships.
Suggested speaker: Tier 2 Director or Tier 3
Message: The CEC’s Patient Based Care Challenge has
been developed to assist health services to improve
patient based care by using The Challenge strategies.
Examples are provided from the CEC Partnering with
Patients program. Health services are uniquely
positioned to support this by collecting local
examples of where patients, families and carers have
been integrated as team members.
Hints and tips: The slides for this topic are provided
under the heading ‘Resources’ on this page.
How can you make improving
patient based care central to
your service?
Focus: Interactive discussion session to action plan
for future strategies.
Facilitator: Tier 2 Director or Tier 3 Manager.
Message: Facilitate a group discussion around
patient based care within the health service and ask
staff to:
1) Identify gaps in relation to the CEC’s Patient
Based Care Challenge areas.
2) To identify priorities / strategies for future
Hints and tips: Provide photo-copies of the CEC
Patient Based Care Challenge brochure and suggest
attendees break into small groups to discuss. Then
invite feedback and ‘white-board’ priority actions.
Focus: Bringing together the day’s learnings into a
concise summary.
Suggested speaker: Chief Executive or Tier 2
Message: Inspirational and motivational address to
staff, highlighting areas for improvement and
strategies for
Speaker Notes:
Focus on the crucial role staff play in promoting
patient based care within the health service.
Consider strategies from leading health services
and practical strategies that can be put in place –
and how these support new national standards.
Reflect on powerful stories and learning’s from
the patient experience the health service.
Consider actions to take locally to drive forward
improvements that address the needs of local
patients and families.
Everyone has a role to play – remember: every
interaction with a patient is an opportunity to
improve their care.
Thank everyone involved in the session.
Take a few minutes to fill out an evaluation form.
Hints and tips: Collect evaluation forms and review.