Questionnaire on Valuing the Benefits of Biodiversity in Malta Background: This questionnaire poses 13 questions intended to help analyse the link of Maltese citizens with biodiversity and how individuals value the biodiversity of the Maltese Islands. By completing this questionnaire (should not take more than 30 minutes) you will be contributing to a national qualitative assessment of biodiversity valuation. Please follow the instructions when replying to the questions, either by ticking the appropriate answer(s) or by ranking your answers according to importance. This importance ranking is meant to reflect the appreciation or emotional value that you attach to the issue in question. Please send your completed questionnaire by 24 February 2014 to Details of Respondent Are you: (Please tick correct box) Male Female How old are you? (Please tick correct box) 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 >56 What is your nationality? (Please state) In which locality do you live? (Please state e.g. Mosta) 1. What do you understand by the term “biodiversity”? (Please tick one answer) environment nature all living animals and plants diversity within and between the different animals and plants and the complex land and aquatic systems them form part do not know 2. In your opinion, where is biodiversity found in Malta? (Please tick one answer) natural environment rural environment urban environment all of the above 3. How often do you frequent the Maltese countryside … (Please tick one answer) weekly monthly yearly never … and for what purpose? (Please tick one answer) recreation state what type (e.g. walking) _______________________________ other state what: _____________________________________________ 4. What prevents you from frequenting more often the Maltese countryside? (You may tick more than one answer) work family access to the countryside other forms of diversion 5. Which of the following would you value the most for outdoor recreation irrespective of the season: (Rank your answers - 1 [least important], 2 [not so important], 3 [important], 4 [very important]) countryside 1234 of which: (Please tick) natural/semi-natural woodland valley cliffs seaside 1234 afforested area 1234 (i.e. planted by man) village/town park or green area 1234 6. Which localities/sites do you prefer to visit for outdoor recreation in the Maltese Islands? Malta: (you may name up to three localities/sites) 1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ Gozo: (you may name up to three localities/sites) 1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ Comino 7. How important do you view Malta’s biodiversity for: (Rank your answers - 1 [least important], 2 [not so important], 3 [important], 4 [very important]) a) recreation 1234 b) tourism 1234 c) food providing sectors (agriculture, fisheries) 1234 d) economy 1234 e) science / research 1234 f) trade of biological resources 1234 g) culture 1234 h) aesthetic value 1234 i) education 1234 j) private sector / businesses 1234 k) health 1234 l) sustainable development 1234 m) your overall physical and spiritual well-being 1234 8. How important do you view Malta’s biodiversity for: (Rank your answers - 1 [least important], 2 [not so important], 3 [important], 4 [very important]) a) provision of clean air 1234 b) provision of fresh water 1234 c) provision of food 1234 d) provision of other materials, such as wood and fibre 1234 e) provisions of genetic resources and biochemicals 1234 f) natural regulation of climate change through carbon sequestration 1234 g) water retention and hence prevention of floods 1234 h) natural regulation of diseases 1234 i) pollination 1234 j) nutrient and water cycling 1234 k) water purification 1234 l) erosion control 1234 m) soil formation and fertility 1234 9. How important do you view the need to safeguard Malta’s biodiversity: (Rank your answers - 1 [least important], 2 [not so important], 3 [important], 4 [very important]) a) for biodiversity itself (intrinsic value) 1234 b) for the continuity of the survival and existence of diverse animal and plant species native and endemic to the Maltese Islands (existence value) 1234 c) for future generations (bequest value) 1234 OR d) It is not important to safeguard Malta’s biodiversity (Please tick if this is your answer) 10. How do you think you can or would contribute to safeguard Malta’s biodiversity? (You may tick more than one answer) growing plants in my balcony and garden that attract insect pollinators attracting wildlife in my garden e.g. by means of feeders and nesting boxes recycling my waste properly disposing of waste in bins when visiting the countryside and seaside buying environmentally-friendly or organic products when available and making other informed choices as a consumer keeping a green roof (roof top garden) volunteering in clean up events within my locality volunteering in recording observations on threatened plants and animals1 reporting environmental illegalities using non-plastic carrier bags when doing my shopping using water and energy efficiently 1 becoming a member of an environmental non-governmental organisation complying with environmental legislation and being aware of which animals and plants are strictly protected being aware of biodiversity-related issues in the country other; please state: ______________________________________________________ OR I’m not interested in safeguarding Malta’s biodiversity Please state why: _________________________________________________________ 11. One way of conserving threatened species and habitats is by designating protected areas. Would you be willing to pay a small fee to visit a protected area in the Maltese Islands if the money obtained through such visits went to the management of, and hence safeguard of the biodiversity within, that protected area? Yes State how much you would be willing to pay: (Please tick one answer) No < 2 Euro > 2 Euro (per person) (per person) > 5 Euro (per person), if price also includes a brochure and/or audio-guided of the protected area Please state why: ________________________________________________ 12. Do you agree with the following statements? STATEMENT Agree Disagree No opinion Biodiversity loss is a concern to all sectors and not just the environmental sector. Opportunities to engage local communities in activities that can safeguard biodiversity in their locality should be explored. A natural environment that is more species and habitat diverse is a healthier one and more resilient to environmental change such as brought about by climate change and by man. Greater awareness and appreciation of Malta’s biodiversity is required at all levels and at all ages. 13. Are you aware that Malta has adopted a national strategy to safeguard Malta’s biodiversity and entitled “Working hand-in-hand with Nature”2? Yes Please state how: _________________________________________________ No Please state why:__________________________________________________ Would you be interested in learning about Malta’s biodiversity strategy? (Y/N): ________ Thank you for replying to this questionnaire. 2