King’s Cross Academy Register of Members’ and Governors’ Interests Name Robert Evans (member & Governor) Committee Chair of Governors Finance HR Name of organisation Argent Nature of interest Indirect investor &/or Director &/or partner in various entities connected with King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership, including Argent (King’s Cross) Ltd (the Development and Asset Manager for the limited partnership), Argent (Property Development) Services LLP and Argent King’s Cross Nominee Ltd. Jonathan Barratt (Governor) HR UAL None KCA None King’s Cross Central General Partner Limited Chairman Kay Baxter (Staff Governor) Sir David Clementi (member) Conditions for Learning Teaching & Learning Finance (associate member) Mercers’ Company In 2010-11 Sir David Clementi was Master of the Mercers’ Company and he remains a member of the Court which manages the Company’s affairs. The Company has a number of charitable interests in education. Rachel Connell (Governor) Teaching & Learning ARK None Emyr Fairburn (Governor) King’s Cross Academy None Michael Freeman (member & Governor) Headteacher Member of all committees Chair of Teaching & Learning Clara Freeman (member) HR (Associate) UAL Girls’ Day School Trust Indirect investor &/or Director &/or partner in various entities connected with King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership, including Argent (King’s Cross) Ltd (the Development and Asset Manager for the limited partnership), Argent (Property Development) Services LLP and Argent King’s Cross Nominee Ltd. Co-sponsor of the Academy Trust together with his wife, Clara Freeman OBE, and King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership. Deputy Chairman/Trustee of Royal Parks Foundation. Involvement with Teach First, Civitas Supplementary Schools and Global Generation via the Michael and Clara Freeman Charitable Trust, of which both Michael and Clara are Trustees. Deputy Chairman of the Governing Body Trustee Involvement with Teach First, Civitas Supplementary Schools and Global Generation via the Michael and Clara Freeman Charitable Trust, of which both Michael and Clara are Trustees. Angela Jewell (Governor) Louise JohnsShepherd (Governor) Chair of Conditions for Learning Teaching & Learning Teaching & Learning Argent None Centre for Literacy in Primary Education Chief Executive of Centre for Literacy in Primary Education Conditions for Learning Michael Lightbound (Governor) Vice Chair of Governors Dame Jane Roberts (Governor) Chair of Finance HR Conditions for Learning Anita Sadler (Governor) Antje Saunders (Parent Governor) Chair of HR Finance Conditions for Learning Argent Indirect investor &/or Director &/or partner in various entities connected with King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership, including Argent (King’s Cross) Ltd (the Development and Asset Manager for the limited partnership), Argent (Property Development) Services LLP and Argent King’s Cross Nominee Ltd. Whittington Hospital Regent High School The Open University The Institute of Public Policy Research (2006-) New Local Government Network think tank (2012-) Public Policy Institute for Wales (2013-) Welsh Assembly (2015-) Zoological Society of London (2007-) Association of Child Psychotherapists (2010-) HNS Consultant Child Psychiatrist Vice-Chair of Governors Visiting Fellow Trustee and company secretary Argent Company Secretary for King’s Cross Central General Partner Limited Allies & Morrison None Chair Member Governing Body Member Remuneration Board Member Ethics Committee Member Ethics Committee