Tribunal Bylaw


Title 1: Duties of the Officers

Part A: Elected Officials

Section 1: The President of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall be the official student body representative of the McMicken College of Arts & Sciences, not to supersede the powers of the President of the Undergraduate Student Body. The duties of the President of Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall include:

A. Performing an average of five (5) office hours per week of each semester , excluding exam week, summer semester , and periods where classes are not in session,

B. Presiding at all Arts and Sciences Tribunal general and executive meetings.

C. Representing the McMicken College student body on the Tribunal

Leadership Council,

D. Representing the McMicken College student body on the Undergraduate

Council to the administration, and at all meetings where a representative is requested,

E. Recommending appointees as ambassadors, adjudicators, and chairs for all permanent and ad hoc committees to the Arts and Sciences Tribunal for approval,

F. Answering inquiries to the Tribunal that do not require a vote,

G. Recommending legislation to the Arts and Sciences Tribunal and the senators of the McMicken College of Arts & Sciences,

H. Receiving and communicating all information pertinent to the Tribunal.

Section 2: The duties of the Vice-President of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall include:

A. Performing an average of four (4) office hours per week of each semester , excluding exam week, summer semester , and periods where classes aren’t in session,

B. Presiding at all general, and executive meetings in the absence of the president,

C. Representing the McMicken College student body as the secondary representative along with the president,

D. Assisting the president when deemed necessary and assist in planning and coordination of events,

E. Incorporating amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Arts and

Sciences Tribunal,

F. Performing other duties as assigned by the president,

G. Performing all duties of president in th e event of the president’s removal, extended absence, or incapacitation.

H. Presiding over the Executive Board

Section 3: The duties of the Secretary of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall include:

A. Performing an average of two (2) office hours per week of each semester excluding exam week, summer semester , and periods where classes are not in session,

B. Recording minutes at all general and executive meetings,

C. Distributing the minutes to all members, advisors, McMicken College deans, department heads,

E. Maintaining a list of all tribunal members, and all standing committee members,

Section 4: The duties of the Treasurer of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall include:

A. Controlling all monies that come into the possession of the Arts and

Sciences Tribunal,

D. Maintaining a notebook and an electronic file to serve as a historical record of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal,

B. Reporting all transactions along with the current budget amount to the

Arts and Sciences Tribunal,

C. Submitting budget requests to the Undergraduate Funding Board after being reviewed by the president,

D. Accounting for monies of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal,

E. Collecting and Receiving all funds paid to the Arts and Sciences Tribunal, and depositing them in the official depository,

F. Ensuring the Tribunal is abiding by University funding policies,

G. Ensuring the Tribunal is abiding by Undergraduate Funding Board


H. Keeping accounts and books current, which may be open at all times to inspection by the president, executive board, Undergraduate Funding

Board, or any authorized auditor,

I. Processing receipts in a timely and efficient manner

J. Compiling, a Final Year-End Report to be submitted by the final meeting of Spring Semester to the president, and secretary for historical record,

K. Compiling Fall Semester -End Reports due at the last meeting of the Fall semester , and Spring Semester-end Report due last meeting of the

Spring semester.

Part B: Appointed Officers

Section 1: The duties of the Arts and Sciences Adjudicators shall include:

A. Attend the Academic Misconduct/ Grade Grievance Hearing at the assigned date, which are at the discretion of the staff member in charge of the hearings.

Section 2: The duties of the Arts and Sciences Director of Programming shall include:

A. Presiding over the Programming and Activities Committee.

B. Working with the Executive Board to plan events that are relevant within

McMicken College.

Section 3: The duties of the Arts and Sciences Director of Recruitment shall include:

A. Working with the Executive Board to increase membership within the


B. Increasing campus awareness of the Tribunal.

Section 4: The duties of the Arts and Sciences Director of Technology shall include:

A. The maintenance and of the Arts and Tribunal website, and making sure information therein is accurate at all times.

Title 2: Officer Elections

Section 1: Presidential Elections

The election of the President shall be held at the sixth Spring Semester meeting by secret ballot with only the voting members. The incumbent president and the incumbent secretary will count the ballots. In the event that the incumbent secretary is running for the office, an incumbent officer that is not running for president will assist in the counting of the votes. The candidate with the most votes will become president elect.

Section 2: Officer Elections

The Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary elections shall be held at the sixth meeting of the Spring semester . The candidate with the most votes as determined by a simple majority will become officer elect of the respective offices.

Section 3: Election Drop-Down Procedure

In the event that multiple candidates are running for the same office, those candidates who are not elected to office have the option of running for any other office of their choice of which they are eligible for. If there is a need to suspend this rule, a two-thirds vote is required from the present voting body. The elections will proceed in the following order: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 4: Commencement of Terms

The President shall begin their term of office at the conclusion of the seventh meeting of the Spring Semester and shall continue for one year. The Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall begin their term of office at the seventh meeting of the Spring semester following all of the officer elections.

Section 5: Officer Eligibility

Officer eligibility shall be determined as outlined in Article IV of the Constitution.

Section 6: Invalid Elections

Failure to follow the election procedure of this section constitutes grounds for invalidating the particular elections. The retiring Executive Board shall have the final authority to decide on the constitutionality of the election procedures. If an election is declared invalid, a new one must be held with as many of the remaining electorate as possible voting. Time must again be allowed for use of absentee ballot. This election should follow the procedures defined in Title 9 of these bylaws.

Section 7: Senator Elections

Senator elections shall be held at the fifth meeting of the Spring semester . The candidate(s) with the most votes as determined by a simple majority will become senator(s) elect

Section 8: Appointed Officials

The Arts and Science President shall appoint a Director of Programming, a Director of

Recruitment, and a Director of Technology. The President shall also appoint two A&S

Adjudicators to the A&S Academic Misconduct/ Grade Grievance Committee.

Title 3: The Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board Members

The Executive Board shall consist of all Tribunal officers, senators, standing committee chairpersons, ad hoc committee chairpersons, as well as anyone else at the request of the President.

Section 2: Committee Definitions

The standing committees shall be the following:

1. McMicken Chicken: This committee will plan, coordinate, and promote the annual event of the Tribunal.

2. Bylaws & Constitution review: This committee will be responsible for making sure the executive committee knows what the bylaws and constitution state about issues. They will also be responsible for assuring that any requisite modifications to this document and the Constitution are handled appropriately and in a timely manner.

3. Career Fair Committee: This committee will be responsible for constructing an annual Arts and Sciences Career Fair. The Career Fair will be planned accordingly with the proper guidelines set forth by resolution.

Title 4: Faculty Advisor Duties

Section 1: The faculty advisor will assist the Arts and Sciences Tribunal in matters that require faculty assistance. In addition, they will keep in accordance with University Rules.

Title 5: Attendance, Dismissals, and Vacancies

Section 1: Attendance

Members of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal are excused from attendance while on work section; however, such members may attend each meeting and have may attend each meeting have full voting power.

Section 2: Voting Privileges

Members shall have voting privileges after attending two general meetings of the

Tribunal. Members shall retain voting privileges for the first four (4) weeks of each semester if voting privileges were held the previous semester in session.

Section 3: Loss of Voting Privileges

Members shall lose voting privileges if they fail to attend four meetings and do not actively participate on at least one committee for the given academic semester . Should a vote occur during the first three meetings of the semester , the four meeting rule can be waived by the President. If a potential member is unable to attend the meetings due to a conflict with a required class, but actively participates on a committee, their membership will be at the discretion of the executive board.

Section 5: Dismissals

A student whose membership in the Tribunal that has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest in any funds or other property belonging to the Arts and Sciences

Tribunal and may not use the Arts and Sciences Tribunal ’s name in connection with any further activities.

Title 6: Revenue

Section 1:

No reimbursements of any amount will be made without a receipt and an expense summary. Be advised all persons who turn in receipts are responsible for being reimbursed. Therefore one should retain a copy of all receipts until such time as the expenses are reimbursed. If the treasurer misplaces the receipt and the person requesting reimbursement does not have a copy, there will be no reimbursement.

Canceled checks and credit card statements will suffice for receipts.

All checks from the organization will require two of the four following signatures: treasurer, President, Vice-President, or the Faculty Advisor. The checks will not be written until receipts are provided as stated above. Once a check has been drafted the receipt must be included with it for review by the second signer and a copy of the transaction filed for historical purposes.

All signers are responsible for seeing that the specific guidelines for spending approval are followed and assure there are adequate funds to cover the transaction.

Failure to abide by these policies will result in financial probation of the Arts and

Sciences Tribunal as defined by the Undergraduate Funding Board.

Title 7: Impeachment

Section 1:

Any member may initiate officer removal by the following procedure:

1. Petition Executive Board with signatures of 1/3 of all voting members. The petitions should state the reason(s) for removal.

2. The Executive Board shall then vote to determine if the officer should be suspended from office until a removal vote can be held and will call for a removal vote within fourteen days of the filing of the petition.

3. The membership of the Arts and Sciences Tribunal shall be notified at least one week prior to the removal vote meeting.

4. At the meeting for removal, the petit ion’s stated grievances shall be made public and the officer charged shall be allowed to respond to the charges of the petition

5. Removal from office shall require a vote of 2/3 of all voting members.

Title 8: Vacancy of Office

Section 1:

In case of the absence of any officer, an interim acting officer shall be appointed by the

Executive Board. The President shall call for an election within fourteen days after the vacancy of the office occurs. The election shall be conducted as stated in Title II of the

Bylaws. Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice-President will fulfill the role of acting president until and election for President can be held. The Vice-President shall call for the election for the President within fourteen days of the vacancy of the office. The Vice-President will preside over the Presidential election. Should the new

President resign from an officer position, they will hold elections as covered in this title to fill the position.

Section 2: Senate Vacancies

Should a vacancy in the position of Senator occur, the President shall, within 21 calendar days in the midst of an academic semester , excluding the period of finals, appoint an interim Senator until a new senator has been elected. Nominations shall be taken within one week of the vacancy occurring. Second nominations and voting, shall take place within three weeks of the vacancy occurring. The senatorial position shall be filled by the nominee who receives a simple majority of the votes.

Title 9: Amendment of Bylaws

Section 1:

These bylaws may be amended when the proposed amendment is passed by two-thirds of the voting members of the Tribunal and with approval of the appropriate governing body. There shall be an Enactment Bill proposed by a Tribunal Representative. No amendment may be proposed to the Arts and Sciences Tribunal and voted upon during the same meeting, or sooner than one week after it is proposed. The process to amend the Bylaws may be conducted during the Fall Semester , and Spring Semester Arts and

Sciences Tribunal Meetings. If passed by the Tribunal, the proposed Enactment shall be taken to the Undergraduate Student Senate by an A&S Senator for ratification.

Rules of Procedure

Section 1:

The Arts and Sciences Tribunal Rules of Procedure shall govern the Arts and Sciences

Tribunal . The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the McMicken Arts and Sciences Tribunal in all cases that The Arts and Sciences Tribunal Rules of

Procedure have failed to address the situation.
