The following Part One Structure Plan Report pro-forma is prepared with explanatory text provided in italics font. Italicised content is explanatory only and is not to form a part of the Part One section of the Structure Plan Report COVER PAGE CERTIFICATION OF APPROVED STRUCTURE PLAN IT IS CERTIFIED THAT THIS STRUCTURE PLAN WAS ENDORSED BY RESOLUTION OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLANNING COMMISSION ON: ..........................................Date Signed for and on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission ……………………………………………….............................................................. An officer of the Commission duly authorised by the Commission pursuant to section 24 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 for that purpose, in the presence of: ..............................................................Witness …………………...........................................Date AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COCKBURN ON: ..........................................Date AND PURSUANT TO THE COUNCIL’S RESOLUTION HEREUNTO AFFIXED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ..........................................Date Mayor, City of Cockburn ..........................................Date Chief Executive Officer, City of Cockburn This Structure Plan is prepared under the provisions of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3. TABLE OF VARIATION(S) TO STRUCTURE PLAN Variation No. Description of Variation Date Adopted by Council Date Endorsed by the WAPC (if required) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Executive Summary of the structure plan should be short and concise. It should outline: - The location of the structure plan area; The land-use and development proposed; and Whether and the manner the structure plan overlaps, supersedes or consolidates an Approved Structure Plan. A summary table of all key statistics and planning outcomes of the structure plan should be included in the Executive Summary as illustrated below. The main purpose for the summary table is to provide a quick reference point to convey the nature and key outcomes of the structure plan to facilitate efficient capture of digital information, for clarity, ease of analysis and tracking. The summary table may also be used to assess compliance with planning objectives, policies and targets and relevant high level structure plans that are referenced by the state and local planning framework. Item Data Gross Structure Plan Area _____hectares Section number referenced within the Structure Plan Report Area of each land use proposed Zones [Refer to Part 4 of Scheme for a list of which zones can be selected. Generally non-standard zones will not be supported] _____hectares and_____% list for each zone Reserves [as per the Scheme Map choose only from Local Reserves Amount of Public Open Space _____hectares and_____% list for each reserve Amount of restricted Public Open Space as per Liveable Neighbourhoods _____hectares _____ % * Composition of Public Open Space - District Parks - Neighbourhood Parks - Local Park hectares % Break down to active and passive restricted POS _____hectares ……. % _____hectares ……. % _____hectares ……. % Estimated Lot Yield _____lots Estimated Number of Dwellings _____dwellings Estimated Residential Density - dwellings per gross hectare As per Directions 2031 _____dwellings per gross hectare - dwellings per site hectare As per Liveable Neighbourhoods _____dwellings per site hectare Estimated Population _____people @ 2.8 people/household Number of Secondary Schools Number of Primary Schools * Note: Zone - Local Centres should include a proportionate breakdown (%) of intended land use(s) (Residential Uses and Commercial Uses where applicable.) This information is particularly useful in calculating Public Open Space requirements (Refer to Element 4 R44 in Liveable Neighbourhoods for more detail). PART ONE – STATUTORY SECTION 1.0 Structure Plan Area The Structure Plan is identified as the [insert structure plan name/ plan reference here]. This Structure Plan shall apply to the land contained within the inner edge of the line denoting the structure plan boundary on the Structure Plan Map. 2.0 Structure Plan Content The Structure Plan comprises the following sections: (i) Part One – Statutory Section. This section includes the Structure Plan Map and any textual provisions, standards or requirements that require statutory effect. Note: please keep this section brief and statutory compliant. This must not be filled with unnecessary information for the sake of extending its length. Short and succinct is the objective. Any additional inserts should be discussed with the City as to acceptability or otherwise. (ii) Part Two – Explanatory Section (Non-Statutory). This section provides the planning context and justification for the Structure Plan Map and the textual provisions contained in Part One of the Structure Plan. Part Two is to be used as a reference to guide interpretation and implementation of Part One. (iii) Appendices, includes all specialist consultant reports and documentation used in the preparation of and to support the land use outcomes of the Structure Plan. 3.0 Interpretation and Relationship with City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3 3.1 Terms and Interpretations As per Clause of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3. 3.2 Relationship of the Structure Plan with City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3 This Structure Plan has been prepared under Clause 6.2 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3 as the subject land is zoned ‘Development’ and contained within Development Area No. [Insert number here] which is shown on the Scheme Map and contained within Schedule No.11. 3.3 Provisions Pursuant to Clause and Clause of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3. 3.4 Land Use Permissibility As per Clause 4.3.2 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3. 4.0 Operation 4.1 Operation Date As per Clause 6.2.12 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3. 4.2 Variation to Structure Plan As per Clause 6.2.14 and Clause 6.2.15 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No.3. Note: A Detailed Area Plan (DAP), once approved, constitutes a variation of the structure plan pursuant to Clause of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3. 5.0 Land Use* 5.1 Public Open Space This POS section is only required to be included (in Part One) in the following circumstances (otherwise it should be included in Part Two only): (i) where complex arrangements for provision/delivery of POS exist (such as partial cash-in-lieu funds provision or where POS is intended to be included as a Development Contribution Plan item); and/or (ii) there is multiple land ownership; and/or (iii) there are other POS requirements, specific to such matters as conservation assets (wetlands, bushland, etc) and the requirement for associated management plans that need to be specified here. (iv) where an oval, associated with a school, is proposed to be partially used by a separate body and includes a separate zone and/ or reserve. 5.2 Residential Density Residential densities applicable to the Structure Plan area shall be those residential densities shown on the Structure Plan Map. * Note: this section should include an appropriate Land Use Table where the intended Land Use(s) differ from Town Planning Scheme No. 3. Should an appropriate Land Use Table be used appropriate and adequate planning justification will be required in Part Two of the LSP report. The City of Cockburn prefers Structure Plans adopt Scheme zones and therefore rely on the designation of land uses as per Table 1 under Part 4 of the Scheme. 6.0 Subdivision / Development 6.1 Notifications on Title The notifications provided within the pro-forma do not represent a comprehensive list of all circumstances where notifications are required. In respect of applications for the subdivision of land the Council shall recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission that a condition be imposed on the grant of subdivision approval for a notification to be placed on the Certificate(s) of Title(s) to advise of the following: 1. Land or lots deemed to be affected by an identified noise, dust, or odour impact as outlined within the [insert report or management plan name here] contained within appendix [insert appendix reference here]. 2. Land or lots deemed to be affected by a Bush Fire Hazard as identified in a Bushfire Management Plan as outlined within the [insert report or management plan name here] contained within appendix [insert appendix reference here]. 3. Building setbacks and construction standards required to achieve a Bushfire Attack Level [insert relevant BAL/(s) # here] or lower in accordance with Australian Standards (AS3959-2009): Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas 4. Construction standards to achieve quiet housing design in accordance with State Planning Policy 5.4 Road and Rail Transportation Noise and Freight Consideration in Land Use Planning (as amended). 5. Land or lots deemed to be impacted by mosquito and midge nuisances as identified in a Mosquito and Midge Management Plan contained within appendix [insert appendix reference here]. 1. Detailed Area Plans (DAP's) are required to be prepared and implemented pursuant to Clause 6.2.15 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3 for lots comprising one or more of the following site attributes: Where any notification on title is required at subdivision stage, it needs to be documented in this section. 6.2 Detailed Area Plans (Local Development Plans) (i) Lots with rear-loaded vehicle access; (ii) Lots with direct boundary frontage (primary or secondary) to an area of Public Open Space; (iii) Lots deemed to be affected by a recognised Bush Fire Hazard, as identified spatially in Appendix [insert appendix reference here] of the accompanying Bushfire Management Plan, under [insert appendix reference here].; (iv) Lots deemed to be affected by noise from [specify land use, road/rail name here], as identified spatially in Appendix [insert appendix reference here] of the accompanying Acoustic Assessment, under [insert appendix reference here]. This includes a requirement for noise modelling for ground floor and two-storey development as applicable. 2. DAP's are required to be prepared and implemented pursuant to Clause 6.2.15 of the City of Cockburn Town Planning Scheme No. 3 for all land zoned ‘Local Centre’, ‘District Centre’, ‘Mixed Business’ and/or ‘Business’ on the Structure Plan Map. 6.3 *Other provisions / standards / requirements Designated Standards Bushfire Prone Areas - Construction This Structure Plan is supported by a Bushfire Hazard Level Assessment (BFHA) and/or a Bushfire Management Plan (BMP). [INSERT APPROPRIATE REFERENCE]. Any land falling within 100 metres of a bushfire hazard identified in the BFHA/BMP is designated as a Bushfire Prone Area for the purpose of the Building Code of Australia. 7.0 Other Requirements (Include heading and provisions only where it is necessitated on the advice of the City. Below are examples of possible circumstances where unique Provisions, Standards or Requirements may need to be implemented) 7.1 Development Contribution Items and Arrangements “Specify the Developers intended contributions and arrangements here”. 1. Road Upgrades. The following roads are to be upgraded to xxx standard (a)…. (b)….. 2. Infrastructure Upgrades. 3. Land Acquisition. 7.2 Other land use, development and subdivision requirements (i) Public Purposes sites (i.e. secondary and tertiary education) (ii) Conservation Reserves (iii) District and Regional Active Open Space land. 1. Pipeline Management Plan Requirements