Survey to identify the problematic issues associated with accessibility by Middle East & North Africa students to postgraduate Studies in the European Union in the frame of the JISER-MED project. UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Ques tion No. 1 1A 2 Question 1 2 What kind of difficulties did you encounter when trying to obtain your visa? Please indicate the most important one. Incomplete information on the requirements to obtain the visa Too many documents were requested by the embassy How did you solve the problems encountered when trying to obtain your visa? Have you received any kind of information on the laws of the country of destination? You asked for help to the University of destination Your University of origin helped you speed up the process Yes No Go to Question 3 Go to Question 4 3 Lack of time to obtain the visa 4 Lack of financial resources to pay the visa fees LEGAL ISSUES Possible Answers 5 6 Legal Problems You had no problems to obtain your visa Go to Question 2 You resorted to an institution of your country of citizenship (please state which) You applied for a loan You hired a lawyer or a representative to speed up the process for obtaining the visa A relative helped you to obtain your visa 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 The information provided by the agency granting the scholarship regarding the legal requirements of the country of destination was: Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor You did not receive any information 4 Who helped you to obtain the residence permit of the country of destination? Please indicate the two most important institutions Have you experienced any of these problems when travelling within the EU as a student? Please indicate the most important one University of destination University of country of origin Agency/Organiz ation granting the scholarship Embassy or consulate of the destination country or of your country of citizenship You received no support of any kind Other Legal problems Discrimination Administrative problems You did not experience any inconveniences Visa problem The degree of coincidence of your thesis project with the working Very Good Good Fair Poor 5 ACADEMIC ISSUES 6 Very Poor guidelines of the university you have attended was: 7 Do you consider the period of the scholarship was long enough to comply with the requirements of the selected programme? 8 How would you rate the academic level of the university you have attended? 9 10 Yes No High Good Fair Low Very low Academic Personal Professional Alumni You did not belong to any kind of network or association Academic Personal Professional I did not belong to any type of network You have not completed your What kind of network or association in your country of origin helped you access to the European Higher Education? Please indicate the most important one Since you left Europe you Erasmus Mundus Alumni have participated or you still participate in the following type of networks or associations: 10 A 11 In which field did the Networks you have created in Europe proved to be the most useful? Did you return (or do you plan to return) to your country of origin once you have completed your studies? or association. studies Go to Question 13 Academic Personal Yes No Professional Work I did not belong to any type of network or association It id not affect any of these fields INFORMATION 12 13 Which was the most useful means of obtaining information on the programmes offered by the university of destination? What kind of information did you consider most important when choosing the university of University of origin Internet site of the University of destination Graduates/Stude nts/Alumni Professors Researchers Directly from the University of destination Postgraduate Fairs in the country of origin Financial Academic Administrative Legal Cultural Language Other destination? 14 15 16 17 Which of these sources proved most useful when obtaining information on the characteristics of the scholarship? Please rate the quality of the information provided by the organisation granting the scholarship regarding the expenses to be covered during your stay in the country of destination: University of origin Internet site of the institution granting the scholarship Graduates ProfessorsResearchers Directly from the University of destination Focal Points Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor You did not received any Taking into account your own experience, please rate the ACCESSIBILITY to postgraduate Studies in the EU for students from Middle East & North Africa In your opinion, which were the main difficulties that Middle East & North Africa students encounter when trying to Very Easy Easy Fair Difficult Very difficult Language All the processes to be completed before being admitted into University and obtaining the scholarship are Obtaining a visa is difficult The cost of living in the European Union is too high Academic level differences between the two regions Cultural integration Alumni Associati on Other (State which) study in the European Union? 18 19 How would you rate the promotion -in your country of origin- of the postgraduate Studies that can be pursued in the European Union? Very Good too many, too long and cumbersome Good How would you rate the promotion -in your country of origin- of the scholarships to pursue postgraduate Studies in the European Union? Very Good Good Fair Did you encounter difficulties to obtain additional funds to complement your scholarship? Yes Go to Question 25a No Go to Question 3 26 Your scholarship did not require complementary funding How did you obtain additional financing to complement your scholarship? Please indicate the two most important answers/options You got a loan from a Bank You obtained a scholarship from a different organization/enti ty You received support from your family The funds you received to cover Enough Not enough Fair Poor Very Poor There is no promotion Poor Very Poor There is no promotion FINANCIAL ISSUES 20 21 22 You used your own savings You worked while studying You worked during your holidays Private institution in your country 23 your living expenses under your scholarship were: Did you experience any of the following problems to receive the scholarship (Please indicate the most important one) Delayed Deposit The amount of the deposit was less than agreed You were not provided with the necessary information to open a bank account There were no problems Administrative issues 24 25 26 Which of the following requests to obtain the scholarship did you find most difficult to meet? How did you solve the problems encountered to obtain the scholarship? (Please select the most important one) Contact with professors of the universities (of origin and of destination) to be the mentors for the thesis Obtain the graduate degree previous to the one you would pursue Count with the support of a university of the country of origin Language Submit the Research Proposal Notification of acceptance by the university of destination There were no difficulties You asked the University of destination to help you speed up the process Your University of origin had to help you speed up the process You requested an institution from your country of origin to help you (please specify) You applied for a loan A relative helped you Other (specify which) You had no problems Please indicate if you encountered any of the following problems when registering to Problems with the validation of the undergraduate degree You had problems with the translation of the degree that you obtained prior to graduating in Europe Your research Project did not comply with the requirements of the University of destination The University of destination requested additional documentation You had a tourist visa and the university requested a student visa You had no problems the University of destination? (Mention the most important one) CULTURAL ISSUES 27 28 29 29 A 30 Induction to the new academic environment of the University of destination has been: Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor You did not receive any Did you feel discriminated in the country of destination? If so, in what way? Please indicate the two most important discriminatory attitudes that you have suffered. Religious Ethnic Linguistic Gender Financial Ideological How would you qualify those discriminatory attitudes? Please indicate their seriousness in relation to the previous answers. How would you rate your academic experience in Europe? If you would have to choose another country to carry out postgraduate Very Serious Serious Moderate Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Yes No Go to question 39A Go to question 40 Nationality There were no problems 30 A Studies, would you choose one in the European Union again? Which country would you chose? (Indicate which countries) GENERAL INFORMATION 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Country of Origin University of Origin Age Sex What kind of study did you complete in the European Union? University of Destination (If there are more than one, please indicate the different names and separate them with a stroke/backlash) Field of undergraduate studies Your University of Origin was: When starting your Studies in Europe, how many dependents did you have? Which is your mother tongue? Please indicate Male Master Female Master with Joint Degree Agricultural and Farming Sciences Public/State Health Sciences None Doctorate Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences Social Sciences Administrative Sciences 1 2 3 4 and more Arabic English French Spanish Portuguese English Other, please specify French German Education Humanities and Arts Engineering and Technology Other (state which) Italian Other (state I do not Private 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 what other foreign language you speak Maximum level of study your father : Maximum level of study of your mother: After having completed your Studies in Europe, how long did it take you to start working? What was your income before coming to study to the European Union (in US$/per month)? What is your current income? (in US$/per month) In which sector do you currently work? How did you get your current job? Do you currently teach or do research? which) High-school Undergraduate/ Bachelor degree Undergraduate/ Bachelor degree Graduate/Master Degree Graduate/Master Degree Doctoral Degree No studies Doctoral Degree No studies Up to 1 month Between 2 and 3 months Between 4 and 6 months Between 7 and 9 months Up to 1 year You have not completed your studies yet No income Up to 500 US dollars per month From 501 up to 1,000 US dollars per month From 1,001 up to 2,000 US dollars per month From 2,001 to 4,000 US dollars 4,000 US dollars or more No income Up to 500 dollars per month NGO From 501 up to 1,000 dollars per month International Organisation From 1,001 up to 2,000 dollars per month I am still a scholar From 2,001 to 4,000 dollars I do not work 4,000 dollars or more Governmental I only receive the amount of the scholarship Private Through networks of the University of destination I teach Through the network of the University of origin I do research Through the Careers Office of the University of origin Both Family contacts I went back to my previous job I am not working yet I am still a scholar Go to question 61 High-school speak any other language