Health Trust Unifies Communications, Speeds Up Clinical Decision Making Real Impact for Better Health Belfast Health and Social Care Trust wanted to improve workflow and communications throughout its services to help doctors and nurses connect more efficiently and deliver higher levels of care. Belfast Trust deployed Microsoft Lync Server 2010 across all its locations. By using the interoperable unified communications solutions in Lync 2010, employees are finding it easier to communicate and share information freely through the use of voice, video, instant messaging, and presence technology. Company: Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Website: Country: United Kingdom Industry: Health Employees: 20,000 Company Profile: Belfast Trust provides integrated health and social care to 340,000 persons in Belfast, in addition to district services to all of Northern Ireland. Summary Belfast Health and Social Care Trust operates in Northern Ireland through a network of six organizations and more than 100 physical locations with an annual budget of about £1 billion (US$1.5 billion) and a staff of around 20,000. It wanted to replace its previous system with a unified communications system that would make it easier for doctors, nurses, and administrators to access information and communicate effectively regardless of location. Solution: Belfast Trust deployed Microsoft Lync Server 2010 to give its staff a unified communications technology that would support a consistently high quality of service across all its locations. For its new unified communications solution, Belfast Trust selected Microsoft Lync Server 2010. An important factor in its choice was that its staff was already familiar with the Microsoft user interface. Integration was also a key concern. Lync Server 2010 includes a range of communication services that are already integrated, which meant that Belfast Trust would not need to add on those services, at either an extra cost or effort. “We were happy with the built-in integration from the very beginning,” says Paul Duffy, Chief Information Officer at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Software & Services: Microsoft Server Product Portfolio - Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Moving to the new system at Belfast Trust has reduced communication costs and increased the speed of clinical decision making. Clinicians can use the Microsoft Lync 2010 client to send instant messages, initiate on-demand videoconferencing, and share their desktops so that they can view the same clinical information or patient record no matter their location. Access to on-demand communication has eliminated the need to meet in person, avoiding all the inherent scheduling challenges. For Belfast Trust, the videoconferencing feature of Lync is very important because it enables real-time, face-to-face communication between healthcare providers wherever they are located. “In healthcare, it’s all about reaching a decision quickly. Using Lync 2010, we can increase the number of calls that reach the intended person on the first try. Faster connectivity means faster decision making,” says Duffy. Microsoft Health Customer Success Stories For more information about other Microsoft customer successes, please visit: Take this story with you! “Using the communication and collaboration features in Lync 2010 within a clinical environment, we can expedite the decision-making process.” Paul Duffy, Chief Information Officer, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published: July 2013 The Full Story Communication regardless of location. Belfast Trust put in place a rollout plan that would meet the precise needs of its healthcare environment. In order to avoid disruption of established communications, a pilot group provided feedback on existing communications before deployment so that needed features could be replicated in Lync. “We have improved how staff members communicate with one another by consolidating messaging streams and providing instant messaging, presence, and data communications,” says Duffy. “Now all staff can communicate quickly no matter where they are.” Improved video capabilities. Videoconferencing in Lync 2010 makes possible real-time communication among healthcare providers. Clinicians are finding increasing opportunities to use the videoconferencing feature. The Trust feels that for specific areas, such as mental health, diabetes, or diet management, video chat may be the ideal mode of communication for patients and clinicians. It foresees that physicians will use Lync to communicate with discharged patients or those with conditions that would be helped by several sessions of brief health coaching. Delivering High-Quality Services One of five health trusts in Northern Ireland, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust has an annual budget of about £1 billion (US$1.5 billion) and 20,000 staff members. That makes it one of the largest trusts in the United Kingdom. Belfast Trust provides healthcare to the 340,000 citizens of Belfast, in addition to district services throughout Northern Ireland. The Trust’s overall objective is to improve communication flow, consolidate communications, and reduce costs. It strives to improve services for its staff, with the intent that increased quality of services for staff will translate to increased quality of services for patients. “In the healthcare field, information needs to be passed quickly and accurately through the system to get a fast response, which in turn means we can give more people highquality care,” says Paul Duffy, Chief Information Officer at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Unified communications is very important to Belfast Trust. It wanted to implement a truly innovative unified communications solution that would enable staff to provide higher-quality services. The Trust wanted to consolidate and develop nextgeneration voice and data communications services by delivering IP telephony and upgrading to a wireless infrastructure and integrated communications platform that staff members can access from anywhere. Better Communication, Faster Decision Making In implementing a new unified communications solution, the Trust’s primary goal was to enhance workflow and communications so that doctors, nurses, and administrative staff could deliver higher levels of healthcare. It wanted to provide a consistent level of support across its participating hospitals and community care settings. Belfast Trust chose Microsoft Lync Server 2010 over its current vendors primarily for its instant messaging, presence, and videoconferencing features, in addition to its communication services. If Belfast Trust had stayed with its previous vendors, each of the communication capabilities not only would have been an added feature with an added cost, but each capability might not be integrated with the overall solution. Well integrated. When Belfast Trust decided to replace its existing system with a new one, integration was a key factor. The new solution worked well with existing desktop applications and the familiar user experience helped with user adoption. The Microsoft Lync 2010 client is integrated with the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client, which was a major benefit because staff was already familiar with the user interface and features, such as instant messaging and presence. Real Impact for Today’s Healthcare Consolidating to a single infrastructure has reduced costs and improved service to staff members, who can now provide higherquality healthcare through faster decision making. Belfast Trust predicts a companywide savings of £1 million (US$1.5 million) during the period of the contract. It will achieve this in various practical ways, including maximizing the existing cabling infrastructure, reducing bearer circuits, and reducing maintenance costs. From a clinical viewpoint, Belfast Trust measures its savings by the reduced time needed to make a clinical decision with input from coworkers. With the unified communications system, staff has real-time access to information and to one another. “Using the communication and collaboration features in Lync 2010 within a clinical environment, we can expedite the decisionmaking process,” says Duffy. “For those people who understand Lync and adopt it, there are real cost savings in terms of the time needed to make decisions.” Microsoft provides affordable solutions for health organizations of all shapes and sizes. Its software is seamlessly integrated and connects well to other systems. This has enabled Belfast Trust to build a highly integrated solution. “We feel we are making great strides in achieving our goal of providing higher-quality services consistently across all our locations,” says Duffy. By using Lync 2010, Belfast Trust healthcare teams can collaborate to speed up the decision-making process. “We chose Microsoft technology because we felt it would help staff help patients more quickly,” says Duffy. Real Impact for Better Health