Word of the Day: Week of 9/17


Word of the Day: Week of 9/17

Grades 1-4

Monday Word: rambunctious

Definition: When you act wild and noisy, you are being rambunctious.

Sentence: The children were being so rambunctious that the librarian asked them to go outside.

Tuesday Word: inquire

Definition: When you inquire, you try to find out something by asking a question.

Sentence: For information on when the movie begins, you can inquire at the ticket window.

Grades 5-8

Word: vanquish

Definition: to defeat or overcome

Sentence: Zack had to vanquish his fear of the dark before going camping with his friends.

Word: remedy

Definition: a medicine or treatment used for healing or to return something to its proper condition

Sentence: Adam’s mother gave him mint tea as a remedy for his upset stomach. She hoped it would remedy his stomachache quickly.

Word: bedlam

Definition: a scene of noise and confusion

Wednesday Word: clench

Definition: You clench something when you squeeze it tightly.

Sentence: The baseball player clenched the bat as he stepped up to home plate.

Thursday Word: monotone

Definition: When you speak in a monotone, you don’t use any expression in your voice.

Sentence: The speaker’s monotone almost put the audience to sleep.

Friday Word: nibble

Definition: You nibble your food when you eat it with small bites.

Sentence: My pet rat nibbled on a piece of cheese for fifteen minutes before he finished it.

Sentence: There was bedlam on the decks of the

Titanic when the ship began to sink.

Word: casual

Definition: happening by chance or informal/not fancy

Sentence: When Jared’s casual meeting with a friend led to a dinner invitation, he was glad his casual clothes were neat and clean.

Word: cantankerous

Definition: hard to get along with

Sentence: It was hard to play with Jerry because he was so cantankerous.
