Electronic supplementary information for: OXIDATIVE MODIFICATIONS OF CEREBRAL TRANSTHYRETIN ARE ASSOCIATED WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Damiana Pieragostino1,2(PhD), Piero Del Boccio1,2(PhD), Maria Di Ioia3(MD), Luisa Pieroni4,5(PhD), Viviana Greco4,5(PhD), Giovanna De Luca3(MD), Simona D’Aguanno4,5(PhD), Claudia Rossi1,2(PhD), Diego Franciotta6(MD), Diego Centonze4(MD), Paolo Sacchetta1,2(PhD), Carmine Di Ilio1,2(PhD), Alessandra Lugaresi3(MD) and Andrea Urbani4,5(PhD). 1 Research Centre on Aging (Ce.S.I), University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti. Italy; 2 Department of Experimental and Clinical Sciences, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti. Italy; 3Department of Neurosciences and Imaging, University “G. d’Annunzio” of ChietiPescara, Chieti. Italy; 4 IRCCS-Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome. Italy; 5 Department of Experimental Medicine and Surgery, University of Tor Vergata, Rome. Italy; 6 Laboratory of Neuroimmunology (IRCCS) National Neurological Institute C. Mondino, Pavia, Italy. Keywords: CSF Transthyretin, Multiple Sclerosis, Post Translational Modifications *Corresponding Author: Dott.ssa Damiana Pieragostino, PhD Department of Experimental and Clinical Sciences, University “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, Italy. e-mail: dpieragostino@unich.it Phone: +39 0871 541593 Fax: +39 0871 541598 Supplementary Figure captions Figure S1: Identification of differential peaks highlighted We identified the peaks 1-5 by fraction collection and MS/MS fragmentation analysis. Identified peaks were isolated by the use of fraction collector after reverse phase chromatography (Fig. S1 A). In Fig. S1 B was shown deconvoluted ESI+-Mass-Spectrum of the chromatographic peak eluted between 42 and 43 minutes showing a low intense 13761 Da signal of the free monomer TTR; the major molecular species at 13793 Da (differential peak 2 showed in Fig. 1) and 13841 Da (differential peak 3, showed in Fig. 1). The fraction containing interesting peaks was analysed by LC-nano-ESI-Q-TOF fragmentation analysis. All peaks were identified as TTR, a very abundant protein in CSF. Fig. S1 C highlights tandem mass spectra and reconstructed sequences of TTR peptides found in the chromatographic fraction analysed after digestion with Tryspin. Details of identification experiments are shown in Table S2. Figure S2: Serum TTR profiling We analysed the serum taken at the same time of CSF to verify the presence of the differential isoforms in peripheral compartment, for all MS patients included in the casuistry. As shown in Fig S2 A average spectrum of CSF (upper profile) differs from the serum profiling (lower profile). Peaks 1, 4 and 5 are visible in both biological fluids corresponding to canonical TTR isoforms. Peaks 2 and 3 emerge only in CSF profile. This result is clear in Fig S2 B and C where intensity of peak 2 and 3 (13793 Da and 13841 Da, respectively) in each acquired spectrum is shown. The arrow indicates separation from CSF to serum samples. Supplementary Tables captions Table S1: Clinical data from patients affected by multiple sclerosis Clinical information about the 43 patients affected by MS included in the present study with an average age of 37.15 ± 9.36 and with a ratio female/male of 2.54. Symbols: POS: positive NEG: negative OCB = Oligoclonal Bands; CIS = Clinically Isolated Syndrome evolving in MS at follow-up RRMS = Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis; PPMS = Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis; ND = Not Determined Table S2: Tandem Mass Spectrometry experiments Details of TTR identification by LC-MS/MS experiment. Table S3: molecular weights of PTMs Table of molecular weight of mixed disulfides associated to TTR (peaks 2 and 5). Peaks 2 and 3 are atypical mixed disulfides with mass shift of + 32 Da and + 80 Da, in respect to free monomeric specie (m/z= 13761 Da), and they are referable to S-sulfhydration (Cys-S-SH) and S-sulfonation (Cys-S-SO3H) of the 10th cysteine of the protein. Table S4: Correlation between TTR isoforms and anomalous TTR dimer We compared the relative intensity in respect to free TTR of Cys-S-SH and Cys-S-SO3H TTR isoforms obtained by MALDI-TOF analysis and the presence of anomalous dimer in the clinical cohort investigated. Results demonstrates a proportional trend (p<0.05) between the % of anomalous dimer and the relative intensity of sulfhydrated TTR isoform registered. This isoform correlates inversely also with monomer volume (P< 0.05), but no correlation was registered with the canonical dimer. Sulfonated TTR isoform slightly correlates with anomalous dimer in respect to the sulfhydrated one. Moreover no correlation was found with monomer volumes. Supplementary Figures Figure S1 Figure S2 Supplementary Tables Table S1 Code DiseaseDuration days IgG index <0.66 OCB Blood-CSF bar r ier <5.5 Disease's stage Diagnosis Sex Concom itant m edications MRI data 131 132 135 136 137 138 139 140 188 189 ND 60 870 720 1650 2160 540 20 360 1440 0.7 1.11 0.98 1.3 0.66 1.26 1.94 1.78 0.48 0.33 NEG POS POS POS POS POS POS NEG NEG NEG 5.95 3.92 4.62 9.64 4.03 4.6 4.11 4.48 10.52 5.89 ND active active active active stable stable active active stable RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS PPMS PPMS RRMS PPMS RRMS+ VASCULAR LEOKOENCEPHALOPATY F F F M F F F F M F ND ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE STABLE STABLE ACTIVE STABLE STABLE 190 191 193 200 203 204 205 207 208 213 214 216 219 221 222 223 248 225 235 236 237 245 246 209 226 242 64 67 71 72 85 93 84 30 90 60 90 390 510 ND 3960 45 1440 30 ND 360 120 90 810 ND 7 180 1080 ND 30 23 120 20 11 3240 ND ND 3960 360 ND 360 0.65 0.31 0.4 0.74 0.66 0.9 0.48 0.51 0.69 0.61 2.83 0.58 0.56 1.41 0.77 2.21 0.41 0.8 0.43 0.45 0.44 0.5 0.63 0.65 0.56 1.49 0.77 1.08 0.72 0.54 0.45 0.47 1.85 POS NEG NEG POS POS POS POS NEG POS NEG POS NEG POS POS POS POS ND POS NEG POS ND NEG POS POS POS POS ND POS POS POS POS NEG POS 4.62 17.42 3.6 7.64 4.93 3.64 5.07 5.78 8 4.42 4.39 3.52 9.92 4.03 5.74 6.55 4.67 4.67 5.47 11.74 7.82 10.38 5.66 2.96 5.11 3.56 0.77 1.08 0.72 0.54 0.45 0.47 1.85 active active active active active active ND active stable active active ND active active active active ND active active active ND active active active active stable ND active active active stable stable active RRMS. RADICULOPATHY L4-L5 RRMS, CORPUS CALLOSUM AGENESIS CIS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS PPMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS CIS CIS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS RRMS CIS RRMS RRMS CIS RRMS CIS RRMS RRMS F M F F F F F M F F M M M F F M M F M F M F M F F F F F M M M F F LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM NONE NONE NONE NONE ATENOL, NONE NONE NONE FOSINOPRIL, ETIZOLAM ALENDRONIC ACID, GABAPENTINE, TRAMADOL , ALPRAZOLAM, METHYLPREDNISOLONE NONE PREGABALIN NONE EDRONAX, SERTRALINE NONE PROGESTOGENS SERTRALINE NONE LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE PROGESTOGENS NONE DELAPRIDE LIVIAL NONE NONE PREGABALIN NONE GABAPENTINE NONE NONE NONE NONE TOPIRAMATE,FLUOXETINE L-ACETYL CARNITINE NONE NONE STABLE ND STABLE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ND ND STABLE ACTIVE STABLE ND ND STABLE ACTIVE ACTIVE ND STABLE ATYPICAL ACTIVE ND ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE STABLE STABLE ND STABLE STABLE ND STABLE STABLE Table S2 Protein name Accession number Queries Matched Peptides sequenced Transthyretin BAA00059 6 GSPAINVAVHVFR AADDTWEPFASGK ALGISPMHEHAEVVFTANDSGPR TSESGELHGLTTEEEFVEGIYKVEIDTK Sequence Mascot coverage score (%) 60 342 Table S3 m/z Disulfide Bridge of Cys10 Peak 1 13761 - Peak 2 13791 -SH Peak 3 13841 -SO3H peak 4 13880 -Cys Peak 5 13937 -Cys-Gly Table S4 Pvalue t-test TTR-SSH TTR-SSH X TTR-SSO3H Anomalous Dimer Normal Dimer Monomer TTR-SSO3H Anomalous Normal Dimer Dimer Monomer 0.0001 0.009 0.36 0.25 0.02 0.15 0.1 0.45 0.0001 - X - - X - - - X 0.0004 - - - - X