We’d like to invite you to become a film sponsor of the documentary Ruth Asawa: The Roots of an Artist. Won’t you please consider pledging $1,500 or more to sponsor this special event? 100% of your sponsorship supports programs for seniors at Ruth’s Table, a new center for creative expression and lifelong learning at Bethany Center Senior Housing. In addition to being listed in the actual film credits, film sponsors will be invited to an exclusive premiere of the film at the de Young Museum January 21, 2011. The top donors will be part of a private curator-led tour of Ruth Asawa’s art works at the Museum that evening. Other sponsorship benefits include your name on a Bethany Center plaque at the appropriate level. The enclosure details the benefits of different levels of sponsorship. Honorary Committee Ruth Asawa Artist Aiko Cuneo Arts Educator Internationally acclaimed artist Ruth Asawa has been a friend of Bethany Center since its founding. Now, she has generously donated her sturdy kitchen table, a well-known meeting place for San Francisco artists, poets and politicians, to Bethany Center as a hearth for continued creativity. “Art is for Everybody” — Ruth Asawa Assemblymember Tom Ammiano California State Assembly John Buchanan, Director Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco David Campos, Supervisor, District 9 San Francisco Board of Supervisors Luis R. Cancel, Director of Cultural Affairs San Francisco Arts Commission David Chiu, President San Francisco Board of Supervisors Daniell Cornell, Deputy Director for Art and Senior Curator Palm Springs Art Museum Jeffrey Ellis, President Bethany Center Foundation Board Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Senator United States Senate Danielle Gensch, President Bethany Center Board Joanne Handy, President/CEO Aging Services of California Anne Hinton, Executive Director San Francisco Dept. Aging & Adult Services Honorable Mark Leno, Senator California State Senate Mayor Gavin Newsom City of San Francisco Dr. Stephen Shapiro, Director Community Music Center We created Ruth’s Table as a way to expand our award-winning services to seniors living active, independent lives while revitalizing our 40-year mission in supportive housing. Ruth’s Table programming spans many areas, from art classes to an intergenerational modern dance company, from creative writing to Tai Chi, a professional gallery, concerts, film screenings, lectures and more. The exciting new documentary tells Ruth Asawa’s story as artist, mother, wife and tireless advocate for community art projects and art education in the public schools. The film also tells about the founding of Ruth’s Table. The production and premiere costs have been covered by our partners at the Academy of Art University and the de Young Museum, so all funds raised through this sponsorship effort will support Ruth's Table programs in 2011! The Ruth's Table Honorary Committee and those of us at Bethany Center would be greatly honored to have you endorse this groundbreaking community outreach to San Francisco seniors. You can pledge your sponsorship over two years — we can even extend that, if needed. Please return the enclosed donation form at your earliest convenience. We look forward to your continuing support. In friendship, Dr. Elisa Stephens, President Academy of Art University Diane B. Wilsey, President, Board of Trustees Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Jerry W. Brown, CASPF Executive Director, Bethany Center Senior Housing (415) 821-4515, ext. 11 jbrown@bethanycenter.org Ruth Asawa Documentary SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNTIES Benefitting Ruth's Table a CENTER for CREATIVE LEARNING Rooted in the life of RUTH ASAWA Premier Sponsor Executive Producer Producer Associate Producer $1,500 Listing as Producer in the film credits Two tickets to 1/ 21/11 Premiere at de Young Museum’s Koret Theatre Two dinner tickets following Premiere at the de Young Museum Author-signed book “ The Sculpture of Ruth Asawa: Contours in the Air “ Recognition in Bethany Center’s newsletter Listing on Ruth’s Table’s web site Listing on Bethany Center’s web site A half-page advertisement in film playbill Listing in the film credits Two tickets to 1/ 21/11 Premiere at de Young Museum’s Koret Theatre Recognition in Bethany Center’s newsletter Listing on Ruth’s Table’s web site Listing on Bethany Center’s web site $2,500 $5,000 Listing in the film credits Four tickets to 1/ 21/11 Premiere at de Young Museum’s Koret Theatre Four dinner tickets following Premiere at the de Young Museum Recognition in all press releases Ruth Asawa film DVD Plaque listing at the entrance of Ruth’s Table Author-signed book “ The Sculpture of Ruth Asawa: Contours in the Air “ Recognition in Bethany Center’s newsletter Listing on Ruth’s Table’s web site Listing on Bethany Center’s web site A full-page advertisement in film playbill $10,000 Primary listing in the film credits Six tickets to 1/ 21/11 Premiere at de Young Museum’s Koret Theatre Six head table dinner tickets following Premiere Private curator-led tour of Ruth Asawa sculptures at the de Young Museum Lead recognition in all press releases Ruth Asawa film DVD Plaque listing at the entrance of Ruth’s Table Author-signed book “ The Sculpture of Ruth Asawa: Contours in the Air “ Recognition in Bethany Center’s newsletter Listing on Ruth’s Table’s web site Listing on Bethany Center’s web site A full-page advertisement in film playbill Ruth's Table is a program of Bethany Center Senior Housing RUTH ASAWA DOCUMENTARY DONATION OR PLEDGE FORM Recognition Name: (Please print as you would like to be acknowledged). Contact Name: Address: (Street) (City) Contact Info: (State) ________________________________________________ (Day phone) (Fax) (E-mail address) I am/We are pleased to be a Sponsor of the Ruth Asawa film at the following level: Film Sponsor (Zip code) $10,000 Executive Producer $5,000 Producer $2,500 Associate Producer $1,500 I am/We are unable to participate, but would like to donate $ Credit card #: Enclosed is my/our check made payable to Bethany Center Foundation. Please bill my/our: Visa MasterCard American Express Exp. Date: I/we would like to pledge all or part of my/our support. (See back for details.) Bethany Center Foundation of San Francisco Attn: Jerry Brown 580 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: (415) 821-4515, Ext.24 * Fax: (415) 821-2339 * foundation@bethanycenter.org I am/We are interested in pledging towards the sponsorship of the Ruth Asawa film. We will honor our pledge by December 31, 2011. Please see details below: Bethany Center Foundation of San Francisco Attn: Jerry Brown 580 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: (415) 821-4515, Ext.24 * Fax: (415) 821-2339 * foundation@bethanycenter.org