Draft Recommendation for Space Data System Standards CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE FOR CCSDS DATA LINKS PROPOSED STANDARD CCSDS 132.5-W-1 WHITE BOOK February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AUTHORITY Issue: White Book, Issue 1 Date: February 2016 Location: Not Applicable (WHEN THIS RECOMMENDED STANDARD IS FINALIZED, IT WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY:) This document has been approved for publication by the Management Council of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) and represents the consensus technical agreement of the participating CCSDS Member Agencies. The procedure for review and authorization of CCSDS documents is detailed in the Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, and the record of Agency participation in the authorization of this document can be obtained from the CCSDS Secretariat at the address below. This document is published and maintained by: CCSDS Secretariat Space Communications and Navigation Office, 7L70 Space Operations Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546-0001, USA CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page i February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE FOREWORD This document describes a data encapsulation method for applying security protections to the contents of Space Data Link Protocol transfer frames used by space missions over a space link. Through the process of normal evolution, it is expected that expansion, deletion, or modification of this document may occur. This Recommended Standard is therefore subject to CCSDS document management and change control procedures, which are defined in the Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Current versions of CCSDS documents are maintained at the CCSDS Web site: http://www.ccsds.org/ Questions relating to the contents or status of this document should be addressed to the CCSDS Secretariat at the address indicated on page i. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page ii February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE At time of publication, the active Member and Observer Agencies of the CCSDS were: Member Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)/Italy. British National Space Centre (BNSC)/United Kingdom. Canadian Space Agency (CSA)/Canada. Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/France. China National Space Administration (CNSA)/People’s Republic of China. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)/Germany. European Space Agency (ESA)/Europe. Federal Space Agency (FSA)/Russian Federation. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)/Brazil. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/Japan. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/USA. Observer Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Austrian Space Agency (ASA)/Austria. Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BFSPO)/Belgium. Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIIMash)/Russian Federation. Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (CTA)/Brazil. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/China. Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/China. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)/Australia. Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/Denmark. European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)/Europe. European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT)/Europe. Hellenic National Space Committee (HNSC)/Greece. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/India. Institute of Space Research (IKI)/Russian Federation. KFKI Research Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics (KFKI)/Hungary. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/Korea. MIKOMTEK: CSIR (CSIR)/Republic of South Africa. Ministry of Communications (MOC)/Israel. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)/Japan. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/USA. National Space Organization (NSPO)/Chinese Taipei. Naval Center for Space Technology (NCST)/USA. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)/Pakistan. Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)/Sweden. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/USA. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page iii February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE PREFACE (WHEN THIS PROPOSED STANDARD IS RELEASED FOR FORMAL AGENCY REVIEW, IT WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY:) This document is a draft CCSDS Recommended Standard. Its draft status indicates that the CCSDS believes the document to be technically mature and has released it for formal review by appropriate technical organizations. As such, its technical contents are not stable, and several iterations of it may occur in response to comments received during the review process. Implementers are cautioned not to fabricate any final equipment in accordance with this document’s technical content. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page iv February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE DOCUMENT CONTROL Document Title and Issue Date Status CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Cryptographic Service for CCSDS Data Links, Draft Recommended Standard, Issue 1 February 2016 Current draft CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page v February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE CONTENTS Section Page DOCUMENT CONTROL......................................................................................................V CONTENTS........................................................................................................................... VI 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 RATIONALE.......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ................................................................................. 1-2 1.6 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................ 1-2 1.7 CONVENTIONS .................................................................................................... 1-4 1.8 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 1-5 2 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.1 CONCEPT OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE .................................................... 2-6 2.2 FEATURES OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE .................................................. 2-6 2.2.1 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF PROTOCOL ENTITY ..................... 2-7 2.2.2 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO TM .......................................... 2-7 2.2.3 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO TC ........................................... 2-8 2.2.4 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO AOS ........................................ 2-8 2.3 SERVICE FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................ 2-9 2.3.1 SECURITY ASSOCIATIONS ................................................................... 2-9 2.3.2 AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................... 2-11 2.3.3 ENCRYPTION ......................................................................................... 2-12 2.3.4 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION....................................................... 2-13 3 DATA UNITS ............................................................................................................... 3-14 3.1 SECURITY HEADER .......................................................................................... 3-14 3.1.1 SECURITY HEADER VERSION NUMBER ......................................... 3-14 3.1.2 SECURITY HEADER LENGTH............................................................. 3-14 3.1.3 SECURITY PARAMETER INDEX (SPI) ............................................... 3-15 3.1.4 SEQUENCE NUMBER ........................................................................... 3-15 3.1.5 INITIALIZATION VECTOR................................................................... 3-15 3.1.6 MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE................................................ 3-15 3.1.7 PAD .......................................................................................................... 3-15 4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE PROCEDURES .................................................... 4-16 4.1 SECURITY ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ...................... 4-16 4.1.1 SA MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS...................................................... 4-16 4.2 SENDING PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 4-17 4.2.1 AUTHENTICATION OPERATIONS ..................................................... 4-17 4.2.2 ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS ............................................................... 4-18 4.2.3 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS............................. 4-18 4.3 RECEIVING PROCEDURES .............................................................................. 4-18 4.3.1 SA POLICY ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS ..................................... 4-18 4.3.2 AUTHENTICATION OPERATIONS ..................................................... 4-19 CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page vi February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 4.3.3 ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS ............................................................... 4-19 4.3.4 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS............................. 4-19 5 USE OF THE SERVICE WITH CCSDS PROTOCOLS ........................................ 5-20 5.1 TM PROTOCOL .................................................................................................. 5-20 5.1.1 TM TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES ............................................. 5-20 5.2 TC PROTOCOL ................................................................................................... 5-21 5.2.1 TC TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES .............................................. 5-21 5.3 AOS PROTOCOL ................................................................................................ 5-22 5.3.1 AOS TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES ........................................... 5-22 6 MANAGED PARAMETERS ..................................................................................... 6-24 7 SECURITY ................................................................................................................... 7-26 7.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 7-26 7.2 SECURITY CONCERNS .................................................................................... 7-26 7.2.1 DATA PRIVACY ..................................................................................... 7-26 7.2.2 DATA INTEGRITY ................................................................................. 7-26 7.2.3 AUTHENTICATION OF COMMUNICATING ENTITIES................... 7-26 7.2.4 CONTROL OF ACCESS TO RESOURCES ........................................... 7-27 7.2.5 AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES ........................................................ 7-27 7.2.6 AUDITING OF RESOURCE USAGE .................................................... 7-27 7.3 POTENTIAL THREATS AND ATTACK SCENARIOS ................................... 7-27 7.4 CONSEQUENCES OF NOT APPLYING SECURITY ...................................... 7-27 CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page vii February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this Recommended Standard is to specify the Cryptographic Service for CCSDS data links. This service provides a secondary header format along with associated procedures that may be used with the CCSDS Telemetry, Telecommand, and Advanced Orbiting Systems Space Data Link Protocols (references [1]-[3]) to provide a structured method for applying data authentication and/or data encryption at the link layer. 1.2 SCOPE This Recommended Standard defines the Cryptographic Service in terms of: a) the protocol data units employed by the service provider; and b) the procedures performed by the service provider. It does not specify: a) individual implementations or products; b) the implementation of service interfaces within real systems; c) the methods or technologies required to perform the procedures; or d) the management activities required to configure and control the service. 1.3 APPLICABILITY This Recommended Standard applies to the creation of Agency standards and to the future data communications over space links between CCSDS Agencies in cross-support situations. The Recommended Standard includes comprehensive specification of the service for interAgency cross support. It is neither a specification of, nor a design for, real systems that may be implemented for existing or future missions. The Recommended Standard specified in this document is to be invoked through the normal standards programs of each CCSDS Agency, and is applicable to those missions for which cross support based on capabilities described in this Recommended Standard is anticipated. Where mandatory capabilities are clearly indicated in sections of the Recommended Standard, they must be implemented when this document is used as a basis for cross support. Where options are allowed or implied, implementation of these options is subject to specific bilateral cross support agreements between the Agencies involved. 1.4 RATIONALE The goals of this Recommended Standard are to: CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 1-1 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE a) provide a method of cryptographic encapsulation at the data link layer, independent of the underlying cryptographic algorithms employed by any particular space mission; b) preserve compatibility with existing CCSDS Space Data Link Protocol transfer frame header formats and frame processing implementations so that where appropriate, legacy frame processing infrastructure may continue to be used without modification; and, c) facilitate cross-support using the CCSDS Space Link Extensions (SLE) forward and return services; and d) facilitate the development of common commercial implementations to improve interoperability across agencies. More discussion of the Cryptographic Service’s goals and design choices may be found in reference [B1]. 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE This document is organized as follows: Section 1 presents the purpose, scope, applicability and rationale of this Recommended Standard and lists the conventions, definitions, and references used throughout the document. Section 2 provides an overview of the Cryptographic Service. Section 3 specifies the protocol data units provided for this service. Section 4 specifies the procedures employed by the service provider. Section 5 specifies the transfer frame formats and constraints associated with this service for each of the supported Space Data Link Protocols. Section 6 lists the managed parameters associated with this service. Section 7 provides an overview of security concerns with using the Cryptographic Service. Annex A provides a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement. Annex B provides a list of informative references. 1.6 DEFINITIONS Access Control: The process of granting access to the resources of a system only to authorized users, programs, processes, or other systems. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 1-2 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Access Control Mechanism: Hardware or software features, operating procedures, management procedures, and various combinations of these designed to detect and prevent unauthorized access and to permit authorized access in an automated system. Authentication: Verification of the originating source of data that have been stored, transmitted, or otherwise exposed to possible unauthorized modification. In the context of data transmission, this usually refers to verification by the receiver of a message authentication code which was associated with particular data as it was generated by the sender using a secret key. Such verification ensures both the authenticity and integrity of the data. Authorization: The granting of access rights to a user, program, or process. ‘Black’: A condition in which data being processed or transmitted does not require protection, either because a requirement to secure the data has already been met, or because the data inherently has no need for protection; in the context of data transmission, this usually refers to data in its protected state, subsequent to encryption or prior to decryption. Bulk Encryption: The encryption of transmitted data at OSI Layer 1, such that all of the data link-layer framing headers and higher-layer information are sent as ciphertext. Ciphertext: Data that has been obscured by the application of encryption. Confidentiality: Assurance that information is not disclosed to unauthorized entities or processes. Data Integrity: Condition that exists when data is unchanged from its source and has not been accidentally or maliciously modified, altered, or destroyed. Denial of Service: Any action or series of actions that prevents any part of a system from functioning in accordance with its intended purpose. This includes any action that causes unauthorized destruction, modification, or delay of service. Encryption: The transformation of data using mathematical algorithms in order to provide confidentiality. Encryption transforms ‘plaintext’ into ‘ciphertext’. Decryption, the reverse operation, transforms ciphertext into plaintext. Initialization Vector: Encryption algorithm-dependent data that some modes of operation require as an additional initial input. It does not need to be secret, but in some modes, it needs to be unpredictable. Its length is generally fixed according to the algorithm’s block size. Link-Layer Encryption: The encryption of transmitted data at OSI Layer 2, such that the data link-layer framing headers are sent as plaintext but all of the upper-layer packet headers and information are sent as ciphertext. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 1-3 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Network-Layer Encryption: The encryption of transmitted data at OSI Layer 3, such that the network-layer packet headers are sent as plaintext but all higher-layer information is sent as ciphertext. Padding: Fill data required by certain encryption block cipher modes. If a particular mode of operation (e.g. cipher block chaining) must operate on data units that are a multiple of the algorithm’s block size, then any undersized blocks must be padded prior to encryption. Plaintext: Data that has not been obscured by the application of encryption. ‘Red’: A condition in which data being processed or transmitted requires protection; in the context of data transmission, this usually refers to data in its original state, prior to encryption or subsequent to decryption. Risk: A combination of the likelihood that a threat will occur, the likelihood that a threat occurrence will result in an adverse impact, and the severity of the resulting adverse impact. Security Association: An establishment of shared security information between two network entities to support secure communication. Parameters managed in a Security Association include field lengths, algorithms used, cryptographic keys, and managed values for sequence counters, IV, and MAC. Security Parameter Index: An index used to identify a Security Association. Security Policy: The set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how information is managed, protected, and distributed. Threat: Any action (accidental or deliberate) or event (natural or environmental) with the potential to cause harm to a system in the form of destruction, disclosure, adverse modification of data, and/or denial of service. Threat Analysis: The examination of all actions and events that might adversely affect a system or operation. Traffic Analysis: The attempt to defeat communications security by analyzing patterns in the content and timing of communications traffic, to infer either the identity of specific parties exchanging information or the specific information being exchanged. Vulnerability Analysis: The systematic examination of systems in order to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, and provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security measures. 1.7 CONVENTIONS The following conventions apply throughout this Recommended Standard: a) the words ‘shall’ and ‘must’ imply a binding and verifiable specification; CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 1-4 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE b) the word ‘should’ implies an optional, but desirable, specification; c) the word ‘may’ implies an optional specification; d) the words ‘is’, ‘are’, and ‘will’ imply statements of fact. 1.8 REFERENCES The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommended Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and users of this Recommended Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. The CCSDS Secretariat maintains a register of currently valid CCSDS documents. [1] TM Space Data Link Protocol. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 132.0-B-1. Blue Book. Issue 1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, September 2003. [2] TC Space Data Link Protocol. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 232.0-B-1. Blue Book. Issue 1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, September 2003. [3] AOS Space Data Link Protocol. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 732.0-B-2. Blue Book. Issue 2. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, July 2006. [4] Space Link Identifiers. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 135.0-B-3. Blue Book. Issue 3. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, October 2006. [5] Information Technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model. International Standard, ISO/IEC 7498-1. 2nd ed. Geneva: ISO, 1994. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 1-5 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 2 OVERVIEW 2.1 CONCEPT OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE The Cryptographic Service is a data processing method for space missions that need to apply authentication and/or encryption to the contents of transfer frames used by Space Data Link Protocols over a space link. The Cryptographic Service is provided at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI Basic Reference Model [5]. It is an extra service of the Space Data Link Protocols defined in references [1]-[3], and therefore shall be used together with one of these references. 2.2 FEATURES OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE The purpose of the Cryptographic Service is to provide a secure standard format for encapsulating octet-aligned user data within Space Data Link Protocol transfer frames over a space link. The maximum length of input data that can be accommodated is not limited by the Cryptographic Service, but is an attribute of the underlying Space Data Link Protocol. A Security Header is provided for delimiting the necessary cryptographic parameters within transfer frames. The size of the Security Header used will reduce the maximum size of the input data unit byte-for-byte below the maximum allowed by the underlying Space Data Link Protocol. Features of the Cryptographic Service are as follows: a) Unidirectional (one way) service: one end of a connection can send, but not receive, data through the space link, while the other end can receive, but not send, data through the space link. b) Asynchronous service: There are no specified timing relationships between the transfer of data units supplied by the user and the actual transmission mechanism within the Data Link Layer. c) Unconfirmed service: the sending user does not receive confirmation from the receiving end indicating that data has been received. d) Incomplete service: the service does not guarantee completeness, but the service provider may signal gaps in the sequence of data units delivered to the receiving user. e) Sequence preserving service: the sequence of data units supplied by the sending user is preserved through the transfer over the space link, although there may be gaps in the sequence of data units delivered to the receiving user. In each case, the Cryptographic Service provides only whatever quality of service is provided by the underlying Space Data Link Protocol. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-6 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 2.2.1 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF PROTOCOL ENTITY Two sublayers of the Data Link Layer are defined for CCSDS space link protocols as shown in reference [B6]. Each of the three supported Space Data Link Protocols (TM, TC, and AOS) correspond to the Data Link Protocol Sublayer. When used with the supported Protocols, the Cryptographic Service is nominally interposed on the sending end between the virtual channel generation and multiplexing functions; on the receiving end, between the demultiplexing and virtual channel reception functions. Because these functions occur entirely within the Data Link Protocol Sublayer, operation of the Cryptographic Service is unaffected by the Synchronization And Channel Coding Sublayer. 2.2.2 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO TM The relationship of the Cryptographic Service’s functions to other functions of the TM Protocol is shown in Figure 2-1. Depending on the services actually used, not all of the functions may be present in a real system. (SENDING END) Packet Service Packet Processing (RECEIVING END) VC Access Service Packet Service VC_FSH VC_OCF Service Service VC Access Service Packet Extraction Virtual Channel Generation VC_FSH VC_OCF Service Service Virtual Channel Reception VC Frame Service Encryption Virtual Channel Multiplexing MC_FSH MC_OCF Service Service Virtual Channel Demultiplexing Master Channel Generation Message Authentication VC Frame Service Decryption MC_FSH MC_OCF Service Service Master Channel Reception MC Frame Service MC Frame Service Message Verification Master Channel Multiplexing Master Channel Demultiplexing All Frames Generation All Frames Reception Data Transmission Figure 2-1. Conceptual Order of Processing within TM All Cryptographic Service functions (Authentication, Encryption, and Authenticated Encryption) can be used with TM to protect the Packet and VC Access Services. They can be used with the VC_FSH, VC_OCF, MC_FSH, and MC_OCF Services for authentication only. They have no effect on the VC Frame and MC Frame Services. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-7 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 2.2.3 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO TC The relationship of the Cryptographic Service’s functions to other functions of the TC Protocol is shown in Figure 2-2. Depending on the services actually used, not all of the functions may be present in a real system. (SENDING END) MAP Packet Service MAP Access Service MAP Packet Processing MAP Generation MAP Multiplexing VC Packet Service (RECEIVING END) COP Mgmt. VC Access Service Service VC Packet Processing MAP Packet Service MAP Access Service MAP Packet Extraction MAP Generation MAP Demultiplexing VC Packet Service COP Mgmt. VC Access Service Service VC Packet Extraction Virtual Channel Generation Virtual Channel Reception Encryption Decryption Message Authentication Virtual Channel Multiplexing VC Frame Service VC Frame Service Message Verification MC Frame Service MC Frame Service Virtual Channel Demultiplexing Master Channel Multiplexing Master Channel Demultiplexing All Frames Generation All Frames Reception Data Transmission Figure 2-2. Conceptual Order of Processing within TC All Cryptographic Service functions (Authentication, Encryption, and Authenticated Encryption) can be used with TC to protect the MAP Packet, MAP Access, VC Packet, COP Management, and VC Access Services. They have no effect on the VC Frame and MC Frame Services. 2.2.4 RELATIONSHIP OF THE SERVICE TO AOS The relationship of the Cryptographic Service’s functions to other functions of the AOS Protocol is shown in Figure 2-3. Depending on the services actually used, not all of the functions may be present in a real system. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-8 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE (SENDING END) Packet Service Bitstream Service Packet Processing Bitstream Processing (RECEIVING END) VC Access Service VC_OCF Service Packet Service Bitstream Service Packet Extraction Bitstream Extraction VC Access Service VC_OCF Service Virtual Channel Generation Virtual Channel Reception Encryption Decryption Message Authentication Virtual Channel Multiplexing VC Frame Service Message Verification MC Frame Service Master Channel Multiplexing Virtual Channel Demultiplexing Insert Service Master Channel Demultiplexing All Frames Generation VC Frame Service MC Frame Service Insert Service All Frames Reception Data Transmission Figure 2-3. Conceptual Order of Processing within AOS All Cryptographic Service functions (Authentication, Encryption, and Authenticated Encryption) can be used with AOS to protect the Packet, Bitstream, and VC Access Services. They can be used with the VC_OCF Service for authentication only. They have no effect on the VC Frame and MC Frame Services. Neither Authentication nor Authenticated Encryption can be used with the Insert Service on the physical channel, unless both of the following are true: (a) the sender defers message authentication until Insert Zone data has been added into the transfer frame; and (b) the receiver defers the extraction of Insert Zone data until message verification is complete. Encryption has no effect on the Insert Service. 2.3 SERVICE FUNCTIONS 2.3.1 SECURITY ASSOCIATIONS The Cryptographic Service provides security associations for defining the cryptographic communications parameters to be used by both the sending and receiving ends of a communications session, and for maintaining state information for the duration of the session. A Security Association (SA) defines a simplex (one-way), stateful cryptographic session for providing authentication, data integrity, replay protection, and/or data confidentiality. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-9 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Security Association Context All Transfer Frames that share the same Security Association on a physical channel constitute a Secure Channel. A Secure Channel consists of one or more Global Virtual Channels or Global MAP IDs (TC only) assigned to a SA at the time of its creation. The Security Parameter Index (SPI) is a transmitted value that uniquely identifies the Security Association applicable to a Transfer Frame. All Transfer Frames having the same SPI on a physical channel share a single Security Association. A maximum of 254 simultaneous Security Associations may be defined across an entire physical channel. Security Association Service Types When a Security Association is created, one of the following cryptographic functions is selected to be carried out for all transfer frames using that Security Association: a) Authentication; b) Encryption; c) Authenticated Encryption. Once a Security Association is created, the authentication and/or encryption algorithms specified, along with their modes of operation, are fixed and cannot be changed for the duration of the SA. Security Header All Transfer Frames using a Security Association on a physical channel include a Security Header preceding the Frame Data area of the transfer frame. The Security Header carries the Security Parameter Index, sequence number, initialization vector, message authentication code, and any encryption block padding if necessary. Once a Security Association is created, the lengths of the managed fields in the Security Header are fixed and cannot be changed for the duration of the SA. Security Association Management Both the sender and the receiver must create a Security Association, associate it with cryptographic key(s), and activate it before the Security Association may be used to secure Transfer Frames on a channel. Security Associations may be statically pre-loaded prior to the start of a mission. Security Associations may also be created dynamically as needed, even while other existing SAs are active. The mechanism for switching from one active Security Association to another is an application-layer function. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-10 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE NOTE: Over-the-air negotiation of SA parameters is a (currently undefined) applicationlayer function. 2.3.2 AUTHENTICATION The Cryptographic Service provides for the use of authentication algorithms to ensure the integrity of transmitted data and the authenticity of the data source. The Cryptographic Service also provides for the use of sequence numbering to detect the unauthorized replay of previously transmitted data. Message Authentication and Integrity When the Cryptographic Service is used for Authentication, a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is computed over the entire transfer frame, excluding the channel coding synchronization marker, optional frame Error Control Field, and the MAC field within the Security Header. Replay Protection When the Cryptographic Service is used for Authentication, a sequence number is also transmitted in the transfer frame. As part of a Security Association providing Authentication, both the sender and receiver manage the following information: a) a sequence number value (current value for the sender, expected value for the receiver); b) a sequence number window for comparison by the receiver; c) the length (number of least-significant bits) of the transmitted portion of the sequence number; d) the location within the transfer frame of the sequence number transmitted portion of the sequence number. Sequence Number The sender increments its managed sequence number by one with each transmitted frame belonging to that Security Association. The receiver increments its managed sequence number by one with each valid received frame belonging to that Security Association. The receiver compares each received frame’s Sequence Number to its managed sequence number. If the received Sequence Number deviates from the expected value by more than a defined window, the receiver discards the frame, and does not increment its managed sequence number. Sequence Number Window The sequence number window is a fixed delta value, specified in the SA, for the receiver to use in comparing the sequence number received to the expected value. Received frames CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-11 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE whose sequence number falls outside this window should be discarded. The size of the selected window should account for predicted delays and gaps in RF transmission. Sequence Number Length The sequence number may be transmitted in its entirety. Alternatively, a defined length of the sequence number’s least-significant bits may be transmitted, as specified in the Security Association. NOTE: The transmitted portion of each SA’s sequence number should be of sufficient length that the transmitted portion will not roll over to zero within fewer frames than the defined sequence number window allows. If the counter is likely to roll over, the SA should specify to transmit the entire sequence number. Sequence Number Location The location of the transmitted Sequence Number in the transfer frame is specified in the Security Association. Two options are provided: a) The transmitted portion of the Sequence Number may be located in the Sequence Number field of the Security Header. In this case, its length is a managed SA parameter. NOTE: For systems which implement Authenticated Encryption using a simple incrementing counter as an Initialization Vector (i.e., as in Galois/Counter-mode algorithms), the Initialization Vector field of the Security Header may serve also as the transmitted portion of the Sequence Number. In this case, the Sequence Number field in the Security Header is ‘co-located’ with the Initialization Vector field. b) For systems using AOS which implement usage restrictions such that one and only one AOS Virtual Channel may use a single Security Association, the Virtual Channel Frame Count field of the AOS primary header may also serve as the transmitted portion of the Sequence Number. In this case, the managed Sequence Number field in the Security Header is zero octets in length. With this option, the managed values of both the sequence number and the Virtual Channel Frame Count field should be set to a defined value in the first frame of this Virtual Channel in which the SA is used, to ensure synchronization. NOTE: This option is applicable only if the AOS Space Data Link Protocol is used on the channel. In all other cases it is invalid. 2.3.3 ENCRYPTION The Cryptographic Service provides for the use of encryption algorithms to ensure the confidentiality of transmitted data. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-12 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE When the Cryptographic Service is used for Encryption, the data area of the frame (the ‘plaintext’) is replaced with an encrypted version of the same data (the ‘ciphertext’). An Initialization Vector (IV) should be used as an input to the encryption process. Depending upon the encryption algorithm and mode used, additional fill data may be needed to pad any undersized encryption blocks. 2.3.4 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION The Cryptographic Service provides for the use of authentication and encryption as one combined procedure. When the Cryptographic Service is used for Authenticated Encryption, the frame data supplied by the user is first encrypted as described in section 2.3.3, a current anti-replay Sequence Number is applied to the transfer frame, and lastly a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is computed over the resultant transfer frame as described in section 2.3.2. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 2-13 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 3 DATA UNITS 3.1 SECURITY HEADER The Security Header is mandatory and shall consist of three mandatory fields and four optional fields, positioned contiguously, in the following sequence: a) Security Header Version Number (2 bits, mandatory); b) Security Header Length (6 bits; mandatory); c) Security Parameter Index (8 bits; mandatory); d) Sequence Number (octet-aligned, fixed-length for the duration of the Security Association; optional); e) Initialization Vector (octet-aligned, fixed-length for the duration of the Security Association; optional); f) Message Authentication Code (octet-aligned, fixed-length for the duration of the Security Association; optional). g) Pad (octet-aligned, variable-length; optional). A Security Header shall consist of at least 2 and at most 64 octets. The receiver will determine the presence and length of optional fields in the Security Header by using the Security Parameter Index to reference the corresponding Security Association. The format of the Security Header is shown in Figure 3-1. SECURITY HEADER VERSION (‘01’) (bits) SECURITY HEADER LENGTH SECURITY PARAMETER INDEX SEQUENCE NUMBER (Optional) INITIALIZATION VECTOR (Optional) MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE (Optional) PAD (Optional) 2 6 8 Managed Managed Managed Variable Figure 3-1. Security Header 3.1.1 SECURITY HEADER VERSION NUMBER Bits 0-1 of the Security Header shall contain the (Binary Encoded) Security Header Version Number. This 2-bit field shall identify the data unit as a Security Header defined by this subsection; it shall be set to ‘01’. 3.1.2 SECURITY HEADER LENGTH Bits 2-7 of the Security Header shall contain the Security Header Length. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 3-14 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE This 6-bit field shall identify the total length in octets of the Security Header. The minimum length value for this field is 2 octets, and the maximum is 64 octets. 3.1.3 SECURITY PARAMETER INDEX (SPI) Bits 8-15 of the Security Header shall contain the Security Parameter Index. This 8-bit field shall be used as an index to identify a Security Association (SA). There can be up to 254 Security Associations per Master Channel. A value of all zeros (‘0’) for this field is invalid. A value of all ones (‘255’) for this field is reserved by CCSDS for future use. 3.1.4 SEQUENCE NUMBER The Sequence Number field shall follow the Security Parameter Index, without gap. This field, if replay protection is selected for a Security Association, shall contain the transmitted portion of the anti-replay sequence number, consisting of a integral number of octets. The Sequence Number field length is managed and is fixed for the duration of the Security Association. If Authentication or Authenticated Encryption is not selected for a Security Association, this field shall be zero octets in length. NOTE: For systems which implement Authenticated Encryption using a simple incrementing counter as an Initialization Vector (i.e., as in Galois/Counter-mode algorithms), the Initialization Vector field of the Security Header may serve also as the transmitted portion of the Sequence Number. In this case, the Sequence Number field in the Security Header is ‘co-located’ with the Initialization Vector. 3.1.5 INITIALIZATION VECTOR The Initialization Vector field shall follow the Sequence Number field, without gap. It shall contain the transmitted portion of the initialization vector, consisting of a integral number of octets. The Initialization Vector field length is managed and is fixed for the duration of the Security Association. If Encryption is not selected for a Security Association, this field shall be zero octets in length. 3.1.6 MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION CODE The Message Authentication Code field shall follow the Initialization Vector field, without gap. It shall contain the transmitted portion of the Message Authentication Code, consisting of a integral number of octets. The Message Authentication Code field length is managed and is fixed for the duration of the Security Association. If Authentication is not selected for a Security Association, this field shall be zero octets in length. 3.1.7 PAD The Pad field shall follow the Message Authentication Code field, without gap. It shall contain a data unit, supplied by the service user, consisting of an integral number of octets. If encryption is not selected for a Security Association, this field shall be zero octets in length. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 3-15 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE PROCEDURES The following procedures shall be carried out to perform the operations of the active Security Association. 4.1 SECURITY ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 4.1.1 SA MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS Before a Security Association may be used to secure Transfer Frames on a channel, both the sender and the receiver must create the Security Association and associate it with cryptographic key(s). NOTE 1: It is expected that some missions will choose to define Security Associations statically and pre-load them prior to the start of the mission. NOTE 2: Specifying the successful implementation of cryptographic key management is beyond the scope of this document. Security Association Context Every Security Association shall specify one or more Global Virtual Channels or Global Multiplexer Access Point (MAP) IDs (TC only) with which the Security Association is to be used. NOTE 1: The GVCID consists of an Master Channel ID and a Virtual Channel ID. NOTE 2: The MAP_ID parameter is applicable only if the TC Space Data Link Protocol is used on the channel. In all other cases it is invalid. The Security Parameter Index (SPI) is a transmitted value that uniquely identifies the Security Association applicable to a Transfer Frame. All Transfer Frames having the same SPI on a physical channel share a single Security Association. A maximum of 254 simultaneous Security Associations may be defined across an entire physical channel. Security Association Service Type Every Security Association shall specify one and only one of the following cryptographic functions to perform: a) Authentication; b) Encryption; c) Authenticated Encryption. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 4-16 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Parameters Common to All SAs Every Security Association shall also specify the following: a) Security Parameter Index; b) length and offset of Sequence Number field in Security Header; c) length and offset of Initialization Vector field in Security Header; d) length and offset of Message Authentication Code field in Security Header. Parameters for Authentication SAs Every Security Association providing Authentication shall also specify the following: a) authentication algorithm and mode of operation; b) managed Sequence Number; c) managed Sequence Number window. Parameters for Encryption SAs Every Security Association providing Encryption shall also specify the following: a) encryption algorithm and mode of operation1. b) managed Initialization Vector. Parameters for Authenticated Encryption SAs Every Security Association providing Authenticated Encryption shall specify everything required in both sections and above. 4.2 SENDING PROCEDURES 4.2.1 AUTHENTICATION OPERATIONS If Authentication is selected for a Security Association, the sender shall: a) increment the Security Association’s managed sequence number by one with each transmitted frame belonging to that Security Association; b) place the transmitted portion of the sequence number (the least-significant bits of the managed sequence number) either in the Sequence Number field of the Security 1 The chosen algorithm and mode also imply other attributes such as the required encryption block size and the corresponding need to pad undersized data blocks. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 4-17 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Header or in the Virtual Channel Frame Count field of the transfer frame primary header, according to the options specified for that Security Association; c) compute a Message Authentication Code over the entire transfer frame, excluding the frame synchronization marker, optional frame ECF, and the MAC field within the Security Header; d) truncate the least-significant bits of the computed MAC, such that the result is of identical length to the MAC field within the Security Header; e) place the computed MAC in the Security Header. 4.2.2 ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS If Encryption is selected for a Security Association, the sender shall: f) (optionally) prepend the frame data with fill bytes, placing the fill bytes in the Pad field of the Security Header (only applicable if the encryption algorithm and mode selected for the Security Association requires that the algorithm operate only upon an integral number of fixed-size blocks); g) encrypt the Pad and Frame Data fields. 4.2.3 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS If Authenticated Encryption is selected for a Security Association, the sender shall: a) carry out the Encryption operations described in the preceding section 4.2.2; then, b) carry out the Authentication operations described in the preceding section 4.2.1. 4.3 RECEIVING PROCEDURES 4.3.1 SA POLICY ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS Each receiver shall enforce the following policy for all frames received over a Global Virtual Channel. Prior to performing the specific Security Association operations described in the following sections (4.3.2, 4.3.3, and 4.3.4), the receiver shall: a) discard frames in which the received frame lacks a Security Header, but a Security Association is active for that Virtual Channel; b) discard frames in which the received frame has a Security Header, but no Security Association is active for that Virtual Channel; c) discard frames in which the received frame has a Security Header, but the Security Association referenced in its Security Parameter Index is not the correct Security Association for that Virtual Channel. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 4-18 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 4.3.2 AUTHENTICATION OPERATIONS If Authentication is selected for a Security Association, the receiver shall: a) compute a Message Authentication Code over the entire transfer frame, excluding the frame synchronization marker, optional frame ECF, and the MAC field within the Security Header; b) truncate the least-significant bits of the computed MAC, such that the result is of identical length to the MAC field within the Security Header; c) verify that the computed MAC matches the MAC received in the Security Header; d) discard frames in which the received frame fails MAC verification; e) extract the transmitted portion of the sequence number from either the Sequence Number field of the Security Header, or the Virtual Channel Frame Count field of the Transfer Frame Primary Header, according to the options specified for that Security Association; f) compute a current value by performing a logical-OR of the transmitted sequence number with the most-significant bits of the managed sequence number, according to the lengths specified for that Security Association, and compare the current value to the managed sequence number; g) discard frames in which the current value deviates from the expected value by more than the window defined for that Security Association; h) increment the managed sequence number only upon receipt of frames that pass the verification operations a) - Error! Reference source not found. above. 4.3.3 ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS If Encryption is selected for a Security Association, the receiver shall: a) decrypt the Pad and Frame Data fields. 4.3.4 AUTHENTICATED ENCRYPTION OPERATIONS If Authenticated Encryption is selected for a Security Association, the receiver shall: a) carry out the Authentication operations described in the preceding section 4.3.2; then, b) carry out the Encryption operations described in the preceding section 4.3.3. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 4-19 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 5 5.1 USE OF THE SERVICE WITH CCSDS PROTOCOLS TM PROTOCOL The following restrictions apply to use of the Cryptographic Service with TM: a) the Packet and VC Access Services may be used on a Global Virtual Channel with the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Service, and are protected by each of these services; b) the VC_FSH, VC_OCF, MC_FSH, and MC_OCF Services may be used on a Global Virtual Channel with the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Service, and are protected by Authentication but are not protected by Encryption; c) the VC Frame and MC Frame Services are not protected by the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Services, but may be used on the same Master Channel. 5.1.1 TM TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES The format of the TM Transfer Frame is defined in reference [1]. The following rules on the format of the TM Transfer Frame shall be applied when the Security Header is present: a) the value of the Transfer Frame Security Header Flag shall be ‘1’2; b) the TM Frame Secondary Header, if present, shall follow the TM Transfer Frame Primary Header; c) the Security Header shall follow the TM Frame Secondary Header, if present; d) the Transfer Frame Data Field shall follow the Security Header; e) the Operational Control Field (OCF), if present, shall follow the Transfer Frame Data Field; f) the Frame Error Control Field (ECF), if present, shall follow the Operational Control Field. The format of a TM Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service is shown in Figure 5-1. 2 The current revision of reference [1] does not include a Security Header Flag. It is proposed that the bit currently designated as a Packet Order Flag in the TM Transfer Frame Primary Header should be redefined as a Security Header Flag to signal the existence of a Security Header, and a Pink Sheet issued to amend reference [1]. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 5-20 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE TM TRANSFER FRAME 6 Managed SECURITY HEADER V L SPI SEQ IV MAC FRAME DATA PAD 2-64 ECF (Optional) FRAME SECONDARY HEADER (Optional) OCF (Optional) (octets) TRANSFER FRAME PRIMARY HEADER 4 2 Encryption is done on Pad field in Security Header and on Frame Data. MAC is computed over Primary Header, FSH, Security Header, Frame Data, and OCF. MAC is not computed over frame sync mark (not shown) or ECF. Figure 5-1. TM Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service 5.2 TC PROTOCOL The following restrictions apply to use of the Cryptographic Service with TC: a) the MAP Packet, MAP Access, VC Packet, COP Management, and VC Access Services may be used on a Global Virtual Channel with the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Service, and are protected by each of these services; b) the VC Frame and MC Frame Services are not protected by the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Services, but may be used on the same Master Channel. 5.2.1 TC TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES The format of the TC Transfer Frame is defined in reference [2]. The following rules on the format of the TC Transfer Frame shall be applied when the the Security Header is present: a) the value of the Transfer Frame Security Header Flag shall be ‘1’;3 b) the TC Segment Header, if present, shall follow the TC Transfer Frame Primary Header; c) the Security Header shall follow the TC Segment Header, if present; d) the Transfer Frame Data Field shall follow the Security Header; e) the Frame Error Control Field (ECF), if present, shall follow the Transfer Frame Data Field. The format of a TC Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service is shown in Figure 5-2. 3 The current revision of reference [2] does not include a Security Header Flag. One of the two bits currently designated as Spare in the TC Transfer Frame Primary Header should be redefined as a Security Header Flag to signal the existence of a secondary header, and a Pink Sheet issued to amend reference [2]. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 5-21 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE TC TRANSFER FRAME 5 1 SECURITY HEADER V L SPI SEQ IV MAC ECF (Optional) SEGMENT HEADER (octets) TRANSFER FRAME PRIMARY HEADER FRAME DATA PAD 2-64 2 Encryption is done on Pad field in Security Header and on Frame Data. MAC is computed over Primary Header, Segment Header, Security Header, and Frame Data. MAC is not computed over frame sync mark (not shown) or ECF. Figure 5-2. TC Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service 5.3 AOS PROTOCOL The following restrictions apply to use of the Cryptographic Service with AOS: a) the Packet, Bitstream, and VC Access Services may be used on a Global Virtual Channel with the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Service, and is protected by each of these services; b) the VC_OCF Service may be used on a Global Virtual Channel with the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Service, and is protected by Authentication but is not protected by Encryption; c) the VC Frame and MC Frame Services are not protected by the Authentication, Encryption, or Authenticated-Encryption Services, but may be used on the same Master Channel; d) the Insert Service interferes with the use of Authentication or AuthenticatedEncryption Services, and must not be used on any Master Channel in which the Authentication or Authenticated-Encryption Services are used, unless both of the following are true: (a) the sender defers message authentication until Insert Zone data has been added into the transfer frame; and (b) the receiver defers the extraction of Insert Zone data until message verification is complete. The Insert Service is not protected by the Encryption Service, but may be used on the same Master Channel. 5.3.1 AOS TRANSFER FRAME PROCEDURES The format of the AOS Transfer Frame is defined in reference [3]. The following rules on the format of the AOS Transfer Frame shall be applied when the Security Header is present: a) the value of the Transfer Frame Security Header Flag shall be ‘1’;4 b) the Insert Zone, if present, shall follow the AOS Transfer Frame Primary Header; 4 The current revision of reference [3] does not include a Security Header Flag. One of the two bits currently designated as Spare in the AOS Transfer Frame Primary Header should be redefined as a Security Header Flag to signal the existence of a Security Header, and a Pink Sheet issued to amend reference [3]. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 5-22 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE c) the Security Header shall follow the Insert Zone, if present; d) the Transfer Frame Data Field shall follow the Security Header; e) the Operational Control Field (OCF), if present, shall follow the Transfer Frame Data Field; f) the Frame Error Control Field (ECF), if present, shall follow the Operational Control Field. The format of an AOS Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service is shown in Figure 5-3. AOS TRANSFER FRAME V (octets) 6-8 Managed L SPI SEQ IV MAC FRAME DATA PAD 2-64 ECF (Optional) SECURITY HEADER INSERT ZONE (Optional) OCF (Optional) TRANSFER FRAME PRIMARY HEADER 4 2 Encryption is done on Pad field in Security Header and on Frame Data. MAC is computed over Primary Header, Insert Zone, Security Header, Frame Data, and OCF. MAC is not computed over frame sync mark (not shown) or ECF. Figure 5-3. AOS Transfer Frame using the Cryptographic Service CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 5-23 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 6 MANAGED PARAMETERS In order to conserve bandwidth on the space link, certain parameters associated with the Cryptographic Service are handled by management, and not transmitted as part of the inline communications protocol. The managed parameters are those which tend to be static for long periods of time, and whose change generally signifies a major reconfiguration of the service provider associated with a particular mission. Through the use of a management system, management conveys the required information to the service provider. The managed parameters used for the Cryptographic Service are listed in Table 6-1. These parameters are defined in an abstract sense, and are not intended to imply any particular implementation of a management system. Table 6-1. Managed Parameters for Cryptographic Service Managed Parameter Allowed Values Defined In Minimum data unit length (octets) Integer Reference [4] Maximum data unit length (octets) Integer Reference [4] Header Version Number ’01’ Reference [4] Security Parameter Index (SPI) 1-254 Security Association Service Type Authentication (indicates which cryptographic operations are performed for this Security Association) Encryption Authenticated Encryption Security Association Context GVC ID (identifies the GVC IDs or GMAP IDs with which this SA is used) GMAP ID Transmitted length of Message Authentication Code (octets) Integer Transmitted length of Initialization Vector (octets) Integer CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 6-24 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE Anti-replay Sequence Number Integer Anti-replay Sequence Number window (± current Sequence Number) Integer Transmitted length of Sequence Number (octets) Integer CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 6-25 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 7 SECURITY 7.1 INTRODUCTION Communications security attempts to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and/or authenticity of transmitted data, as required depending on the threat, the mission security policy(s), and the desire of the mission planners. It is possible for a single data unit to require all three of these security attributes to ensure that the payload is not disclosed, not altered, and not spoofed. 7.2 SECURITY CONCERNS Security concerns specific to the Cryptographic Service design are addressed in more detail in reference [B1]. It may be necessary to apply security services at multiple layers within the protocol stack, to account for distributed processing and cross-support, to account for different classes of data or end users, or to account for protection of data during unprotected portions of the complete end-to-end transmission (e.g., across ground networks). The specification of security services at other layers is outside the scope of this document. For more information regarding the choice of services and where they can be implemented, see references [B2] and [B3]. 7.2.1 DATA PRIVACY If there is a reason to believe that non-authorized entities might be able to view or obtain the data, and if there is a need to ensure that non-authorized entities not be able to view or obtain the data, then confidentiality needs to be applied. For more information regarding the choice of particular cryptographic algorithms, see reference [B5]. 7.2.2 DATA INTEGRITY If there is a need to ensure that the data has not been modified in transit without such modification being recognized, then integrity needs to be applied. For more information regarding the choice of particular cryptographic algorithms, see reference [B5]. 7.2.3 AUTHENTICATION OF COMMUNICATING ENTITIES If the authenticity of the source of the data is required (e.g., the data contains spacecraft commands), then authentication needs to be applied. For more information regarding the choice of particular cryptographic algorithms, see reference [B5]. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 7-26 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE 7.2.4 CONTROL OF ACCESS TO RESOURCES 7.2.5 AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES The Cryptographic Service provides no protection against denial-of-service attacks against the communications channel, such as radio-frequency jamming. 7.2.6 AUDITING OF RESOURCE USAGE 7.3 POTENTIAL THREATS AND ATTACK SCENARIOS The Cryptographic Service provides no protection against traffic flow analysis. Where encryption is used, a careful choice of algorithm and mode will provide protection to the user-supplied data unit, but an attacker can use the Spacecraft ID, Virtual Channel ID, or TC MAP ID as metadata for inferring information about the parties communicating and possibly the nature of their communications. The Cryptographic Service provides no cryptographic key management protocol. Specifying the successful implementation of cryptographic key management is beyond the scope of this document. See Reference [B4] for more information. Specific potential threats and attack scenarios are addressed in more detail in reference [B1]. 7.4 CONSEQUENCES OF NOT APPLYING SECURITY Without authentication, unauthorized commands or software might be uploaded to a spacecraft or data received from a source masquerading as the spacecraft. Without data integrity, corrupted commands or software might be uploaded to a spacecraft potentially resulting in the loss of the mission. Without data integrity, corrupted telemetry might be retrieved from a spacecraft which could result in an incorrect course of action being taken. If confidentiality is not implemented, data flowing to or from a spacecraft might be visible to unauthorized entities resulting in disclosure of sensitive or private information. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page 7-27 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE ANNEX A PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (NORMATIVE) [Annexes contain ancillary information. Normative annexes precede informative annexes. Informative references are placed in an informative annex. See CCSDS A20.0-Y-2, CCSDS Publications Manual (Yellow Book, Issue 2, June 2005) for discussion of the kinds of material contained in annexes.] CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page A-1 February 2016 DRAFT CCSDS RECOMMENDED STANDARD FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICE ANNEX B INFORMATIVE REFERENCES (This annex is not part of the Recommendation) [B1] Concept of Operation: Cryptographic Service for CCSDS Data Links. Informational Report, CCSDS xxx.x-G-x. Green Book. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, _____. [B2] The Application of CCSDS Protocols to Secure Systems. Informational Report, CCSDS 350.0-G-2. Green Book. Issue 2. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, January 2006 [B3] Security Architecture for Space Data Systems. Informational Report, CCSDS 350.5M-x. Magenta Book. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, ____. [B4] Space Missions Key Management Concept. Informational Report, CCSDS 350.6-Gx. Green Book. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, ____. [B5] CCSDS Security Algorithms. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 352.0-B-1. Blue Book. Issue 1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, _____. [B6] Overview of Space Link Protocols. Informational Report, CCSDS 130.0-G-1. Green Book. Issue 1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, June 2001. [B7] Idaho State University, Glossary of INFOSEC and INFOSEC Related Terms, SIMPLOT Decision Center, August 1996. NOTE: Normative references are listed in section 1.8. CCSDS 132.5-W-1 Page B-2 February 2016