EASTERN ARC EVENT FUND 2015/16 Application Form Notes: 1. Kent Graduate School and the Eastern ARC invite applications for events funding from University of Kent postgraduate students (both taught and research) within the Faculties of Social Sciences, Sciences and Humanities. The aim of this Fund is to enhance student development in academic leadership, event organisation and networking, while adding value, visibility and relevance to the Eastern ARC within Kent. 2. While encouraged, direct association with the Eastern ARC’s priority themes (Quantitative Social Sciences, Digital Humanities and Synthetic Biology) is not required, although applicants are asked to demonstrate value, visibility and relevance to Eastern ARC by reserving places and prioritising attendance by students and staff of the three partner institutions (the Universities of Kent, Essex and East Anglia). 3. Initiatives which demonstrate routes towards research collaboration within an inter- or crossdisciplinary field are preferred. 4. Selection Criteria Funding will only be awarded to outstanding proposals for events which: Demonstrate postgraduate student development by having a student Lead and striving for one third of the attendees and participants at any event to be postgraduate students. Are led by postgraduate students, with respect to delivery and organisation of the event, promotion and reporting. Are preferably hosted at University of Kent locations (although other venues will be acceptable provided a clear rationale is given for their selection). Clearly describe the event’s research and networking objectives. Are new and not currently in existence and are not a recurring annual event. Will be planned to take place by the end of the 2015–16 academic year (31 July 2016). Include a comprehensive and detailed breakdown of the planning and implementation of the project including a list of potential invitees and a breakdown of how the funding will be spent Outline clearly the desired outcomes of the event/project (i.e. indicators that the event/project has been a success) 5. Applicants must state the amount of funding they are seeking for their event (up to a maximum of £3000). 6. Awards are normally limited to one award per department, centre, unit or other research group per academic year. 7. Members of staff are encouraged as co-applicants for the purposes of quality control and departmental relevance. 8. The format of events is not prescriptive but an outline of the format should be supplied within the application. 9. The completed application form should be no more than 3 A4 pages in length. 10. The completed application form must be accompanied by (i) a brief CV from the applicant(s) and (ii) a short statement of support from the applicant’s School Director of Graduate Studies. 11. Successful applications must make reference to the Eastern ARC Event Fund in their publicity material and provide a report to the E ARC within 2 months of the event taking place. 12. Selection Process The selection panel will comprise the Eastern ARC Academic Leads and Research Fellows and a representative of the Graduate School. Applications should be sent to the Graduate School (graduateschool@kent.ac.uk) by midday on Friday 27 November 2015. 13. Queries about the Eastern ARC Event Fund should be directed to Eastern ARC Officer Sarah Tetley (s.r.tetley-8@kent.ac.uk) Applicant Name(s) School Funding amount sought by applicant Project Proposal (this should be a brief overview of the planned event which (i) provides a strong case for how it will enhance postgraduate learning and development, (ii) shows that it has a broadly interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary focus and (iii) outlines clearly the desired outcomes of the event.) Project Plan (the plan should be comprehensive plan showing the stages of the project and the allocation of resources. Applicants should include a business plan which includes a breakdown of how the funding will be spent) Note: Applicants may prefer to submit an excel spreadsheet which includes this information.