UNICEF Private Fundraising & Partnerships Division, Geneva (SPIIF) Temporary Appointment (364 days) Project and Policy Specialist (P3 level) (Review of due diligence criteria and processes for corporate engagement) Overview Corporate research and ensued due diligence are integral aspects of UNICEF’s scoping and selection work for corporate engagement1 (CE). This area of work, managed for the organization by the Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP) aims to support UNICEF’s effective engagement with business, while at the same time ensuring that: a) interactions with companies are pursued in alignment with the organization’s integrity standards mandate, and b) Decision making on whether and how to engage is informed by an adequate assessment of the risks and opportunities that engagements may pose to UNICEF, and ultimately to children. Core to this function is the review and approval of companies and activities considered by UNICEF for noncommercial interaction, a process based on specific parameters for engagement and managed at PFP by the corporate research and due diligence team (CRDD). With the broadening in scope of UNICEF’s corporate engagement beyond resource mobilization and the increasing of non-funding interactions such as those focusing on corporate social responsibility, expertise-sharing, and policy advocacy engagement, the landscape of risks and opportunities faced by UNICEF in publicly interacting with business has changed significantly. Similarly, UNICEF’s current efforts towards developing an integrated corporate engagement (ICE) strategy2 is providing a new framework within which integrity considerations and measures shall be addressed. As a result, a need was identified for UNICEF to review existing principles, criteria and policy framework for corporate due diligence, so as to encompass the risk management needs of all forms of engagement with the business sector. PFP initiated this process in 2013 with the development of a due diligence approach for CSR engagement, and is now seeking the support of a specialist to review and update existing criteria and processes for fundraising and other forms of non-financial engagement beyond CSR. 1 The definition of corporate engagement here refers to any non-commercial interaction between UNICEF and one or more corporate entities. 2 The integrated corporate engagement strategy intends to evolve UNICEF’s approach to corporate partnerships, bringing it up-to-date with demands in the marketplace for deeper, more strategic partnerships based on shared value, and ensuring that the Organization continues to maximize results for children. It builds on the significant accomplishments, lessons learned and good practices in corporate engagement and partnership development by colleagues in HQ Divisions, Regional/Country Offices and National Committees. A cross-divisional Integrated Corporate Engagement (ICE) Implementation Team (ICE-IT) has been established to plan and coordinate the development and implementation of UNICEF’s integrated corporate engagement strategy. 1 Framed as one of the key initiatives of the ICE implementation team’s (ICE-IT’s) action plan, this project will be managed by the Strategic Planning unit and implemented under the direct supervision of the CRDD team. Overall Purpose and objectives of the assignment: Under the general guidance of the Corporate Alliances Specialist and CRDD coordinator, the incumbent will be responsible for implementing the revision of UNICEF’s corporate due diligence criteria, and ensued due diligence processes for corporate engagement, with specific focus on resource mobilization and in light of the evolving UNICEF integrated corporate engagement strategy. Specific objectives of the assignment will include: Implement the review of existing UNICEF due diligence principles and criteria for corporate fundraising and their application vis a vis identified integrity issues and other risks pertinent to the current corporate resource mobilization work, along with draft recommendations for changes to existing criteria. Implement the review of the current processes for clearance of companies and proposed corporate engagements, along with recommendations for more streamlined procedures, the development of a more efficient online platform, and improved user accessibility of relevant due diligence analysis and information. Coordinate the overall consultation on the above with relevant PFP colleagues, the ICE Implementation Team, other UNICEF divisions, National Committees, Regional and country offices to reflect recommendations by all stakeholders for changes to criteria and processes. Reflect and propose changes to be shared with the Coordination Committee as necessary. Draft the updated guidelines document as related to due diligence for corporate resource mobilization and outline key considerations for an overall guidance note on integrity measures and risk management for UNICEF integrated corporate engagement. The assignment will be based at UNICEF headquarters in Geneva and last 11 months. It is anticipated that this P3 level assignment will start in August 2014 (or earlier, based on availability of selected candidate). Responsibilities and Main Tasks: Below are the main foreseen activities for this assignment. It shall be noted that while some of these will be implemented in sequence, many others will have to be run simultaneously, hence requiring good organizational skills and a good overall vision of the project, the outline of which will be provided by the supervisor at the beginning of the assignment. Key tasks will include: Identify and outline main integrity issues, child rights concerns and other risk categories pertaining to today’s UNICEF corporate resource mobilization work, including within the context of an integrated approach to corporate engagement. (20 days) Review the application of current screening and due diligence criteria for resource mobilization and develop an evidence based assessment to inform discussion and decision making on possible changes to the current approach. The review will include an assessment of the relevance of current criteria 2 vis a vis identified risks, their alignment with existing benchmarks in corporate sustainability research, and considerations around how certain risks may be mitigated, or neutralized through the implementation of other forms of corporate engagements. A review of proxy data for public perception will also be included as part of this activity. (30 days). Carry out activities related to the consultation of the various stakeholders for the review of existing due diligence criteria processes, and prepare related tools and materials (20 days). Run a survey among representatives of UNICEF National Committees, country offices and other concerned colleagues to inform the documentation and assessment of current due diligence processes with the overall objectives of a) understanding current knowledge and usage level b) getting users’ perspective on the scope of CRDD, the process, and the type and level of information that they would like to access and c) identifying process bottlenecks and suggested solutions for improvement. (15 days) Compile all recommendations for improving the corporate due diligence assessment and approval processes into a report and provide overall recommendations accordingly (10 days) Support the updating of corporate due diligence research and reporting tools to reflect the outcomes of the due diligence criteria and process review. Specific deliverables will include guidance on how to improve quality in due diligence reporting and an adequate knowledge management plan to ensure easy accessibility and usability of information related to corporate due diligence research. (15 days) Draft the revised guidelines for corporate due diligence as related to corporate resource mobilization by reflecting and including the outcomes of the review and any other UNICEF positioning on specific issues related to the intersection between business and child rights (90 days) Support implementation of revised due diligence processes, including amendments required to the online platform on which due diligence research and services are delivered. Support the scoping exercise and any related data management work for the development of a CE customer relationship management system (CRM), as pertaining to CRDD (estimated 20 days, depending on the evolution of the overall project). Develop a concept note on integrity issues and risk management for UNICEF integrated corporate engagement to become an overall guidance note complementing guidelines speicifc to different forms of corporate engagement (20 days) Deliverables: Concept note outlining current risks and integrity considerations as related to UNICEF corporate resource mobilization and in light of current efforts towards a more integrated approach to corporate engagement Report documenting and assessing relevance and impact of current criteria application, including recommendation for revision Based on the outcomes of the users survey, report on current processes inclusive of recommendation for changes Presentations, briefing notes and other material instrumental for cross-divisional consultation and presentation of revised approach to the Coordination Committee on Corporate Engagement 3 Draft of updated guidelines on corporate due diligence for corporate fundraising, inclusive of integrity considerations and measures related to UNICEF integrated approach to corporate engagement Plan for improved quality and accessibility of due diligence research and reporting, inclusive of updated research/screening templates, sector factsheets and other material on corporate research and due diligence in line with the outcomes of the above survey in order to improve quality, relevance and accessibility of information among users Reporting: The incumbent will report to the Corporate Alliance Specialist CRDD coordinator who will provide overall direction and guidance for the review of criteria and due diligence. However, the incumbent will be expected to work autonomously without requiring day-to-day supervision. She/he will need to work closely with a number of stakeholders to consolidate their inputs into the review and formulate recommendations for revised criteria. Stakeholders will include the Chief of the Corporate Fundraising, the Deputy Director of Private Sector Fundraising, the ICE IT, and other colleagues across the organization as per the foreseen consultation plan. Qualifications and Experience of Successful Candidate: Master’s Degree in Corporate Social Responsibility, Private Public Partnerships, Human Rights, Policy and Planning, Business Administration, Marketing, or related field. A first-level university degree may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree with additional qualifying experience. Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience. Demonstrated project management experience, if combined with Corporate Fundraising knowledge, a plus Understanding and proven experience on UNICEF’s partnerships with business and other external entities Market research experience, including substantial experience in qualitative and quantitative research an important asset Experience in partnerships building and management a key asset Familiarity with UNICEF programmatic work an important asset Excellent English writing and communication skills Attention to detail and track record of delivering against objectives Computer literacy in standard applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Lotus Notes, Internet) Attention to detail and result focus Understanding of UNICEF corporate engagement dimensions an asset Competencies of Successful Candidate: Besides fluency in written and spoken English, the following competencies are required (LI, LII and LIII indicate the level required on a three point scale, LIII being the highest): UNICEF Core Values o Diversity and Inclusion o Integrity o Commitment 4 UNICEF Core Competencies o Drive for Results (LII) o Communication (verbal and written) (LII) o Working with People (LII) UNICEF Functional Competencies o Formulating Strategies and Concepts (LII) o Relating and Networking (LI) o Analyzing (LII) o Persuading and Influencing (LII) Applications UNICEF’s salary and benefits package is based on the United Nations Common System; visit www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/salaries_allowances for further information. UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff. Well qualified candidates, particularly females, are strongly encouraged to apply. Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed and up-to-date CV/resume, a P11 form (which can be downloaded at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html) and a motivational letter to Laetitia Goncalves, lgoncalves@unicef.org, with subject line “Project and Policy Specialist, review of corporate due diligence citeria ” by 4th August 2014, 17:00 CET. Please indicate your ability, availability to undertake the terms of reference above. . Terms of Reference issued by: Strategic Planning Unit Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division UNICEF 5-7 Avenue de La Paix Geneva 1211, Switzerland 5