Projects and reports on the SUNO and Wharfe/Ouse Catchments Title Purpose Current Projects + Reports NE green Help local authorities protect and infrastructure create green infrastructure through mapping project their Local Development Frameworks (LDFs). North Yorks + York bring a diverse range of individuals, LNP businesses and organisations together at a local level to create a vision and plan of action of how the natural environment can be taken into account in decision making Opportunity improving the condition of the water mapping for environment and meeting the woodlands to objectives of the Water Framework reduce flooding Directive (WFD). Leeds City region – Green Infrastructure Strategy blueprint to guide environmental investment to underpin economic vitality and environmental health. EA/ YDRT Upper Wharfe SSSI Restoration project Project to improve the Upper Wharfe SSSI following Natural England report and recommendations by reconnecting the river to the flood plain. Significant opposition to the project by landowners YDRT Darley Beck Geographic Coverage Date Where held Identifies green corridors throughout region 2010 _the_humber/ourwork/yandhgreeninfrastructuremapping project.aspx Priority areas – River Swale River Ure Selby current YDRT has reports on Ure, Swale and Selby from Matt Millington NYCC paper on overall project at rteconom_/reports_/20120717_/05localnaturepa/05local naturepa.pdf Y+H region 2010 ing_final_report_2009.pdf/$FILE/York_and_Humber_floo ding_final_report_2009.pdf Central Ure Landscape Project (CUre) - river valleys of the Ure and its major tributaries in a lowland agricultural context Upper Wharfe (Buckden) Aug 2010 2013/14 and 2014/15 yUnique/INFD-97XGXX Project reports available via EA. Project EA/ YDRT Bishopdale beck project YDRT Raydale Project EA/ Nidderdale AONB/ YDRT Reconnecting the River Laver EA/ YDRT River Laver Restoration project EA YDRT Renaturalising the River Cover CSF Humber River Basin District Strategy Semerwater and Upper Lune Catchment Partnership. Land management improvements to reduce sediment washing into Bishopdale Beck including willow spiling, willow bundling, tree planting, woody debris, watercourse fencing, drinking trough installation Aims to manage Raydale to buffer against future effects of climate change. Gill planting with native trees, buffer strips alongside river banks and contour planting to reduce sediment inputs into the stream network Project to remove barriers/ install fish easements on the River Laver following a feasibility study by JBA funded by the EA. Funding from Yorventure, EA and Nidderdale AONB Land management changes to reduce sediment entering the watercourses including tree planting, hedge planting, willow spiling, willow bundling, watercourse fencing, installing feeding hard standing areas and drinking trough hard standing areas Project looking at restoring the River Cover to a more natural sinuous channel Strategy for Catchment Sensitive Farming Bishopdale Beck, River Ure 2012/13 and 2013/14 Reports available via YDRT or EA. Raydale current Reports available via YDRT River Laver, Kex Beck 2013/14 Project reports available via EA. River Laver, Kex Beck, Carlesmoor Beck 2012/13 and 2013/14 Project reports available via EA. River Cover Current Project reports available via EA Fisheries and Biodiversity Team. Humber river basin 2011 - 14 3800?category=45002 YDNPA have been working in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and the Rivers Trust on two projects within Semewater sub catchment of river Ure current dotohelpyou/farmingadvice/csf the Lune and Semerwater catchments, giving advice to farmers within these areas to help them improve the water quality of the rivers, lake and streams. EA Yorkshire Peat restoration through Yorkshire Peat Partnership Restoring degraded moorland which has been artificially drained. Interventions include grip blocking, gully blocking, steep gully re-profiling and re-vegetating. YWT is working with the minerals industry to develop wetland creation schemes, at Ripon City Quarry and Ladybridge Quarry near Nosterfield. Yorkshire Dales National Park, , Nidderdale AONB Current General information on River Ure current YWT Vale of York flood plains Conservation work going ahead on twelve sites around the Ouse to improve the wetland habitat around the river banks for wildlife, with a focus on insects. R.Ouse at York current CFE Local prioritisation Document Campaign for the Farmed Environment prioritisation plan for North Yorkshire North Yorks 2013 Pdf held by YDRT EA Ouse Catchment Flood management plan Aims to establish flood risk management policies which will deliver sustainable flood risk management for the long term sets out how EA will manage water resources in the Swale, Ure, Nidd and Upper Ouse catchment Rivers Swale, Ure Nidd, Wharfe + Ouse current m/gene0110brli-e-e.pdf SUNO catchment 2013 sets out how water resources are Wharfe and lower 2013 http://www.environment- YWT Living Landscapes EA SUNO Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy EA Wharfe and lower Ouse Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy YDNPA management plan managed in the Wharfe and Lower Ouse area. Ouse This Management Plan sets out Yorkshire Dales National Park current Nidderdale AONB current mentPlan2009-2014_EvidenceBaseReport.pdf ambitions for how the National Park will be looked after over the next five to ten years. Nidderdale AONB to provide a framework for action by management plan everyone with an interest in the AONB + evidence base including landowners and managers, rural communities, local authorities, third sector organisations and Government agencies. Selby district sets out the Council’s wider ambition council toward the management of the Countryside and countryside and green space Green Space throughout the district and how it can Strategy conserve and enhance the biodiversity by working with a range of partners and involving communities. Biodiversity Action Plans Richmondshire BAP To work towards the co-ordination and delivery of projects based around the published actions, to achieve the action plan targets. Hambleton BAP Establish a local process for the delivery of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan - Deliver action on agreed targets within a stated time scale - Monitor progress towards targets - Generate awareness, understanding and involvement in wildlife conservation management plan mentPlan2009-2014.pdf 13.pdf Selby district current Richmondshire District covering several relevant habitats + species Hambleton District current current documents/Planning/LDF/Hambleton_BAP_April_2002.pd f Harrogate BAP City of York BAP Selby BAP Nature in the Dales 2020 vision plans set out the importance of the species and habitats in the district, identify their local status, threats to them and opportunities to assist their recovery. The Action Programme draws together the targets and actions which the partners are committed to undertake to help to reverse these declines locally. Plan drawn up to provide up to date information about the wildlife that is found in York, the sites that are of value, its importance both for York and nationally, the threats that are posed by today’s way of life and what can and is being done to conserve it. Aims to identifies specific and positive actions that can be undertaken to conserve the District’s biodiversity. Harrogate District current ty/DS-P-BAP_adopted_2012_excludingAppendices.pdf action Plan ty/DS-P-BAP_ActionPlan_approved.pdf City of York current odiversity_action_plan_pdf - 178k Selby District current eid=&id=971 The Local Biodiversity Action Plan for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, ‘Nature in the Dales: 2020 Vision’ sets out our aspirations for action between 2010 and 2020, aiming to conserve and enhance the biodiversity within the National Park. Yorkshire Dales National Park 2010 2020 Sites mainly associated with the Swale + Ure washlands 2007 2011 tation%20Documents/Tarmac%20BAPS/NYorks%20BAP%2 0Vol2%20pdf.pdf R.Ouse and all its tributaries 2007 YDRT have hard copy of the report plus pdf maps Tarmac North Vol2 of the BAP contains information Yorkshire Quarries specific to each of the nine quarry sites Biodiversity Action within N.Yorks that were included in Plan within the BAP process. Older projects + reports SPROUT ‘Strategic Partnership for the River Ouse and its Tributaries’ produced an Opportunity Plan to identify potential locations for environmental Swale and Ure Washlands Upper Wharfe Best Practice Project Ripon MultiObjective Project Landscape history + Human impacts – Swale + Ure Washlands YWT River Wiske Otter recovery project enhancement projects Create a chain of nature reserves and community assets on the former mineral workings minimise the effects of enhanced sedimentation, poor fish recruitment, diffuse agricultural pollution and temperature by encouraging better land management, creating improved habitats for wildlife and promoting sustainable use of water as a natural resource investigate the potential for delivering flood risk management through land use and land management changes at a catchment scale The project has studied the fluvial, vegetational, and landscape evolution of the area and the impact of human activity during the later postglacial (Holocene) period. Aim to work with landowners to create a safe environment for otters whilst protecting the habitat that’s already there Middle + lower sections of Swale and Ure. Roughly Scotch corner to Knaresborough Wharfe upstream from Kettlewell 2005 Laver/Skell catchment at Ripon Ended 2007 Swale + Ure Washlands 2004 Final report 56/http:/ jbarep.pdf lessons learnt paper ents/manage/riponlessons.pdf R.Wiske 2009