Newsome_resume_Spring2016 - American Phytopathological

Jade Newsome
1232 S. University Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
The University of Arkansas
Candidate for Master of Science in Plant Pathology
Expected: May 2016
The University of Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biotechnology
May 2014
Swainsboro High School
College preparatory diploma with business seal
Class Salutatorian
May 2009
Korth Lab, Rosen Center for Alternative Pest Control, University of Arkansas
Candidate for Master of Science
 Analyzed physiological differences between salt tolerant and sensitive soybean cultivars
including photosynthesis, phytohormone accumulation, and mineral content
 Measured relative expression of genes of interest via quantitative reverse transcription PCR
 Tested usefulness of infrared thermography as a screening technique for salt tolerance in
soybean breeding programs
August 2014-present
Parrott Lab, Center for Applied Genetic Technology, University of Georgia
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Oct. 2009- June 2014
• Lab Work: Maintained tissue culture of transgenic events; extracted and purified DNA of switchgrass, rice, and
soybean; evaluated genotype by PCR, gel electrophoresis and SNP assays; carried out transformation of E. coli,
Agrobacterium, and soybean; Prepared libraries for sequencing and transgene insertion analysis; conducted electronic
genome annotation of transposon-tagging populations; performed vector construction for oomycete and nematode
resistance projects
• Field Work: Assisted in development and implementation of irrigation system for transgenic plots; performed weed
control; phenotyped and harvested transgenic soybean plants
Popescu Lab, Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell University
Plant Genome Research Project Intern
June 2012-August 2012
• Explored bacteria-plant protein-protein interactions through protein fragment complementation assays
• Identified plant kinases putatively involved in effector triggered immunity of tomato through interaction with
Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPto
Georgia Crop Improvement Association, Athens, GA
June 2011-August 2011
Summer Intern
• Completed field studies of public and private ornamental, fruit and nut, and row crop breeding practices throughout
• Performed post-harvest processing, moisture analysis and packaging of certified and foundation seed for distribution
to licensed growers
"Screening Tomato Protein Kinases for interaction with Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPto"
PGRP Summer Student Symposium, Boyce Thompson Institute
August 2012
“Fueling Minds of the Future through Education Outreach and Hands-on Experience in Biotechnology”
4th place, Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Georgia
Spring 2014
“Utilization of Differential Physiological Responses to Characterize Salt Tolerance in Soybean”
American Society of Plant Biologists National Conference
Arkansas NSF EPSCoR Annual Meeting
June 2015
September 2015
HtStuf: High-throughput Sequencing to Locate Unknown DNA Junction Fragments. Kanizay L, Jacobs T, Gillespie K,
Newsome J, Spaid B, Parrott W. The Plant Genome. 2015 (8). Doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2014.10.0070
Top 100 Student Employee of the Year Award, UGA Career Center
Representative, Associated Student Government, University of Arkansas
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
External Relations and Marketing Chair, ASG Graduate Student Congress, University of Arkansas
Spring 2015
Judge, Northwest Arkansas Science and Engineering Fair, University of Arkansas
Spring 2015
Session Host, STEM Leadership Workshop for Girls, University of Arkansas
Spring 2015
Student Voice Representative, National Agricultural Biotechnology Council Meeting
June 2015
Cohort Leader, Graduate Student Orientation, University of Arkansas
August 2015
Derald A. & Betty L. Slack Graduate Award in Plant Pathology
Spring 2016
References available upon request.