Bruce’s Christmas Carol By: Chloe One Christmas Eve, a careless, grumpy father, named Bruce, was changed forever. His innocent 16 year old daughter was named Amy. Bruce was about 44 years old, and he got a divorce at the age of 38. Amy was only 10 years old when her parents got the divorce, and she was unhappy that she had to live with only her dad. Throughout the years Bruce started to become less and less responsible of his daughter. Amy grew tired of it, as well as others, until the night of silent, ghostly Christmas Eve when Bruce’s life was completely turned around. One day, after work Bruce came home, and Amy was sitting at the counter doing her math homework. Amy said “Dad before you go grab some chips and sit in the recliner and watch TV can you help me with a math problem?” “Why do you think I know all your fancy new school stuff? I’ll take you in early to school so the teacher can help you.” Bruce quickly replied. As much as Amy disagreed with her dad, she had to deal with it. After that day, Bruce went through the same routine: take Amy to school, go to work, pick up Amy, get home, and lastly grab some chips and watch TV. As the routine started affecting Amy’s life, it was near the Famous Christmas season. Christmas was only three days away, when Amy got her act together to tell her dad what she wanted for Christmas. She told him “Hey dad, I want a puppy for Christmas.” Well, you will have to wait and see when the day comes.” She was upset so, she said “I’m going to stay overnight at Emily’s house.” “Okay, but wait, who is Emily?” Bruce asked. “If you would ever care about my life dad, you would know that she is my best friend.” Amy madly replied. After that, all you heard was the door slammed right behind furious and annoyed Amy. All Bruce did was carry on to the tied up Wizards vs. Lakers NBA basketball game. At that moment, the NBA basketball game was the only thing on his mind. Meanwhile, the next days were lazy days for Bruce, by the TV. Without Amy, he did nothing. Amy was at her mom’s house all Christmas weekend, so Bruce had nothing to cook for, and most of all nothing important to do. Bruce suddenly, was starting to become bored. Eventually, it became Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, the clock struck 8:00 pm, when Bruce was visited by his nonliving father Harold. When Harold arrived he said “Bruce, I am your father. I was punished the rest of my afterlife, because I didn’t live my life the way it is meant to live. And you are following my path of life. Now tonight, when the clock strikes 10:00, you will be visited by the ghost of the past. Then throughout the night you will be visited by the ghosts of the present, and the ghost of the future.” “Oh, and remember that I always cared for you, and you can still turn your life around.”Harold added. Seconds later, he was gone. You heard nothing but the sports channel on his 47” TV. Subsequently, the clock struck 10:00. Bruce was startled when he heard heavy footsteps making the ancient, wood floor creak. An odd and strange figure appeared in face-to-face in front of Bruce. As you know, it was the ghost of the past. He was a giant, and he had a silver beard that fell to his feet. “Well, hello Bruce. I am the ghost of the past. My name is Tom. I have come to help you realize the meaning of life, and show your life as a child, that might help your future and help you make some better decisions.” Tom kindly said to break the odd but rather quiet silence. Bruce just sat there; he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. And he felt like he was dreaming. Not one word came out of his mouth. I’d have to say, he seemed quite not himself, almost scared, and shy. “Take my hand Bruce.” Tom said. “Why?” Bruce asked. “Just let me show you.” He replied. Tom took Bruce’s hand and they suddenly appeared in Bruce’s room when he was 11 years old. Harold was yelling at him, and Bruce was just sitting there not listening, he just seemed annoyed. Tom looked at Bruce. Bruce looked like he was thinking hard, and he looked almost confused. Tom took his hand and they traveled back. They appeared back in present time. And Tom said “Think about your past and how it led you to the future. Also before I forget to tell you, Edward will acquaintance you in 10 minutes.” And, that was the last you heard of Tom. All Bruce thought about was when he was a boy, being not loved. Ten minutes later, Bruce sat there waiting, and just as Tom said, Edward appeared. Bruce was very shocked because Edward was this old, creepy looking normal-sized man. “Take my hand Bruce, let’s see what others today are saying, and thinking about you.” So, as told, Bruce told Edward’s wrinkled and aged hand, and they suddenly, were floating over the table at dinner time at Amy’s mother’s house. In the dining room, there was a giant feast; everyone had smiles, except one person in the room, Amy. “What’s the matter?” Amy’s mother asked. “Nothing, I’m just praying for dad, and I just wish he was here,” said Amy. “I know,” her mother replied. Then at that time Bruce and Edward vanished. They again, appeared in Bruce’s silent, bored home. “I hope that makes you think Bruce, Merry Christmas, and don’t forget that you will be visited by Jefferson too.” Edward said, and then he walked out the door. At last, Jefferson arrived in Bruce’s home. Jefferson looked up at Bruce, as he was much shorter than Bruce. “Hi Bruce, I’m the ghost of the future, in the present, to come help you. You can take my hand, and I will show your future.” “Well, I don’t know if I want to see my future. Is it bad? Is it good? I hope it’s good.” Bruce was worried as he replied. “Don’t worry, just take my hand.” Jefferson calmly replied. As told, Bruce took Jefferson’s hand. They traveled to the future. They were still in Bruce’s home, but it seemed ancient, silent, and ghostly. Bruce saw himself, but the other Bruce looked aged, tired, and grumpy, and most of all lonely. He was just sitting the same burnt red, leather armchair watching TV, just like his day to day routine. Right away, Bruce noticed was that Amy wasn’t there. She wasn’t there at all. Bruce grew old, and lonely. Amy moved in with her mother. Bruce was horrified. He didn’t like it one bit. “I don’t like this, take me back! Take me back now! I need to fix this! Can I fix this?!” Bruce screamed loudest he has ever screamed before in his life. “Take my hand, and you can go fix this right away.” Jefferson replied. Then they were back to normal. “I need to call Amy, right now!” Bruce yelled again. “Here you go! I hope that helps you, good day Bruce!” said Jefferson as he handed Bruce’s phone to him, and then Jefferson was gone. “Hello?” said Amy. “Hi Amy, it’s dad, I just wanted you to know that I love you, and to tell you Merry Christmas.” Bruce replied. “Oh okay? This is surprising. Umm, gee I don’t know what to say.” Amy replied. “Oh, and just to let you know, when I pick you up at your mother’s house tomorrow, we are going straight to the humane society, to pick out a puppy to join our family. How does that sound?” Bruce said with excitement this time. “Really?!” Amy asked. “Well, isn’t that what you wanted for Christmas?” Bruce asked. “Yes! Thanks Dad! See you tomorrow! Merry Christmas!” Amy said as she hung up the phone.