Friends of STM events update

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
T: 01865 373674
F: 01865 849821
Oxford Road
Executive Principal: Mrs Breda Bowles
Monday 2nd November to Friday 6th November - De - clutter week - Please bring in raffle prizes, soaps,
bottles of wine, boxes of chocolates, vouchers etc...
Friday 6th November - Non uniform day in return for homemade and bought cakes for the Exeter Hall craft
All donations to be collected in school office, throughout the week commencing 2nd November and by 3:30 on
Friday 6th November. Last minute cake donations can be taken directly to Exeter Hall on Saturday 7th
Saturday 7th November - Exeter Hall Craft Fair at 10:30am to 4:30pm, this is a fundraising event organised
by Friends of St Thomas More School. We are fundraising for additional IT equipment, Tablets and a cycle
and scooter rack, plus many more projects for our children!
Monday 30th November to Friday 4th December - De - clutter week - Please bring in raffle prizes, soaps,
bottles of wine, boxes of chocolates, vouchers, second hand books and second hand toys!
Friday 4th December - Christmas Jumper day in return for raffle prizes, tombola prizes, mince pies, bottles of
All donations to be collected in school office, throughout the week commencing 30th November and by 3:30
on Friday 4th December. Last minute donations can be taken directly to the school on Saturday 5th
Saturday 5th December - School Christmas Fair 2pm to 5pm, inthe school hall, featuring the school choir!
Lots of festive family fun to be had. This is a fundraising event organised by Friends of St Thomas More
School. We are fundraising for additional IT equipment, Tablets and a cycle and scooter rack, plus many more
projects for our children!
Friday 18th December - Mulled wine for children (& adults) & mince pies. On sale from 2pm at the end of
Please contact us if you are able to help, our email address
The Dominic Barberi Multi Academy Company. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales with company number 08453966