EBEC application form

Application for research approval from the Economics & Business Ethics Committee (EBEC)
Please complete the form, and send it via email to Sophia de Jong (secbs-abs@uva.nl), with
“New application for EBEC approval – YOUR RESEARCH TITLE” in the email subject line
General information
Project title:
Name of lead researcher at UvA:
Names and affiliations of other researchers involved:
Short description of proposed project:
Screener questions
1. Does your research require you to collect, store, or access any private and potentially sensitive
personal information about your participants? Examples are information about their sexual orientation,
health status, financial situation, genetic or hormonal data.
O Yes
O No
2. If your research requires the collection of new data, does it involve direct manipulation of
physiological variables? This can, for instance, involve the administration of bodily hormones to your
participants (e.g., testosterone, oxytocin) or administration of drugs (e.g., pain killers, nicotine,
alcohol). Small quantities of such substances that may be contained in foods (e.g., a candy bar) or
drinks (e.g., a can of coke) do not qualify as direct manipulations of physiological variables.
O Yes
O No
O Not applicable
3. If your research requires the collection of new data, does your research involve manipulations or
measures that affect physiological variables in a significant way? For instance, the use of endurance
tests may affect heart rate, breathing rhythm etc.
O Yes
O No
O Not applicable
4. If your research requires the collection of new data, does it potentially influence the wellbeing,
mental health, or the legal or economic situation of your participants in significant ways? For instance,
do your manipulations significantly affect participants’ long term self-esteem or mood? Experiences
that people would encounter during their normal course of daily life do not qualify.
O Yes
O No
O Not applicable
5. If your research requires the conduct of a behavioural experiment, do you need to deviate from the
CREED lab rules in any way?
O Yes
O No
O Not applicable
6. Was a previously submitted research proposal that proposed research that is highly similar to the
presently proposed research rejected by the EBEC?
O Yes
O No
7. Does your proposed research concern topics that may have any legal or ethical implications (e.g.
studies on discrimination, minorities, crime, tax evasion)?
O Yes
O No
8. Is there any other reason why you think you should submit your research to the Economics &
Business Ethics Committee (EBEC)?
O Yes
O No
Note: If you answered “No” or “Not applicable” to all of the questions above, you do not need to
fill out the rest of the application and ethical approval for your research will be automatically
granted by EBEC.
If you answered “Yes” to any of the question above, please answer the questions below.
9. Is your research primarily empirical or theoretical?
10. What is the main research question?
If your research is empirical, please answer the questions below.
11. Do you need to collect new data for your research?
O Yes
O No
If you answered “No” to question 11., please answer questions 11a. to 11c. and skip all
remaining questions. Otherwise continue with question 12. below.
11a. Which data source(s) and variables will you need to access?
11b. Did the participants of this dataset give explicit permission to use their data for the type of
research you propose (i.e. did they provide “informed consent”)?
11c. Will you be storing highly confidential personal information about your participants? If yes, please
explain which information, why and how it will be stored.
Additional questions for research requiring the collection of new data
12. How many participants are expected to participate in the study?
13. Will participants be fully informed about the nature of your research before they decide to
14. Do you explicitly inform participants at the time of recruitment and before the research starts that
they can withdraw at any time if they wish so? If no, please explain.
15. Do you ask participants (and / or their parents / guardians) to provide agreement in writing for
participating? If no, please explain why.
16. Describe the method of the study. Provide a detailed description in a manner that clearly presents
what a participant will experience during the study. Explicitly describe the design of the study (i.e., the
independent variables and how they will be manipulated or measured), the dependent variables and
how they will be measured, the procedures and equipment used and any other additional information
that you think the EBEC needs to evaluate your research.
17. Describe the characteristics of the proposed participants (e.g., age, gender, health status, and any
characteristic that is relevant to assess your research). If the study will include patients or members of
a population that may be considered vulnerable (e.g., elderly, minorities), give a description of how
participants will be recruited.
18. How long will participation in the research last? If participants are required to participate on more
than one occasion, explain the workings and relevance of this part of the procedure.
19. What compensation do participants receive for participating in your research? Briefly explain why
this level of compensation is necessary and/or reasonable.
20. Do you use some form of deception? If you do not fully inform participants, explain this decision. If
applicable, explain the nature of the deception you use.
21. Do you fully explain the nature of your research (if applicable, including the nature of the
deception you used) after participants have finished participating? Do you do this directly or after the
complete study is finished? If no, please explain why.
22. Is there a possibility that participation in your research has positive or negative consequences for
participants’ physiological functioning or physical health? If so, explain.
23. Is it realistically possible that the research has negative psychological consequences? If so,
24. Do you take special precautions to protect your participants from effects on physiological or
psychological functioning? If so, explain below.
25. Do you store highly confidential personal information about your participants? If yes, please
explain which information, why and how this information will be stored.
26. If the research includes biological variables (dependent or independent), what is the exact nature
of these variables and how will you measure or manipulate these?
27. Is the data from your research stored anonymously? If "no", please explain why:
28. Who has access to the data provided?