2015 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding & Grants Administration PowerPoint Presentations USB Index Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Optional Pre-Seminar Workshops *** Notes a PPT that is not included on this USB due to its interactive format for the workshop/session or due to expected policy updates. Check the 2015 Presentation Page for updated NIH Regional Seminar presentations at: http://regionalseminars.od.nih.gov/baltimore2015/presentations/. *If you need assistance with any of these presentations, please contact OER@OD.NIH.gov Presentation Title Workshop Administrator’s Boot Camp: Getting Started with NIH*** 00F eRA Workshop: Grant Application Preparation & Submission*** 00B, 00D eRA Workshop: eRA Commons Account Administration & Post-Submission Processing*** 00C, 00E Workshop on Human Research Protections*** 00A 1 Thursday-Friday, May 7-8, 2015 2-Day Seminar Presentations Check the 2015 Presentation Page for updated NIH Regional Seminar presentations at: http://regionalseminars.od.nih.gov/baltimore2015/presentations/. *If you need assistance with any of these presentations, please contact OER@OD.NIH.gov Presentation Title Session Advanced Administrative Topics 2E, 9E After the Award is Made…Then What? 3D, 7C After Your First Award: What to Expect*** 9F All About Costs Post-Award Primer 7D Bonjour Hola! International Organizations & the NIH Grants Process 2B Budget Basics for Administrators 3E, 6D Budget Building Blocks for Investigators 4F ClinicalTrials.gov & FDAAA for NIH Grantees An Overview Grants Management 8A Common Compliance Pitfalls and Strategies for Success 4D, 8D Current Issues at NIH 2C, 6E Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI): What You Need to Know 6A Finding & Understanding Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) 3F From the Inbox: Pre-Award and Post-Award Issues*** 4E, 8E Fundamentals of the NIH Grants Process & Need-to-Know Resources 1B Grant Writing for Success 6F How Well do You Know the eRA Commons?*** 7A Interacting Electronically with NIH: Application Preparation & Submission 3A 2 Presentation Title Session Interacting Electronically with NIH: Post-Submission Processing 6C Inventions, Data Sharing, & Other Intellectual Property Considerations 7B Managing Compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy 2A Mapping Your Career with NIH 2F New NIH Biosketch and SciENcv 5E NIH AREA (R15) Program Update 4B NIH Career Development “K” Awards 7E NIH from 10,000 Feet with Dr. Sally Rockey (Keynote)*** Plenary NIH Intramural Training Opportunities 8C NIH Loan Repayment Programs: You Do the Research, We’ll Repay Your Student Loans 5D NIH Peer Review Process for Administrators 2D NIH Peer Review Process for Investigators 7F OMB Uniform Guidance Overview 1C, 3C Post-Review to Award for Investigators 8F Preparing, Submitting & Tracking Multi-project Grant Applications to NIH 9B R&D Contracts: Who, What, Where, When, Why, & How? 8B Research Integrity Research_Integrity-NIH Research Integrity-HHS 9C Research Involving Animals – OLAW 6B Research Involving Human Subjects, HHS & NIH 4A Research Involving Human Subjects, Q&A 5B Research Training Awards 9D Rock Talk: A Conversation with Dr. Sally Rockey*** 1A, 3B Takin’ Care of Business: SBIR-STTRs 4C Using RePORT to Your Advantage 5A, 9A Additional Resource Document: NIH Helpful Links and Resources (Word) 3