WVSU Collaborative Program Student Handbook 2014-2015 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION COORDINATOR DR. ROY G. JONES -0- Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ - 2 WELCOME TO UNIVERSITY COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM .......................................................................................... - 3 MISSION AND VISION ............................................................................................................................................... - 4 COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM STAFF........................................................................................................................... - 5 CONTACT UCP ........................................................................................................................................................... - 5 UNIVERSITY COLLABORATIVE CALENDAR ................................................................................................................. - 6 ELIGIBILITY/ADMISSION PROCESS ............................................................................................................................ - 8 ACADEMIC STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................ - 9 SUPPORT CLASSES .................................................................................................................................................. - 10 CREDIT RECOVERY .................................................................................................................................................. - 10 MENTORING ........................................................................................................................................................... - 10 GRADING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................... - 11 MIDTERM REPORTS AND GRADE CARDS ................................................................................................................ - 11 ATTENDANCE .......................................................................................................................................................... - 12 INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY ............................................................................................................................... - 13 INCIDENTALS ........................................................................................................................................................... - 13 STUDENT SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................. - 14 MY STATE and WEBMAIL .................................................................................................................................... - 14 TUTORING .......................................................................................................................................................... - 14 COUNSELOR........................................................................................................................................................ - 14 LUNCH ................................................................................................................................................................ - 14 TRANSPORTATION .............................................................................................................................................. - 15 PARKING ............................................................................................................................................................. - 15 ELECTRONIC DEVICES ......................................................................................................................................... - 15 OFF LIMIT AREAS ................................................................................................................................................ - 15 HIGH SCHOOL EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. - 15 MEDICAL TREATMENT ........................................................................................................................................ - 15 ANNOUNCEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. - 16 INTERNET/RESOURCE COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS........................................................................................... - 16 PARENT/GUARDIAN AND STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................... - 16 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA..................................................................................................................................... - 16 GRADUATION CELEBRATION .............................................................................................................................. - 16 - -1- INTRODUCTION University Collaborative Program is part of the Kanawha County Secondary Schools Alternative Education Department. Since its inception in the fall of 2001, the program is still providing a quality education to underachieving and gifted/talented students who want to attend college but are struggling to graduate from high school. Modeled after the Middle College High School program begun in LaGuardia, New York in 1975, the KCS Collaborative Program has carved out its own distinctive niche in the field of alternative education. The program offers Kanawha County high school students the opportunity to enroll in a dual credit program conducted on the campus of West Virginia State University. Once potential students are accepted into the program, they are enrolled in dual credit college classes that are used to fulfil their high school graduation requirements. This enables students to amass high school graduation credits and college credits. -2- WELCOME TO UNIVERSITY COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM Dear Parents and Students, We are excited about starting a new semester at the University Collaborative Program. Our dedicated staff is focused on providing the necessary support and building a foundation for our students to become lifelong learners. It is our goal to prepare the students for the 21st Century by delivering a rigorous and relevant curriculum. We want to give all our students an opportunity to excel in academic skills, to be able to communicate clearly and effectively in a diverse and challenging environment, to develop their full potential, and to be successful in their scholastic endeavors. Students at the University Collaborative Program will encounter individuals that are unique with different cultures, backgrounds, and talents. Should a conflict or problem arise, please seek the assistance of a counselor, administrator, or an adult to resolve differences quickly and effectively. Please familiarize yourself with the valuable contents of this HANDBOOK. We also encourage you to visit our website at http://kcs.kana.k12.wv.us/ucs/index.html We hope that this school year will be a wonderful and exciting experience for everyone. Good luck! Sincerely, University Collaborative Program Staff THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS HANDBOOK HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS CONSIDERED CURRENT AS OF THE LAST UPDATE. -3- MISSION AND VISION VISION It should be the students' goal to recognize their core of learning which will permit them to communicate clearly and effectively in diverse and challenging environments, to develop accountability through responsibility and continuous improvement, and to be successful in their scholastic endeavors. MISSION Provide underrepresented students with confidence to advocate for their education needs, honor to abide by the high standards of the Kanawha County Schools and West Virginia State University, and strength to accept responsibility of challenging work. BELIEF STATEMENT We believe that all students are unique individuals who are able to achieve with quality teaching, involvement of families and community, and effective communication and cooperation among those involved in each student's educational process. GENERAL CONTACT INFORMATION KANAWHA COUNTY SCHOOLS http://kcs.kana.k12.wv.us 304-348-7770 WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY http://www.wvstateu.edu 304-766-3000 KCS PARENT HANDBOOK and STUDENT HANDBOOK http://kcs.kana.k12.wv.us/Page/parents-and-family WVSU DRAIN-JORDAN LIBRARY http://library.wvstateu.edu -4- COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM STAFF ADMINISTRATION: Dr. Roy Jones, Coordinator riones@mail.kana.k12.wv.us 304-766-4145 Rebecca Vincent, Counselor rvincent@mail.kana.k12.wv.us 304-766-4145 TEACHING STAFF: Wanda Williams, English, wwilliams@wvstateu.edu Steve Ardman: Math, Languages, Health, and PE sardman@wvstateu.edu Mary Kessinger: Math, Computer Science, Lead Teacher mkessin1@wvstateu.edu Pam Eversole: Social Studies peversol@wvstateu.edu Christina McCartney: Science cmccartney@mail.kana.k12.wv.us CONTACT UCP University Collaborative Program Room 301, Ferrell Hall West Virginia State University Institute, WV 25112 PHONE: 304-766-4145 FAX: 304-766-4161 WEB PAGE: http://kcs.kana.k12.wv.us/ucs/index.html -5- UNIVERSITY COLLABORATIVE CALENDAR FALL 2015 -6- SPRING 2015 Tues, Jan. 6 Collaborative office is open – Staff reports Tues, Jan. 15 NEW STUDENTS ONLY REPORT Fri, Jan. 16 STUDENTS: Mandatory Meeting All students report to prepare for the school year. Mon, Jan. 19 No Classes – Martin Luther King Holiday Tues, Jan. 20 First Day of Classes Wed, Jan. 21 Last Day to add a schedule Fri, Mar. 6 Advisory grades due from college professors Fri, Mar. 13 Midterm grades mailed home – College and High School Mon, Mar. 23 Fri, Apr. 3 Mon, Apr. 6 Fri, May 8 Spring Break March 23-27 Last Day to drop classes Registration begins for Fall 2014 semester Last Day of Classes Mon, May 11 COLLEGE FINAL EXAM WEEK May 11-14 Thu, May 14 UCP GRADUATION CEREMONY Fri, May 15 All textbooks due back in Collaborative office. No grade card until books are returned. Mon, May 18 WESTEST – Mandatory for all non-graduation students Tues, May 19 Office open to complete semester -7- May 19-29 ELIGIBILITY/ADMISSION PROCESS PRE-ADMISSION PROCESS Applicants must be enrolled in a Kanawha County school. The applicants’ home school principal must support the student’s application before the student can be considered for placement. Applicants must the following forms generated by their home high school counselor or vice principal: Current transcript Attendance history Discipline history ACT scores, WESTEST scores Applicants must the following forms generated by their home high school counselor: Application Form Questions for Student Form Questions for Parents Form Counselor Recommendation Form Principal Recommendation Form APPLYING FOR ADMISSION Call 304-766-4145 to schedule a time to take the ACCU-Placer Test. ACT scores may suffice. Bring all of afore mentioned paperwork with you on the day of testing. Student must score a minimum of 78 on the ENGLISH portion of the test and a minimum of 60 on the MATH portion of the test. A student is allowed two attempts per subject per semester. Testing fee is the responsibility of the student/parent. Placement decision will be made based on the interpretation of ACCU-Placer scores, transcripts, discipline issues, and attendance history. We will not consider for admission any student with a history of violent behavior or criminal convictions within the past two years. This is in accordance with WVSU policy. -8- SCHEDULING PROCESS Admitted students will be advised by the mentor at the time of scheduling. Students take an active part in scheduling with their mentor teacher to meet their individual needs and high school requirements. Priority will be given to classes needed for high school graduation. Students, parents, or guardians may not add or drop a college class from the student’s schedule. All add/drops must be completed by the student’s mentor. Students must maintain three college classes at all times. o Once a student shows himself/herself to be a competent and conscientious the program will consider allowing said student to increase his/her course load. Students will be scheduled in a support class for each college class. The Collaborative Program is part of Kanawha County public schools, and thus there is no financial obligation for tuition or books. College text books belong to the program. They are to be returned at the end of each semester. The following semester’s schedule and books will be withheld from a student who has not returned his/her books. Students will be charged a replacement fee for lost books. ACADEMIC STANDARDS COLLEGE CLASSES All students must maintain a 2.0 GPA on their college transcript. Failure to do so results in dismissal from the program. If a college professor asks that a student be removed from his/her college class, the Collaborative Program will take immediate steps to comply. Further, it will be assumed that the student will be leaving the program at the end of the semester. A grade of “D” in a college class is not considered passing. The class will be placed on the high school transcript as an elective credit in the appropriate area of study. To earn a required credit, the student will need to repeat the college course earning a “C” or better. All “F’s” are transcribed as such for the required high school class. The student will then need to repeat the course. Collaborative staff will not advocate with college professors for a student. -9- SUPPORT CLASSES Support classes are taught by a high school teacher. These classes are designed to help students make a smooth transition for high school to college. The following will be among the topics addressed by the support teacher: Expected standard of behavior in college classes Expected quality of work in college classes Where to find academic assistance How to prepare for tests Accessing non-academic campus resources Lessons that augment the college course material A student who remains in a support class for an entire semester will receive .5 elective high school credits. At midterm students have an option to WAIVE a support class if they are passing the associated college class with a “C” or better. Students may obtain a waiver form from their mentor or support teacher. No student with three or more WEVIS absences may opt out of a support class. CREDIT RECOVERY Credit Recovery is only available for classes taken at the home high school. MENTORING Every student is assigned a Mentor teacher. Students are required to meet with the Mentor Teacher once a week at their scheduled time. The purpose of the mentoring is to ensure students’ success in support classes and college classes. During the mentoring sessions, the student and the mentor touch base on the student’s progress in all classes in order to prevent or solve academic and/or behavior problems. - 10 - GRADING SYSTEM All college classes are transcripted as honors classes. The grading scale used by a professor will be included in his/her class syllabus. Support class grades are based on the KCS scale. 93% up A 85% up B 75% up C 65% up D Five components have been identified as contributing to the success of Collaborative students. The components are given equal weight in calculating a student’s points in his/her support class. Ten points per session are possible bases on the following: ATTENDANCE PUNCTUALITY BEHAVIOR CLASS PARTICIPATION ACADEMIC PARTICIPATION 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points MIDTERM REPORTS AND GRADE CARDS Midterm progress reports are written based on professors reporting “D”s and “F”s and on support class grades. Reports will be mailed home by the Friday following the deadline for professors to report midterms. Parents may, at any time, request a conference with the student and his/her collaborative teachers. Parents may not contact professors. Midterm reports are intended to keep the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) up to date about grades. It provides an opportunity for the student to work toward grade improvement. Report cards reflect final grades and are mailed home before the Collaborative staff leaves for break. NOTE TO GRADUATING SENIORS: We cannot determine when professors will submit final grades. All we can do is quote the University’s deadline. If, for graduation ceremony purposes, the home school expects final grades before they are available, it will be up to each student to work out an agreement with his/her home school counselor. - 11 - ATTENDANCE COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM ATTENDANCE The University Collaborative School follows WVSU’s academic calendar for attendance. Our fall semester runs from mid-August to mid-December. Our spring semester runs from mid-January to midMay. We only take the holidays that the University takes and our spring break coincides with the University’s. We DO NOT follow the KCS schedule for holidays or breaks. Please read INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY. If your student will be absent for any reason please notify the Collaborative staff at 304-766-4145. A parent/guardian must be the one that calls. If a student is absent from a support class and there has been no notification as to why, an attempt will be made to notify a parent/guardian by telephone. WVEIS absences are based on support class attendance. Therefore it is critical that your student attends every support class. A parent teacher conference will be scheduled if your student has four unexcused WVEIS absences. The Attendance Officer for the county will be notified if your student has five unexcused WVEIS absences. If a student amasses six unexcused WVEIS absences it is assumed he/she no longer wishes to participate in the Collaborative Program and will therefore be referred to Dr. Jones. COLLEGE COURSE ATTENDANCE Every college instructor has his/her own attendance policy which is stated in his/her syllabus. Some instructors cut a student’s letter grade after a certain number of absences. Refer to the class syllabus. College absences are never excused unless WVSU closes the campus of the University instructor cancels class. See the class syllabus for the instructor’s cancellation policy. Students should check their WVSU Webmail regularly for notices of closures or cancelations. Collaborative staff has no jurisdiction in deciding whether or when students may be excused from college classes. Please read INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY. - 12 - INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In the event that KCS is closed due to inclement weather, the Collaborative office will be closed and support classes canceled. Again, this only applies to KCS closing for inclement weather. For college classes, students should check their WVSU Webmail regularly for notices of closures or cancelations. You may also call 304-766-3000 and ask to speak with the secretary of the college that the class falls under. INCIDENTALS Plagiarism is not tolerated and may result in termination from WVSU and/or the Collaborative Program. Students who skip a college final examination may be dismissed from the Collaborative Program Students may not use cell phones or any type of electronic device to take photographs, video recordings, audio recording, or any other form of digital media recordings of Collaborative Program staff without express written permission from the staff member (with the exception of parent(s)/guardian(s) who wish to record their student’s graduation ceremony). KCS does not permit bullying or harassment in any form. Students who engage in any form of bullying or harassment including but not limited to via text messaging, audio recordings, video recordings, social media platforms, or any other technological system will be referred to the Principal of Alternative Schools and the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools to make a determination of his/her enrollment in the program. - 13 - STUDENT SERVICES MY STATE and WEBMAIL To log onto My State: Go to http://www.wvstateu.edu/ and click on the My State link. Every student is assigned a nine digit WVSU “A” number. Use this number and your six or eight digit birth date Password (mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy) to log on. Here you can access, among other things, your: o Email address o Schedule o Mid-term and semester grades You absolutely may not change your My State password. To log onto Webmail: Go to http://www.wvstateu.edu/ and click on the Webmail link. Use the first part of your WVSU email address ( I would use mkessin1 because my email address is mkessin1@wvstateu.edu) and your six or eight digit birth date Password (mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy) to log on. You may and in fact are encouraged to change your email password. TUTORING Each of the University’s colleges offer subject specific tutoring. Contact your college instructor for details. In addition, some college classes offer SI (Supplemental Instruction) classes. Again, speak with your professor. The T2AP room for math tutoring is open M-R from 7-10. COUNSELOR To help senior students with college application need, the Collaborative counselor will offer FAFSA seminars, ACT registration assistance, and general college application concerns. In addition, the Financial Aid Department offers free help with FAFSA. LUNCH Collaborative students are not provided lunch on the WVSU campus. It is the students’ or parents’ responsibility. There are fast food facilities in the Student Union Building as well as a dining hall. Students can contact Vicky Barnes in Residential Services located in Prillerman Hall (304-766-5758) to establish a Commuter Meal Plan. Minimum funds that can be put on account are $150. Students can use their WVSU I.D. as their “credit card” to purchase meals in cafeteria or the fast food facilities in the student union. Amount of purchase is deducted each time student uses card. Parents can put more money on the card as needed. Students are also encouraged to bring bag lunches and snacks form home. - 14 - TRANSPORTATION KCS does NOT provide transportation to students attending Collaborative Program; it is parents’ responsibility to provide transportation to and from school. There may be KRT bus passes available for students at a discount rate, but this is not guaranteed. Please contact the office. PARKING Students who drive to school must buy a parking permit. Students can purchase the parking decal at the cashier’s office on the first floor of Ferrell Hall. All parking violations must be paid before students can be scheduled for a new semester. Collaborative staff is not responsible for inability to schedule due to any holds on a student’s record. ELECTRONIC DEVICES The administration will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. No electronic devices are to be used in college classes. Use of electronic devices in any support class must be with the permission of the instructor and within the parameters of the class syllabus. Collaborative Program staff members are not responsible for any electronic devices left in the offices or anywhere on campus. OFF LIMIT AREAS Students may take full advantage of the student union, library, open computer labs, etc. However, students are not permitted to attend University social events where alcohol is served, nor are students permitted in any of the college dorms under any circumstances. HIGH SCHOOL EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A Collaborative Student is allowed to participate in the regular high school’s extra-curricular activities, as long as the student has not been banned from the campus (expelled, sent to Chandler Academy, suspended without return). However, the student is NOT permitted to return to the high school during the school sessions without making an appointment with the home school office. Students may not miss Collaborative for extra-curricular activities. MEDICAL TREATMENT Collaborative Program does not have facilities and/or qualified staff to accommodate for or provide any medical services including dispersion of medication. In case of an emergency, a 911 call will be made. Students may seek help from the WVSU medical facility; students are responsible for any fees that apply. - 15 - ANNOUNCEMENTS The Collaborative Program uses remind a one-way text messaging and email system to send alerts to students and parents. With remind, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. To receive messages via text, text @wvsucollab to 81010 and following the prompts. You can opt-out of messages at any time by replying, ‘unsubscribe @wvsucollab’. Standard texting rates apply. To receive messages via email, send email to wvsucollab@mail.remind.com. To unsubscribe, reply with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line. Teachers also rely heavily on texting information to students. Students should check their WVSU Webmail regularly for messages from University instructors and Collaborative staff. INTERNET/RESOURCE COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS All students are to have submitted an Internet Use Form. There are computers available for students’ use in the library and study rooms in the Student Union building. Some University colleges also have subject specific labs such as the English writing lab. Students must use their student ID cards and passwords to long on. PARENT/GUARDIAN AND STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Parents/guardians and students are responsible for attending any scheduled meetings, conferences, or events as designated by Collaborative staff. Any type of form issued by the Collaborative staff upon which a parent/guardian and/or student signature is required, must be signed and returned. Students should not leave any personal items in the Collaborative offices or anywhere on campus. Collaborative staff will not be responsible for personal items. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Upon meeting graduation requirements, Collaborative students receive a high school diploma from the home school. The academic records of all seniors, including WVSU classes, senior student transcripts, awards, and test scores are returned to the home school. See the Collaborative counselor regarding any high school or college transcript questions. GRADUATION CELEBRATION University Collaborative Program has its own graduation celebration. However, students can also walk with their home school. If a student plans to walk with the home school, he/she should notify the home school counselor in advance. - 16 -