EUREC-IST The EUREC MSc in Renewable Energy Ocean Energy Specialization 2012/2013 Economics, Public Policies and Environment Prof António Sarmento Department Mechanical Engineering IST/Technical University of Lisbon Tel: 21 8417405 Email: Module Curriculum 1) Type and ECTS Mandatory and 4.5 ECTS 2) Teaching staff Prof. António Sarmento (IST; Responsible and Ocean Economy and OTEC lectures. Mr. Alex Raventós (WavEC; Ocean energy economy lectures. Mr. Nuno Matos (WavEC; Public Policies lectures. Dr. Teresa Simas (WavEC; Environment lectures. 3) General Objectives To put the student into contact with the economics of ocean energy (costs, project financing, market development), the role and processes of public policies and their relevance to foster the development of these pre-matured technologies and the impact of environmental concerns, constraints and processes in the development of offshore renewable energy farms. 4) Learning Outcomes At the completion of this module, the student will: Become familiar with the basic economic analysis of ocean energy systems including the cost, financing and economic evaluation Get basic knowledge on the general policy issues regarding ocean energy systems and more detailed knowledge on the licensing and permitting procedures for installation of OE systems and enabling mechanisms as funding, feed-in tariffs and tax incentives Be able to perform simple environmental impact studies for OE systems. 5) Contents Economics, Public Policies and Environment 1 (EPE1) Economics Costs of ocean energy: Key concepts and definitions o Overview of the main types of cost components o The Cost of Capital o CAPEX and OPEX o LCOE Introduction to project feasibility assessment o Main finance definitions: Debt, Equity, Cash Flows, Payback period, IRR, NPV, etc. o Example of a project feasibility assessment using Retscreen Towards the market: Electricity Market, support mechanisms and future scenarios o The electricity market o External costs of energy o Scenarios for ocean energy: installed capacity and expected cost evolution o Support mechanisms for new technologies: FIT’s, certificates and others. Economics, Public Policies and Environment 2 (EPE2) Public Policies Public issues o Public Policies o Public Administration o The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Area Licensing and Permitting o Consenting (Licensing and Permitting) o Training of Public Administration o Outreach Technology and market development tools o Phases of development o Financing Mechanisms o Market development tools Economics, Public Policies and Environment 3 (EPE3) Environment EIA objectives, processes and requirements o What is the Environmental Impact Assessment? o Environmental Impact Assessment approaches o The European legal context of the EIA (EU related Directives) o EIA as a stepwise approach o The EIA process for Marine Renewable Energy projects Public consultation and conflict of uses o Public opinion, acceptance and participation o Conflict of uses o Consultation procedures Environmental monitoring o Monitoring plan o Methodologies o Adaptive management 6) Evaluation Method EPE1 and EPE2 The evaluation method will comprise the two following parts: 1. A work to be undertaken part individually and part in group to be presented in March 25. The work will be common to the Ocean Renewable Energy module 1 (OER1). This work will weight 25% for the final mark. 2. A written test with no consultation that weights 35% for the final mark. EPE3 Similarly there will be an assignment with a weight of 15% and a written test with a weight of 25%. Approval in the first assessment period will be obtained if the final mark is higher than 9.5. Students not approved in the first assessment period (as indicated above) can take a final written exam that weights 60% for the final mark, the remaining 40% being from the assignments as indicated. Students are approved in the second assessment period if their final mark exceeds 9.5. 7) Bibliography Ernst & Young and DECC (UK). “Cost of and financial support for offshore wind”, 2009. Paillard, M., Lacroix, D., Lamblin, V. (2009) Marine Energy Renewables – Prospective Foresight Study for 2030, Éditions Quae, ISBN 978-2-7592-0183-9. Mendonça, M. (2007) Feed-In Tariffs – Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy, Earthscan, ISBN 978-1-84407-788-5. Soares, I., Moreira J., Pinho, C. e Couto J. (2007). Análise Financeira de Projectos, Edições Sílabo, Portugal. Thomas A. Birkland – “An introduction to the policy process: theories, concepts and models of public policy making”, 294 pages, Publisher: M.E. Sharpe (January 1, 2001), ISBN: 0765604183. Economics of wind Energy, EWEA, nt/Economics_of_Wind_Energy__March_2009_.pdf Projected Costs of Generating Electricity. IEA, 2010. “Accelerating marine energy”, Carbon Trust, 2011. 8) Lectures and assessment plan Day 18-Fev 19-Fev 19-Fev 25-Fev 26-Fev 26-Fev 04-Mar 05-Mar 05-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 12-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 19-Mar 25-Mar 25-Mar 08-Abr 09-Abr 09-Abr 15-Abr 16-Abr 16-Abr 22-Abr 23-Abr 23-Abr 29-Abr 30-Abr 30-Abr 04-Jun 04-Jun 25-Jun Hour Subject Teatcher Module 14:30 Public policies: role, agents, processes & impacts (I) NM EPE2 09:00 Public policies: role, agents, processes & impacts (II) NM EPE2 10:30 Tutorial on Public Policies (I) NM EPE2 14:30 Public Policies: application to OER (I) NM EPE2 09:00 Public Policies: application to OER (II) NM EPE2 10:30 Tutorial on Public Policies (II) NM EPE2 14:30 Cost of O. Energy: key concepts & definitions (I) AR EPE1 09:00 Cost of O. Energy: key concepts & definitions (II) AR EPE1 10:30 Tutorial on Cost of Ocean Energy AR EPE1 14:30 Introduction to project feasibility assessment (I) AR EPE1 09:00 Introduction to project feasibility assessment (II) AR EPE1 10:30 Tutorial on project feasibility assessment AR EPE1 14:30 Electricity Market and future scenarios (I) AR EPE1 09:00 Electricity Market and future scenarios (II) AR EPE1 10:30 Tutorial on Electricity Market & future scenarios AR EPE1 09:00 Test EPE1 & EPE2 AR, NM 10:30 Presentation of OER1 & EPE1&2 assignments AS, TS, JC, AR, NM 14:30 Environment Impact Assessment (I) TS EPE3 09:00 Environment Impact Assessment (II) TS EPE3 10:30 Tutorial on EIA (I) TS EPE3 14:30 Environment Impact Assessment (III) TS EPE3 09:00 Environment Impact Assessment (IV) TS EPE3 10:30 Tutorial on EIA (II) TS EPE3 14:30 Public consultation and conflict of uses (I) TS EPE3 09:00 Public consultation and conflict of uses (II) TS EPE3 10:30 Tutorial on conflict of uses TS EPE3 14:30 Environmental monitoring (I) TS EPE3 09:00 Environmental monitoring (II) TS EPE3 10:30 Tutorial on Environmental Monitoring TS EPE3 09:00 Test EPE3 TS EPE3 10:30 Presentation of EPE3 assignments TS EPE3 14:30 Exam EPE AR, NM, TS