Leadership Development Report - California 4


Section 4-B Alternate:

Leadership Development Report (LDR)


The 4-H leadership experience is designed to provide members with the opportunity to learn about the qualities and competencies needed to be a leader. Leadership is not doing things for the group, it is helping the group decide what needs to be done and how. There are many ways to learn valuable leadership skills in the 4-H program, and growing leadership skills happens as a result of participating in many activities and in different roles.

This form is a modified version of the Junior and Teen Leadership Development Report. The purpose of this form is to simplify the Record Book process for members whose involvement extends well beyond the positions of Teen or Junior Leader.

Work collaboratively with adult leaders to set goals, develop lesson plans, teach skills, and evaluate the activity or project.


Coordinate logistical details such as meeting times, locations, materials and supplies, and expenses with the adult leader.


Communicate with the adult leader and members about group expectations, responsibilities, and expected outcomes.

At the beginning of the year, the 4-H member and the adult leaders should meet to discuss the project and define each of their roles. The 4-H member should complete the pre-project part of the form. At the end of the year, the 4-H member must complete the post-project part of the form and include the entire form in his/her Record Book to receive credit.

This form has three (3) parts.


In Part 1, the 4-H member explains all of his or her leadership roles and why they are important. Additionally, the 4-H member sets leadership goals to be accomplished by the end of the program year.


For Part 2, the 4-H member completes one set (Part 2a and 2b) per leadership activity. This part of the form is for explaining how the goals set in Part 1 will be accomplished or relevant to each leadership activity.


Finally, in Part 3, the 4-H member will reflect on how his or her experiences throughout the program year have contributed to his or her development as a leader.

Each “Part 2” of the Leadership Development Report form completed and signed by the Adult

Leader counts as a separate credit on the PDR (under #4 Leadership Development).

California 4-H Record Book

California 4-H Youth Development Program

Leadership Development Report


Club Program Year




Leadership Development Project [] Junior Leader [] Teen Leader

All Star Ambassador [] Exchange

State Ambassador []

Club Officer []

Camp Counselor [] Other

Part 1: Complete this page before the program year begins:

Briefly describe your leadership roles marked above. Why are they important?

I. Record the goals you have for your leadership development.

II. At the end of the program year, which of the 6 Cs (confidence, competence, character, caring, connection, contribution) do you plan to develop?

California 4-H Record Book

Leadership Development Report (Continued)

Part 2a: Submit one form per project for which you are a junior or teen leader OR other leadership activity.



Years in


Number of other members

Please list only those goals, strategies and shifting gears that apply to this project or activity.

This page is to be completed at the beginning of the program year.

Select Goals Pursue Strategies Shift Gears

Record the goals you have for this project or activity. Think of each

goal as a destination.

What are the steps you will take to reach your goals?

Include by when, by whom, and the specific actions.

What are some things that may get in the way of achieving your goals? What can you do to overcome those challenges or obstacles?

Reviewed and Discussed

I have personally prepared this report and believe it to be correct.

4-H Member’s Signature:

I have personally reviewed and discussed this report with the member.

4-H Project/ Activity Leader’s Signature:



California 4-H Record Book

Leadership Development Report (Continued)

Part 2b: Please refer to the goals you selected at the beginning of the program year. This page is to be completed at the end of the program year.

Specific Goal Discuss how you What strategies Give examples of when did or did not reach your goals for this worked or didn’t work? you had to shift gears toward reaching your project/ program/ experience. goals.

For the Project Leader: Please provide feedback and comments on the 4-H member’s leadership role.

Reviewed and Discussed

I have personally prepared this report and believe it to be correct.

4-H Member’s Signature:

I have personally reviewed and discussed this report with the member.


4-H Project/ Activity Leader’s Signature: Date:

California 4-H Record Book

California 4-H Youth Development Program

Leadership Development Report

Part 3: Complete this page at the end of the program year.

Through your leadership activities, did you identify a spark, passion, or interest? What did you do and learn?

Discuss the 6 Cs (confidence, competence, character, caring, connection, contribution) that you developed this year. Which C(s) did you develop? How do you know that you grew in that C? If you developed a C that you did not plan to, (Part 1) discuss that C as well.

Final Signature

I have personally prepared this report and believe it to be correct.

Member’s Signature: Date:

California 4-H Record Book
