
CURRICULUM SUMMARY – September to December 2014
SUBJECT: Mathematics
Week Learning objectives
Activities (in brief)
Agata Piskorz
Students will:
 Understand negative numbers as s position
on a number line.
 Know what are integers, absolute value of a
number, opposite numbers.
 Order integers.
Using directed numbers in practical situations. e.g. temperature changes, flood levels.(7-p.18)
Ordering positive and negative integers, using the symbols =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥
 Multiply and divide by integer power of 10
 Round and order decimals
 Mental multiplication and division
 Multiply and divide decimals
Using the number line to illustrate adding positive and negative numbers and subtracting positive
and negative numbers.
Adding and subtracting integers including negative numbers adding and subtracting numbers
mentally (7-p20)
Using written methods to add and subtract integers and decimals of any size, including numbers
with differing numbers of decimal places. (8-p.2, p.104)
Revising written methods to multiply and divide simple integers and decimals.
Using calculator to perform all four operations. Using the function key of a calculator for a sign
change.(7-p26) - “Make me zero” game.
Dividing with remainder (7-p.112).
Reading and write positive integer powers of 10
Understanding negative integer powers of 10 –exercises.
Multiplying and dividing numbers by integer power of 10 mentally.
Using the power key on a calculator
Ordering decimals, rounding decimals to a given accuracy.
Practicing mental strategies (8-p.106)
Using standard column procedures multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals.(8p.108,110)
Add and subtract integers in context
Add and subtract integers and decimals.
Multiply and divide integers.
Divide with a remainder.
Use multiples, factors, common factors,
highest common factors, lowest common
multiples and primes.
Find the prime factor decomposition of a
Use powers and roots
Eratosthenes sew for prime numbers – activity.
Finding prime factors of a number (line method, tree method)
Finding the Highest Common Factor and the Least Common Multiple (the Venn Diagram
Using prime factor decomposition to write a number in an index notation
Students will:
 Know angles formed when a line crosses two
parallel lines.
 Know the sum of interior angles in a triangle.
 Know the sum of interior angles in a
 Identify and know the sum of exterior angles
in a polygon.
Know and use properties of triangles and
Construct midpoint and perpendicular
bisector of a line.
Construct bisector of an angle.
The perpendicular from a point to a line.
The perpendicular from a point on a line
Students will:
Know the meanings of the words: variable
term, expression and equation
Understand that algebraic operations follow
the same conventions and order as
arithmetic operations
Solve word problems in the context of
Begin to distinguish between the different
Investigating and using properties of two parallel lines crossed by a transversal line.
Identifying vertically opposite angles, alternate angles, corresponding angles.
Proving the theorem that the sum of interior angles in a triangle is 180°, using this theorem.
Calculating angles.
Proving some angles’ properties.
Solving geometrical problems using side and angle properties of isosceles, equilateral and rightangled triangles, explaining reasoning with diagrams and text.
Using a ruler and a compass to construct a triangle given three sides (SSS). Understanding the
triangle inequality.
Solving geometrical problems using side and angle properties of quadrilaterals, explaining
reasoning with diagrams and text.
Classifying quadrilaterals by their geometric properties – using tables, Venn diagrams and other
forms of representation.
(8-p.24, 26)
Using a ruler and a compass to construct bisectors of lines and angles.
Investigating and using properties of the perpendicular bisector of a line and the bisector of an
Constructing the circle inscribed in a triangle and subscribed on a triangle.
(7-p.68,70,157) Using letter symbols to represent unknown numbers.
Using simple formulae from mathematics and other subjects.
(7-p.74, 7-p.76, 8-p.58, 8-p.144)Substituting positive integers into simple linear expressions and
formulae and, in simple cases, deriving a formula.
(7-p.72, 7-160, 8-p.176)) Simplifying linear algebraic expressions by collecting like terms; begin to
multiplying a single term over a bracket (integer coefficients).
(8-p.134, 8-p.136, 8-p.138, 8-p.178)Constructing and solving linear equations using inverse
roles played by letter symbols.
Solve simple linear equations .
Students will:
 Know what is a sequence.
 Understand sequence notation
 Generate sequence using term – to-term rule
Generate sequence using position-to-term
Find the general formula for an arithmetic
Students will
 Understand fractions
 Express a smaller whole number as a fraction
of a larger one
Simplify fractions by cancelling all common
factors and identify equivalent fractions
add and subtract simple fractions and mixed
Convert decimals to fractions, fractions to
Students will
 Understand percentages
 Find percentage of a given number.
 Express one given number as a percentage of
calculate fractions of quantities
multiply and divide an integer by a fraction
(8-p.138, 8-p.180) Solving equations with brackets.
(8-p.182) Equations involving fractions.
(7-p.2) Generating and describing sequences which follow a certain pattern .
(7-p.4, 8-p.10) Generating a sequence given term-to-term rule
(7-p.6 ) Generating sequences from simple practical contexts – sequences in diagrams.
(8-p.12) Using linear expression to describe n-th term of an arithmetic sequence.
Finding a fraction of each shape that is shaded.
Finding what fraction of a given number is a smaller given number.
Simplifying fractions.
Comparing two or more simple fractions.
Finding equivalent fractions.
(7-p.44) Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. Converting mixed numbers into
improper fractions.
(8-p.46) Adding and subtracting fractions.
(8-p.44) Using division to convert fractions to decimals. Understanding recurring decimals.
Ordering fractions.
Calculating fractions of quantities. Multiplying and dividing an integer by a fraction.
Multiplying and dividing fractions.
(8- p.50, 7-p.146)Interpreting percentage as the operator ‘so many hundredths of”. Calculating
percentages without and with a calculator.
Expressing a given number as percentage of another one .
Converting between fractions, percentages, decimals.
Understand and use percentage increase and
(8-p.52) Finding the outcome of a given percentage increase or decrease. Using decimals to find
outcome of a given percentage increase or decrease.
Given the outcome and the initial number, finding the percentage increase or decrease.
Introducing simple and compound interest.