Lesson -2

Lesson -2
1. The natural surroundings in which an animal lives – habitat
2. Tiny holes on the body of insect that help in exchange of gases – spiracles
3. The periodic movement of animals from one place to another and back to their original home –
4. An elongated appendage from the head of some insects, used as sucking apparatus – proboscis
5. Respiratory organ of a fish – gill
6. An animal that only eats plants - herbivore
7. An animal that only eats other animals – carnivore
8. An animal that eats both plants and animals – omnivore
1. Scales are found in fish
2. Fur protects the polar bear from cold.
3. Deer is a herbivore.
4. Whales are seen in salt water
5. Kiwi cannot fly.
6. Frogs use their webbed feet for swimming
7. Snake move with the help of broad plates
8. A migratory insect that damages the crops is Locust
9. An example of a rodent is rabbit
10. Air hole is found in frogs
Give two examples:1. Rodents
–rabbit and rat
2. Carnivores
- tiger and lion
3. Herbivores
- goat and deer
4. Scavengers
- hyena and vulture
5. Omnivores
- crow and bear
6. Migratory animals – Arctic tern and Siberian cranes
7. Animals with shell on their body – turtle and snail
8. Animals breathe through moist skin – frogs and earth worm
Knowledge and understanding
1. Habitat: the natural surroundings in which an animal lives.
2. Migration: The periodic movement of animals from one place to another and back to their
original home.
3. Proboscis: an elongated appendage from the head of some insects, used as sucking apparatus.
Answer the following
1. How does man use his limbs?
Ans. Man is able to stand erect on the lower limbs and is able to walk and run while the
forelimbs are so modified that he can hold objects and work with tools.
2. Why animals migrate?
Ans. Animals migrate every year to escape from the extreme cold weather, to give birth to their
young ones or in search of food.
3. What are the uses of different types of fins in a fish?
Ans. The unpaired fins help in maintaining balance in water. The tail fin helps in forward motion
and in changing direction. The paired fins serve as oars when the fish is swimming slowly.
4. Who are rodents?
Ans. Smaller herbivores like rabbit, rat and squirrel nibble at nuts and fruits with their sharp front
teeth are called rodents.
5. How are wings of insects different from those of birds?
Ans. The wings of insects are thin and have scales on them and do not have muscles attached to the
wings .The muscles which are found inside their chest help them to fly.
6. How do the teeth of herbivores differ from those of carnivores?
Ans. Herbivores like cow, goat etc. have sharp incisors for biting and broad molars for grinding the
food. But carnivores have sharp pointed canines to tear flesh and broad molars for chewing bones
and flesh of their prey.
7. How are the scales of fish different from those of reptile?
Ans. The scales of fish are over-lapping and waterproof. The scales of snakes and lizard are leathery
preventing water loss from their body.
8. Explain how do insects breathe?
Ans. Insects breath through small openings at sides of their body called spiracles. These spiracles
lead into a net work of branching tubes called tracheae or air tubes. These tracheae divide and sub
divide and pass into each and every tissue of the insects.
9. Why does an insect not die when you immerse its head in water?
Ans. Because it has no openings on the head through which water might enter.