Dr. T G Nageshwar Rao Discipline: Plant Pathology Designation: Principal Scientist At DSR Since: 2000 Email: nagesh@sorghum.res.in Academic Qualifications Degree Ph.D. Year of completion Institute / University Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural Subject(s) with major field 1985 Plant Pathology 1980 Plant Pathology 1977 Agriculture University Hyderabad M. Sc Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, (Ag) Hyderabad. B. Sc Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, (Ag) Hyderabad. Employment Record & Experience (Starting from the present position) Designation Principal Scientist Organization ICAR Institution & place of posting Centre on Period (From-to) Duration (years, months) Rabi 13.7.2012 to Sorghum Solapur till date Principal Scientist & ICAR DSR, RS Jalna centre 10.11.2009 2yrs Officer in Charge MS months Principal Scientist ICAR to 12.7.2012 Directorate Plant Pathology Sorghum 8 of 20.4.2000 to 9 yrs 5 Research, 9.11.2009 months Hyderabad Senior Scientist Plant ICAR Directorate Pathology Oilseeds of 5.8.1995 Research, 19.4.2000 to 5 yrs 4 months Hyderabad Senior Scientist Plant ICAR Indian Pathology Spices Institute of 5.10.1989 to 5 yrs 4 Research 2.8.1995 months Calicut, Kerala Assistant Officer Research Acharya (Plant Ranga Pathology) Asst.Agricultural N.G. Regional Agricultural 2.5.1983 Agricultural Research Station, 30.9.1989 University Jagtial, Hyderabad Karimnagar, A.P Dept of Agril. Govt CADA, to 6yrs months Dist. Peddapalli, 11 .1.1980 to 11 4 Officer of AP Dist. Karimnagar 6.12.1980 months (A.P.) Current responsibilities: o Epidemiology and host plant resistance to major foliar diseases of sorghum o Identification of new sources of resistance to grain molds and foliar diseases o Disease management Recent 3 major contributions: o Identified potential 13 resistant sources for grain mold in collaboration with AICSIP and recording grain mold score <4 in the scale of 1-9 scale. o Three crosses made (IS7310 X SPV 1428, GM 9219 X IS-14384, SVD 1901 X AKMS-14B) using grain mold donors was further advanced to F3 generation. o Identified twelve entries viz., 219A X CB 29, 219A X CB 33, 219A X CB 32, BN 1309-r07, BN 1314-R07, BN 1316 R07, BN 1320 R07, BN 1324 R07, BN 1325 R07 that recorded low grain mold at hot spot. Current collaborative activities: Nill Recent most significant publications: o Navi SS, Bandyopadhyay R, Tonapi VA, Nageshwar Rao TG, Indira S, Reddy RK Tooley PW and Thomas D 2007. Prevalence of major foliar and panicle diseases of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) in the Deccan plateau of India. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 40 (1): 19-35. o Chaturvedi VK, Nageshwar Rao TG and Devender V 2007 Relationship of protein, moisture, ash and hardness in grain of sorghum genotypes with different mold ratings. J Mycol Pl Path 37: 108-111. o Kumar A, Reddy PN and Nageshwar Rao TG 2007. Host range studies on Botrytis ricini, the causal agent of castor grey mold. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 35(1): 140-141. o Kumar A, Reddy PN and Nageshwar Rao TG 2007. Salicylic acid and 2.4-dinitrophenol induced resistance against Botrytis grey mold of castor. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. 35(1): 136-137 Other professional activities: o Life member, IPS New Delhi and Indian Journal of Plant Protection, Hyderabad Dr. A V Umakanth Discipline: Plant Breeding Designation: Principal Scientist At DSR Since: 1997 Email: umakanth@sorghum.res.in | Mobile: 09441980980 Academic Qualifications Degree Ph D Year of completion Institute/ University Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural 1997 Genetics and Plant University, Hyderabad, India M.Sc. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, (Ag) Hyderabad, India B.Sc. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, (Ag) Hyderabad, India Subject(s) with major field breeding 1993 Genetics and Plant Breeding 1991 Agriculture sciences Employment Record & Experience (Starting from the present position) Designation Principal Organization ICAR Scientist Senior ICAR Scientist Scientist Institution & place of posting Period (From-to) Duration (years, months) Directorate of Sorghum 2012- Till Research, Hyderabad date Directorate of Sorghum 2006 - 2012 6 Yrs 1997-2006 9 years Research, Hyderabad ICAR National Research Center for Sorghum Current responsibilities: o Genetic enhancement for high biomass accumulation rate in sweet and high biomass sorghums o Development of low lignin-high biomass sorghums through introgression of brown midrib genes suitable for second generation biofuel and bioenergy production o Development of pest and disease tolerant sweet and dual-purpose sorghum genotypes which can be used as quality forage o Coordination of sweet sorghum research as Principal Investigator under All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project Recent 3 major contributions: o Developed the dual-purpose variety SPV 1870 which has been released as CSV 27 during 2012 for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Haryana under rainfed condition in Kharif season o Developed the kharif dual-purpose variety CSV 20 which has been released and notified during 2009 for All India cultivation o Developed two brown midrib entries viz., SPV 2018 and SPV 2017 which have recorded significantly lowest lignin and highest digestibility (IVDMD) compared to the checks. Recent awards and recognitions: o Won III prize for poster entitled “Potential of sweet sorghum for bioenergy, biomass, food and fodder in dryland agro ecosystems” during National Seminar on millets held at Hyderabad during Nov 2010. Authors: S S Rao, Seetharama N, Umakanth A V , Elangovan M, Ratnavathi C V, Dayakar Rao B, Bhat V and Mishra J S o Reviewer for National and International journals Current collaborative activities: o Collaboration exists with IICT, ICRISAT, JNTUH, TNAU, IIT-M, and IIT-D in promoting sorghum as an efficient feedstock for 2nd generation biofuel production Recent most significant publications: o Umakanth V. Akula, Padmaja G. Poluru, Ashok Kumar Jangam and Patil V. Jagannath. 2012. Influence of types of sterile cytoplasm on the resistance to sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) Plant Breeding 131: 94-99 o Umakanth A V, Venkatesh Bhat B, Hariprasanna K and Ramana O V. 2012. Stability of yield and related traits in dual-purpose sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) across locations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (6): 532–4. o Umakanth A V, Patil J V, Rani Ch, Gadakh S R, Siva Kumar S, Rao S S and Tanmay Vilol Kotasthane. 2012. Combining Ability and Heterosis over Environments for Stalk and Sugar Related Traits in Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.).Sugar Tech 14(3):237–246 o Srinivasa Rao P, Prasad J V N S, Umakanth A V and Belum V S Reddy 2011. Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] - A New generation water use efficient bioenergy crop. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development26(1): 65-71 o Umakanth A V, Madhusudhana R and Swarnlata Kaul. 2010. Genetics of Waxy Bloom and Awning in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Annals of Arid Zone 49(1): 71-73 Other professional activities o Officer-In-charge for DSR campus at Warangal o Member of various institutional support services Dr. Dayakar Rao B Discipline: Agrl. Economics Designation: Principal Scientist At DSR Since: 1993 Email: dayakar@sorghum.res.in Mobile: 09989710405 Academic Qualifications Degree Institute/ University Year of completion Subject(s) with major field Ph D NDRI, Karnal 1991 Agricultural Economics M.Sc. (Ag) ANGRAU, Hyderabad 1987 Agricultural Economics B.Sc. (Ag) ANGRAU, Hyderabad 1985 Agricultural Sciences Employment Record & Experience (Starting from the present position) Designation Organization Principal ICAR Scientist Senior ICAR Scientist Scientist Scientist ICAR ICAR Institution & place of posting Period (From-to) Directorate of Sorghum 08-08-2008 to till Research, Hyderabad date National Research Centre for 08-08-1996 to Sorghum, Hyderabad, AP 08-08-2008 National Research Centre for 26-03-1993 to Sorghum, Hyderabad, AP 08-08-1996 Indian Institute of Horticultural 01-06-1992 to Research Institute (IIHR), 26-03-1993 Duration (years, months) 12 years 3 Years 9 months Bangalore Scientist ICAR NAARM, Hyderabad & IARI, 08-08-1991 to 1 year 3 New Delhi 31-05-1992 months Current responsibilities: o Nodal person for policy planning and all issues related to economics of sorghum o Member of National Task Force on Millets to devise Nation -wide programme on Millet Promotion constituted by Secretary, DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, New Delhi o CPI of NAIP subproject on “Creation of demand for millet foods through PCS value-chain” (2007-2014). o PI of DSR-Britannia Joint Project on “Development and Commercialization of Sorghum based Biscuits and Bakery products” (2012-14) o PI of Centre of Excellence on Sorghum Processing & Value Addition o Marketing analyst for sorghum seed, grain and fodder. o Entrepreneurship development & Liasoning with industries and government line departments on establishing linkages. o Consultancy on techno-economic feasibility studies of sorghum product technologies o Theme leader at DSR 2005-2013 on Socio-economics, Value-addition and Entrepreneurship Development Recent 3 major contributions: o Launched seven sorghum product technologies developed under DSR- NAIP project in Hyderabad city under Eatrite brand for their promotion and commercialization o Tie-ups with multi-national M/s Britannia Industries, and other key players such as ITC (foods) ltd, Bangalore, and 12 firms viz., including M/s Heritage Fresh Ltd, Hyderabad, M/s Hope Blessing Pvt Ltd, Delhi, and other Hyderabad based: M/s Bhagyanagar Foods, M/s Vegan Enterprises, M/s GUV Foods, M/s Kottaram Foods, M/s Nova Traders, M/s Sri Venkateswara Enterprises, M/s Chandu Rotis, and M/s Mathesis engineering Ltd. o Instrumental in launching of INSIMP (Initiative on Nutritional Security through Intensive Millet Promotion) in various millet growing states by DAC of Government of India which has roots in policy sensitization through NAIP/DSR efforts. o Entrepreneurship development training in partnership with ITC (ABD) Ltd., given to more than 12,000 including farmers, NGOs, Self help groups, government servants and entrepreneurs on sorghum processing and marketing, and improved methods of sorghum cultivation. Recent awards and recognitions: o NAIP-Appreciation award by PIU-NAIP on July 19, 2012 o Appointed as Nodal officer for monitoring and establishing Processing clusters across the country under INSIMP. o Accredited for guiding MABM students in Agribusiness, Department of Agri Business Management, ANGRAU, Hyderabad o Executive member, Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI), Hyderabad. o Member, Zonal Institute Technology Management Committee covering 22 ICAR centres (South Zone, ICAR) (2008- 2010) to assess the IP & to commercialize ICAR technologies generated by them. Current collaborative activities: o DSR- Britannia Industries (Pvt) Ltd joint project o With CFTRI, Mysore under NAIP Millets value chain project o DAC- DSR "Centre of Excellence" on Sorghum project Recent most significant publications: Research papers o T.V. Hymavathi, B Dayakar Rao S. Spandana and M.Sowmya. 2012. Physico chemical, Nutritional and sensory Quality of soy Fortified Gluten Free Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) vermicelli, Published by International Association of Cereal Science and Technology,Vienna December 2012 pp.58. o Hymavathi T V, Bala Tripurasundari, Dayakar Rao B and Spandana S. 2011. “Production of gluten- free products from underutilized millets”. Journal of Food Processing Technology 2011/S1: 2157-7110-10000S1-3/Special Issue 2011doi:10.4172/2157-7110.10000S1. o Dayakar Rao, B. 2011. “Linking Sorghum farmers to markets: Issues and approaches”. Journal of Agricultural Situation of India. Vol LXVII (2), pp 59-68. o Dayakar Rao B, Patil J V, Rajendraprasad M P, Nirmal Reddy K, Kamini Devi, Sriharsha B, and Kachui N. 2010. Impact of Innovations in Value Chain on Sorghum Farmers. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol 23: 419-426pp Other professional activities o Lifetime Executive member, Society of Agricultural marketing, Nagpur and Executive member, Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI), Hyderabad. o Serving as BOARD OF ADVISORS TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT. o Guiding M Sc, PGDBM and Ph D students o Reviewing Journal Papers of ASSOCOM INSTITUTE of BAKING Dr. KBRS Visarada Discipline: Genetics & Cytogenetics Designation: Principal Scientist At DSR Since: 1989 Email: visarada@sorghum.res.in Academic Qualifications Degree Ph.D Year of completion Institute/ University Dept of Genetics Osmania 1999 Genetic transformation of rice University, Hyderabad M. Sc School of University Life of Subject(s) with major field through particle bombardment Sciences, 1983 Life Sciences (Plant Sciences) Hyderabad, Hyderabad B. Sc. Andhra University, Waltair 1981 Botany, Zoology, Chemistry Employment Record & Experience (Starting from the present position) Designation Principal Organization ICAR Scientist Senior Scientist Institution & place of posting Directorate of Duration (years, months) Sorghum 2007-till Research, Hyderabad ICAR Period (From-to) date National Research Centre for 1999-2007 8 years Sorghum , Hyderabad Scientist ICAR (Selection National Research Centre for 1998-1999 1 year Sorghum , Hyderabad grade) Scientist (Senior ICAR National Research Centre for 1995-1998 Scale) Sorghum , Hyderabad Scientist S-1 ICAR National Research Centre for 1988-1995 3 years 7 years Sorghum , Hyderabad Scientist ICAR Directorate of Pulses Research , 1986-1989 3 years ( Now Indian Institute of Pulses Research) Kanpur Junior Research University Fellow Delhi of Dept of Botany, University of 1983-1986 Delhi, Delhi 3 years Current responsibilities: o Lead role in research project on creation of de novo variation through wide hybridization in sorghum o Contributing for development transgenic sorghum for tolerance to stemborer in sweet sorghum genotypes and parental lines of India. o Serving in different scientific and management activities as assigned. Recent 3 major contributions: o Instant popping of sorghum to suit urban life style and suitable lines are identified. Novel variants for high biomass, forage and grain types developed through wide hybridization in sorghum. o An Indian patent application was filed, Temp/2742/CHE/2009. o Promising transgenic Bt sorghum lines developed and evaluated in two popular sweet sorghum genotypes, SSV84 and RSSV9, and two elite parental lines of popular Kharif sorghum hybrids, 296B and CS3541. Recent awards and recognitions: o Elected life member of Plant tissue Culture Association (PTCA-I), India. o Was awarded TWAS visiting scientist fellowship to visit Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China during Jul-Oct 2013. Current collaborative activities: Recent most significant publications: o Visarada, K.B.R.S., Padmaja, P.G., Saikishore, N., Pashupatinath, E., Royer, M., Seetharama, N., and Patil, J.V. (2014). Production and evaluation of transgenic sorghum for resistance to stem borer. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.—Plant 50, 176–189. o Mulpuri Sujatha and K. B. R. S. Visarada (2013) Transformation of Nuclear DNA in Meristematic and Embryogenic Tissues. Stephan Sudowe and Angelika B. Reske-Kunz (eds.), Biolistic DNA Delivery: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 940, DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-110-3_3, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013 o Aruna C, Priya AR, Neeraja CN, JV Patil, Visarada KBRS* (2012) Diversity analysis using ISSR markers for resistance to shoot pests in sorghum. Crop Protection 35: 110-117 Other professional activities o Serving as member of scientific and research management committees of other research institutions o Invited professional lectures on Biosafety issues, Intellectual property rights and current advances in transgenic technology