Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor Str. Teodor Mihali nr. 58-60 Cluj-Napoca, RO-400951 Tel.: 0264-41.86.52-5 Fax: 0264-41.25.70 econ@econ.ubbcluj.ro www.econ.ubbcluj.ro DETAILED SYLLABUS Design and Implementation of Enterprise Modelling Tools 1. Information about the study program 1.1 University 1.2 Faculty 1.3 Department 1.4 Field of study 1.5 Program level (bachelor or master) 1.6 Study program / Qualification Babeș Bolyai Economic Sciences and Business Administration Business Information Systems Business Information Systems Master Business Modelling and Distributed Computing 2. Information about the subject 2.1 Subject title Design and Implementation of Enterprise Modelling Tools 2.2 Course activities professor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Andrei Buchmann 2.3 Seminar activities Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Andrei Buchmann professor 2.4 Year of 2.6 Type of I 2.5 Semester II Summative 2.7 Subject regime Optional study assessment 3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester) 3.1 Number of hours per week 3.4 Total number of hours in the curriculum out of which: 3.2 course out of which: 3.5 56 course 4 2 28 3.3 seminar/laboratory 3.6 seminar/laboratory 2 28 Hour s Study based on textbook, course support, references and notes 40 Additional documentation in the library, through specialized databases and field activities 23 Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports 40 Tutoring 8 Assessment (examinations) 8 Others activities ................................... 0 3.7 Total hours for individual 119 study 3.8 Total hours per semester 175 3.9 Number of credits 7 Time distribution 4. Preconditions (if necessary) 1 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. 4.1 Curriculum 4.2 Skills Not necessary Basic programming skills 5. Conditions (if necessary) 5.1. For course development 5.2. For seminar / laboratory development Notebook, beamer, Internet connection Computers with Internet connection 6. Acquired specific competences Professional competences Transversal competences Knowledge about popular and established enterprise architecture frameworks and their associated modelling languages Knowledge about popular metamodelling environments Knowledge about the theoretical foundations of metamodelling The ability to design the notation, syntax and semantics of a domain-specific modelling language The ability to implement modelling tools based on a designed modelling language The ability to implement model-driven functionality in enterprise modelling tools Commitment to the specific roles and responsibilities within teams that are developing enterprise information systems 7. Subject objectives (arising from the acquired specific competences) 7.1 Subject’s general objective 7.2 Specific objectives Students must become familiar with the fundamental principles of metamodelling and several environments for modelling tool implementation; Students must be able to design the metamodel of a domain-specific enterprise modelling language; Students must be able to implement a modelling language in the form of a modelling tool using one of the established metamodelling environments; Students must become familiar with the concept of modelling method and the development process for a modelling method; 8. Contents 8.1 Course Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (1): Zachman, FEA Teaching Observations methods Lecture, open 1 lect. discussion 2 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. Lecture, open 1 lect. discussion Modelling Languages and Methods for Enterprise Systems (1): Lecture, open 1 lect. UML, Archimate discussion Modelling Languages and Methods for Enterprise Systems (2): Lecture, open 1 lect. ADONIS discussion Lecture, Modelling Languages and Methods for Enterprise Systems (3): open 1 lect. SOM, COMVANTAGE discussion Metamodelling principles (1): Motivation, Abstraction layers in Lecture, open 1 lect. metamodelling discussion Metamodelling principles (2): The concept of modelling method, Lecture, notation, syntax, semantics open 1 lect. discussion Metamodelling principles (3): Modelling procedure and modelling Lecture, open 1 lect. functionality discussion Metamodelling environments (1): MetaEdit+ Lecture, open 1 lect. discussion Metamodelling environments (2): EMF Lecture, open 1 lect. discussion Metamodelling environments (3): ADOxx Lecture, open 1 lect. discussion Lecture, Metamodelling in ADOxx (1): Notation and syntax implementation 1 lect. demonstration Lecture, Metamodelling in ADOxx (2): Semantics and functionality open 1 lect. implementation discussion Lecture, case study, The ComVantage case demonstration, 1 lect. open discussion Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (2): TOGAF, SCOR 3 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. References: 1. BOC Group, ADOxx metamodeling platform: http://adoxx.org 2. BOC Group. ADONIS Community Edition. http://www.adonis-community.com/ 3. Bork, D. and Fill, H.-G. (2014). Formal Aspects of Enterprise Modeling Methods: A Comparison Framework, 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3400-3409. 4. Bork, D. and Sinz, E.J. (2013). Bridging the Gap From a Multi-View Modelling Method to the Design of a Multi-View Modelling Tool, Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal 8 (2), 25-41. 5. Chief Information Officers Council (1999). Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework. http://www.enterprisearchitecture.info/Images/Documents/Federal%20EA%20Framework.pdf 6. Eclipse Modelling Framework. http://eclipse.org/modeling/emf/ 7. MetaCase. MetaEdit+. http://www.metacase.com/products.html 8. Object Management Group. The UML resource page: http://www.uml.org/ 9. OMILab ComVantage prototypes: http://omilab.org/web/comvantage.home 10. Open Group (2011). TOGAF® Enterprise Edition version 9.1, http://www.opengroup.org/togaf/ 11. Open Group (2013). ArchiMate® 2.1 Specification, http://www.opengroup.org/archimate/ 12. Public documentation of the Comvantage FP7 project: http://comvantage.eu 13. Supply Chain Council. The SCOR Framework. http://www.apics.org/sites/apics-supplychain-council/merger-of-apics-and-supply-chain-council 14. The Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/egov_docs/common_approach_ to_federal_ea.pdf 15. Zachman, J.A. (1987). A framework for information systems architecture. IBM systems journal 26 (3), 276-292. Teaching 8.2 Seminar/laboratory Observations methods Demonstrative example case Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework Modelling with standards: UML, BPMN Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework Enterprise modelling: ADONIS Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework Enterprise modelling: SOM Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework 4 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. Enterprise modelling: COMVANTAGE Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework Conceptualisation of non-standard modelling languages Running 1 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework Design and implementation of syntactical aspects for a nonRunning 1 sem./lab. standard modelling language examples and individual exercises/ homework Design and implementation of semantic aspects for a non-standard Running 2 sem./lab. modelling language examples and individual exercises/ homework Design and implementation of functional aspects for a non-standard Running 2 sem./lab. modelling language examples and individual exercises/ homework Analysis and extension of the ComVantage modelling method Running 3 sem./lab. examples and individual exercises/ homework References: 1. BOC Group, ADOxx metamodeling platform: http://adoxx.org 2. BOC Group. ADONIS Community Edition. http://www.adoniscommunity.com/ 3. Eclipse Modelling Framework. http://eclipse.org/modeling/emf/ 4. MetaCase. MetaEdit+. http://www.metacase.com/products.html 5. OMILab ComVantage prototypes: http://omilab.org/web/comvantage.home 6. Open Group (2011). TOGAF® Enterprise Edition version 9.1, http://www.opengroup.org/togaf/ 7. Open Group (2013). ArchiMate® 2.1 Specification, http://www.opengroup.org/archimate/ 8. Wood D., Linked Enterprise Data, Springer, 2010 9. Corroboration / validation of the subject’s content in relation to the expectations coming from representatives of the epistemic community, of the professional associations and of the representative employers in the program’s field. 5 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty. The topics involved here have been a key element of recent EU research projects (ComVantage) which are involved here as exemplary cases, as motivational background and through the didactic inclusion of some of their public results The subject is a key component of emerging industrial paradigms such as Industry 4.0, Factories of the Future and a pivotal topic for prestigious scientific conferences (POEM, Models, ER etc.) 10. Assessment (examination) Type of activity 10.1 Assessment criteria 10.2 Assessment methods 10.4 Course Multiple choice test grid checking knowledge on discussed concepts Multiple choice quizz 10.5 Seminar/ laboratory Assumed domain requirements Language metamodel consistency Compliance of modelling tool to the modelling language design Evaluation of modelling language conceptualisation Evaluation of modelling tool implementation 10.3 Weight in the final grade 40% 30% 30% 10.6 Minimum performance standard • Minimum 50% of points for the course component • Minimum 50% of points for the seminar component Date of filling 19.01.2015 Signature of the course professor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Andrei Buchmann . Date of approval by the department 28.01.2015.......................................... Signature of the seminar professor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robert Andrei Buchmann. Head of department’s signature Prof. habil. Dr. Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi...................... 6 NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.