Dundee FRCS ENT (Otolaryngology) VIVA Course Innovation in Teaching Medical school Teaching rooms Ninewells Hospital,Dundee,DD1 9SY. Programme: Day 1: Thursday 8th October 2015 08:30 – 08:45 Registration & Coffee 08:45 – 09:00 Welcome 09:00 – 09:30 Structure of the Examination: (Mr Chris Loh) Liverpool 09:45 – 10:15 Top Tips Talks 09:45 – 09:55 09:55 – 10:05 10:05 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 Examination Tips Madhan- Liverpool CSOM -Sangeeta Maini -Aberdeen Guidelines –Andrew Kinshuck -Liverpool T3/4 laryngeal cancer/dysplasia/ Thyroid/parotid - Jai Manick Dundee 10:20 – 10:30 Coffee 10:30 – 13:15 (faculty coffee break 12.00-12.15) Viva Practice SESSION 1: 16 Candidates x 30mins(5mins feedback)/station; 9 stations ( 2 otology, 2 rhinology, 2 HN, 2Paed ENT, 1 Audiology) (2 examiners on each station + Delegates) Otology 08-10-15 Station 1 Station 2 O1-Sangeeta O2-Madhan M, Dinakar shakeel Rhinology & Facial plastics R1- BRam Paediatric ENT Head and Neck P1-Nicola S, Siew H1- Andy Evans, Chris Audiology Caroline, Ray Aidah Isa R2- Yujay, Kishore (AM)Omar Quba(PM) Ceilidh P2 Jai, Mark H2- David Walker, Andrew Kinshuck 13:15 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 14:45 Top Tips Talks 14:00 – 14:15 14:15 – 14:30 14:30- 14:40 14:45 – 15:00 Facial plastics & Assessment of rhinoplasty Baskar Ram Aberdeen CRS & EPOS – Yujay Nottingham vocal cord granuloma, polyp, palsy, neck penetrating trauma – Mark Newcastle Coffee 15:00 – 16:30 Viva Practice SESSION 2 16 Candidates x 30mins(5mins feedback)/station; 9 stations ( 2 otology, 2 rhinology, 2 HN, 2Paed ENT, 1 Audiology) (2 examiners on each station + Delegates) 08-10-15 Station 1 Station 2 O1-Sangeeta O2-Madhan M, Dinakar shakeel Otology Rhinology & Facial plastics R1- BRam R2- Yujay, Kishore (AM)Omar Quba(PM) Ceilidh P2 Jai, Mark Paediatric ENT Head and Neck P1-N S, Siew H1- Andy Evans, Chris Audiology Caroline, Ray Aidah Isa H2- David Walker, Andrew Kinshuck 16:30-17.00 Radiology In ENT Top tips- Dr Sudarshan Dundee 19:30 Course Dinner . Bridgeview Station Restaurant, Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4DB. Tel: 01382 660066. Day 2: Friday 9th October 2015 0830 – 09:00 Top Tips and Scenarios on Communication Skills – Mrs Ceilidh Kennedy 09:00 – 10:30 Clinical Skills (3 stations each candidate, Total Tables A-H {8}) A B C D E F B Ram, Sangeeta, Shakeel Yujay, Dinakar, Andy Andrew Chris jai Mary Mark Evans, Kinshuck Louise Chris G Esmond, David Walker H Madhan, Siew Paeds, Head and Neck, Rhinology, Otology, 10:30 – 11:00 Top Tips Talk 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:15 Paediatic ENT – Marie-Louise Edinburgh Coffee 11:15 – 13:00 Viva Practice SESSION 3& Communication skills: 16 Candidates x 15mins(2mins feedback)/station; 10 stations ( 2 otology, 2 rhinology, 2 HN, 2Paed ENT, 2 Communication station) (2 examiners on each station + Delegates) Station 1 09-10-15 Station 2 Otology Rhinology & Facial plastics O1-Sangeeta M, Dinakar R1- B Ram, Paediatric ENT Siew, Chris Head and Neck H1- Andy Evans, C1-Ceilidh O2-Madhan, Jai R2- Yujay, David Walker P2-MaryLouise, shakeel Communication skills 13.00 – 13:30 H2 Esmond, Mark C2-Andrew Kinshuck Lunch 13:30 – 15:10 Viva Practice & Communication skills 15:10 – 15:20 Coffee 15:20 – 15:40 Final Comments, Questions, Feedback Session – Mr Jai Manick 15:45 END Faculty – bring laptops, tablets. - Encouraged to collect viva images.